semi-interactive reference to cyberpunk media; vue.js prototype
Wanted to learn vue.js framework, best way to learn is to do Also been compiling a comprehensive list of cyberpunk movies with notes in evernote and wanted a sortable, public version to share Hence I've hacked out this SPA
It is curently a very impomplete prototype. I wil lcontinue to develop it until i don't
Currently has no external depenacies (not counting cdn link to vue library & google font link) Data is in an object within the js file bound to html through vue conventions styling is plain css, non-reactive
Technical Goals: reload detail on index click with that tiles insormation allow sorting index by rate, alpha and year externalize data object add into page add appendix hotlink dir name to imdb page hotlink tomato score to rotten tomatoes page add preprocessing configurations, proabbly via webpack
Content Goals add summaries, reviews, images & quotes, links to imdb, wiki and rotten tomatoes
Style Goals make rating icons of stars for rating, and mirroshade for cyberpunk index and smiles for fun index. work into leaderboard add media queries move into scss (or possibly into vue type formating)