Demo with grid using viewslots
This branch Im rebuilding a lot, will keep it as a own project since I will do breaking changes, suggestions are welcome
Using som icons/classes from bootstrap:
Included used classes/icons, no need to install bootstrap for it to work, huge thanks to for giving bootstrap those amazing icons
How to use: (no plugin yet):
1: Copy the files under vgrid folder to you src folder, and move font and spinner image to styles folder
2: Add to main.js
- todo, show more when Ive renamed a few things/ and cleaned up more
- v-current-entity.bind: - mandatory, link you inputs etc to this
- v-collection.bind: - mandatory, link you inputs etc to this
- v-grid-context - optional, mandatory if you want to edit
- v-row-index - (not added yet) optional, supply index to use instead of grid adding one to keep control what ist displaying and not. and for selection
- v-row-height - optional, default 50
- v-header-height - optional, default 0
- v-footer-height - optional, default 0
- v-resizable-headers - optional, default false
- v-resize-also-rows - optional, default false
- v-multi-select - optional, default none
- v-sortable-headers - optional, default false
- v-request-animation-frame - optional, default true
- v-render-on-scrollbar-scroll - optional, default true
- v-header-filter - optional, default false
- v-header-filter-top - optional, default true
- v-header-filter-not-to - optional, default "" sample:"attribute1,attribute2"
- v-sort-on-header-click - optional, default false
- v-sort-not-on-header - optional, default "" sample:"attribute1,attribute2"
- v-row-on-draw - optional, default "" callback where you can modify dummy data for display in row
- v-row-onclick - optional, default "", bind function "myRowClick", returns data, row in main collection, and attribute
- v-row-ondblclick - optional, default "", bind function "myRowDblClick", returns data, row in main collection, and attribute
- v-manual-sel optional, default "false", this disable selection with on row click, to use this set fist column like this:
<v-grid-col v-col-width="50" v-col-type="selection"></v-grid-col>
to be able to control it
- v-col-width - optional, default 100
- v-col-attribute -mandatory
- v-col-header -mandatory
- v-col-read-only - optional, default false
- v-col-css - optional (need to use mustache tag if binding to collection data {{something}} )
- v-col-type - optional (image, checkbox), default normal input
- v-col-default-filter - optional
- v-col-filter-on-key - optional, default false
- v-col-formater -optional name of the valueformater (must have toView and fromView)
- v-col-edit-raw -optional, defaul = false, used when editing numbers where you want to edit the raw value
from whats used in the sample
myCollection = []; //collection you use
myCurrentEntity = {}; //current entity you link to inputs etc
myGrid = {}; //this is where you access inner function
style="position:absolute;top:70px;bottom:0px;right: 25px;left:25px"
<v-grid-col v-col-width="70" v-col-attribute="index" v-col-header="Index" v-col-default-filter=">=" v-col-read-only="true"></v-grid-col>
<v-grid-col v-col-width="100" v-col-attribute="name" v-col-filter-on-key="true" v-col-header="name" v-col-default-filter="*"></v-grid-col>
<v-grid-col v-col-width="180" v-col-attribute="images" v-col-header="image" v-col-type="image" v-col-css="border-radius: 50%;width:50%;margin-left:25%;" v-col-default-filter="=*"></v-grid-col>
<v-grid-col v-col-width="70" v-col-attribute="bool" v-col-header="bool" v-col-type="checkbox" v-col-default-filter="=" ></v-grid-col>
<v-grid-col v-col-width="80" v-col-attribute="number" v-col-header="Number" v-col-formater="numberFormat" v-col-edit-raw="true" v-col-css="text-align:right; padding-right:5px" v-col-default-filter=">="></v-grid-col>
<v-grid-col v-col-width="180" v-col-attribute="date" v-col-header="date" v-col-date-picker.bind=onDatePickerCreate v-col-formater="dateFormat" v-col-default-filter=">="></v-grid-col>
<v-grid-col v-col-width="160" v-col-attribute="color" v-col-header="Color" v-col-default-filter="=*" ></v-grid-col>
//unlock for editing
TODO: add more....
How to use the dummy generator under data folder
//import it on page/component, inject it, and call generator
import {dummyDataGenerator} from 'data/dummyDataGenerator'
export class sample01 {
static inject = [Element, dummyDataGenerator];
constructor(element, dummyDataGenerator) {
//get this element
this.element = element;
//this if just for giving us some data
this.dummyDataGenerator = dummyDataGenerator;
this.dummyDataGenerator.generateData(10000, (data) => {
this.myCollection = data;
this.collectionLength = this.myCollection.length;
Webpack :
you need to disable the require, and import it onto page
<require from="./v-grid.css"></require>
- I only test with and without bootstrap
- Using other special libs might mess with some inputs/context menus, if you have suggestion how to improve it then please make a issue with it, or code to fix for someof the css libs out there then that is great, I cant test with every one
- update 8.Mai, materlize should also work now