ScheduleXpress is a user-friendly app built in NextJS/ReactJS. It efficiently assign teachers and manage attendance at Hogwarts.
- Besides unit tests, I have included a single integration test using Jest, haven't used Cucumber at the moment however same test can be converted to cucumber.
- First time changing attendance also auto asisgn the teachers.
- I've used the Next.js app router with client components.
- For data, I've used mock data.
- App is currently hosted on Vercel. Please use the below demo link
- NextJS
- ReactJS
- Redux + Redux Toolkit
- Tailwind CSS - CSS utility
- Material UI - component library
- JEST/ React Testing library
None - using mock data
Please ensure you have node version >=18.17.0
Run the development server:
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.