The web application,Written on Codeigniter + Ajax + Front End Stack.
- Administrators can log in and manage projects and tasks.- Users can log in to access their assigned tasks and update task statuses.
- Admins can create projects.
- Tasks can be assigned to users within these projects.
- Project titles are available in a dropdown list for easy selection.
- Admins can assign tasks to users.
- Email notifications are automatically sent when a task is assigned.
- Users have access to a profile page where they can manage their information.
- They can change their password as needed. - Users can view the total number of projects.
- Only tasks assigned to the user are accessible in their dashboard. - Users can update the status of tasks, which is reflected in the admin dashboard. - The system includes multilingual support to cater to a diverse user base. - Users can reset their passwords in case they forget them, ensuring secure access. The commonly used communication between the front end and backend of web applications.Data exchange in structured using JSON. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol for email functinality. For multilingual support to manage translations and language specific content. Boostrap for styling and responsive design. Download XAMPP
Install Xampp into C directory
Starting Up Xampp
-Start Apache -Start MySQl Extract the files into C/:Xampp/htdocs for windows Create a database named task and import task.sql file into the database. Click on brower and type [https://localhost/Task/index.php/Account]
Register for a new account,login
Now you are free to use. The Web Application created by Aishwarya MS