alarm clock works for only one day
please enter time in "hh:mm:ss am/pm" formate hh {0, 12} mm {0, 59} ss {0, 59}
html file contain ->
- realtime working clock that shows current time
- alarm creation templet containing alarm-title, alarm-time, and a create alarm button
- a list of alarms
javascipt functions ->
to maintain realtime clock i have use a. getCurrentTime() - to get current time b. setRealTimeClock() - to set current time in realtime working work on wep-page c. time interval function to update time in every 1s of time
to add alarm i have use a. addAlarm() - to make alarm object and add it to array b. createAlarm() - make timeout function to alert user on alarm time c. validateTime() - validate time and return alarm object
to delete alarm i have use a. deleteAlarm() - function to delete alarm and clear timeout
to render a list of alarm a. renderList() - by using alarms array i created a list of alarm items and inject in web-page