Node.js embedded mongoDb module
This is a simple module which start/stop an already installed, existing, localhost mongod server.
This module is very useful for running mongodb as part of a Gulp/Grunt testing task.
Install mongodb
Install the module with: npm install node-embedded-mongodb
Then, use it:
var embeddedMongoDB = require('node-embedded-mongodb');
var dbPath = '/path/to/data/db/';
var logPath = '/path/to/mongod.log';
// If you don't want the logs, set true.
embeddedMongoDB.start(dbPath, logPath, function(err) {
// mongodb://localhost:27017 is UP
embeddedMongoDB.start(null, null, function(err) {
// mongodb://localhost:27017 is UP
// created a local embedded/data/db folder and a local embedded/log file
embeddedMongoDB.stop(function(err) {
// mongodb://localhost:27017 is DOWN
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Copyright (c) 2015 Adam Gavish
Licensed under the MIT license.