Chick here for Gitbook
- OpenShift Authentication Providers with AD
- OpenShift External Authentication Provider
- LDAP group sync
- Group Policy
- Access and Projects collaboration
- OpenShift MachineSet and Infrastructure Nodes
- MachineSet on VMware
- Infrastructure Node and Moving Cluster Services to Infra Nodes
- OpenShift Platform Monitoring and Alert
- Monitoring Stack
- AlertRules and Alert Receiver
- OpenShift Cluster Logging
- OpenShift Networking
- OpenShift Network Policies Based SDN
- Egress IPs
- Network Access Logs
- OpenShift state backup with etcd snapshot
- Pod Taint and Toleration
- Assign pod to node
- Custom Roles and Service Account
- Custom Alert
- Compliance
- Application Build & Deployment
- Developer Console
- Command Line with oc
- Command Line with odo
- Helm
- Image Streams
- OpenShift Route
- Blue/Green Deployment
- Canary Deployment
- Configure TLS version
- Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
- HPA by CPU
- HPA by Memory
- Health Check
- Readiness Probe
- Liveness Probe
- Startup Probe
- Kustomize
- User Workload Monitoring
- Setup User Workload Monitoring
- Monitor Custom Metrics
- Custom Grafana Dashboard
- Custom Alert
- Build Container with OC command
- Build Container with OpenShift DO (odo)
- CI/CD with Jenkins
- Build Quarkus App
- Pull artifacts from Nexus
- Unit Test
- Code Quality
- Push container image to Nexus or internal registry
- Blue/Green Deployment
- CI/CD with Azure DevOps
- Azure DevOps
- Deploy Back App
- Deploy Front App
- Prepare Harbor On Kubernetes/OpenShift
- Prepare Azure DevOps Service Connection
- Azure pipelines
- EAP on OpenShift
- gRPC or HTTP/2 Ingress Connectivity in OpenShift
- Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes
- Additional Solutions
- OpenShift GitOps
- OpenShift Service Mesh
- Install and configure control plane
- Sidecar injection
- Blue/Green Deployment
- Canary Deployment
- A/B Testing Deployment
- Routing by URI with regular expression
- Traffic Analysis
- Traffic Mirroring
- Tracing
- Circuit Breaker
- Secure with mTLS
- JWT Token (with RHSSO)
- Service Level Objective (SLO)
- Control Plane with High Availability
- Rate Limit (OSSM 2.0.x or ISTIO 1.6)
- Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaler - KEDA