A small and configurable clock project that displays some information on a LED display.
Configured for use with PlatformIO
- LED display for displaying information
- Temperature and forecast display using OpenWeatherMap
- Local temperature display (DS18B20)
- Embedded web server for configuration and monitoring
- Can log messages using syslog
- LHC Status display (using data from ALICE) (currently disabled, the LHC is off for maintenance)
- Currency exchange rate from http://fixer.io (disabled - broken due to API changes)
- Modular approach makes it easy to add new modules (tasks)
- Stateless messages, configurable with end/start date, displayable with countdown/count-up option.
- CPU: ESP8266 (WeMos D1 Mini or NodeMCU)
- Display: 8x8 pixel MAX7219-based display (currently 8 modules)
- DS18B20: local temperature sensor
- ESP8266HTTPClient
- ESP8266WebServer
- ESP8266Wifi
- Adarfuit GFX
- AJSP (https://github.com/bartoszbielawski/InfoClock)
- CPPTasks (https://github.com/bartoszbielawski/CPPTasks)
- LEDMatrixDisplay (https://github.com/bartoszbielawski/LEDMatrixDriver)