- KMM Super App is app contain most of feature will any mobile developer will need it
- For Android UI we use Compose and for IOS UI we use SwiftUI
Checkboxes for what done and what will we do in future..
- Ktor for api call
- Koin for DI
- Architecture Patterns (MVI)
- Co-routines
- Navigation Component for Android
- Pagination for both Android and IOS
- Caching with SQLDelight for both Android and IOS
- Fire Base Auth
- Fire Base FireStore
- Fire Base Storage
- Fire Base FCM
- fetch list with ktor and display it in both Android and IOS (Launches Screen)
- fetch list with ktor and display it with Pagination in both Android and IOS (Movies Screen)
- Login and Sign up with firebase
- User list from firebase
- Chating