As Player 1, So I can see how close I am to winning I want to see Player 2's Hit Points
As Player 1, So I can win a game of Battle, I want to attack Player 2, and I want to get a confirmation
As Player 1, So I can start to win a game of Battle, I want my attack to reduce Player 2's HP by 10
As two Players, So we can continue our game of Battle, We want to switch turns
As Player 1, So I can see how close I am to losing, I want to see my own hit points
As Player 1, So I can lose a game of Battle, I want Player 2 to attack me, and I want to get a confirmation
As Player 1, So I can start to lose a game of Battle, I want Player 2's attack to reduce my HP by 10
As a Player, So I can Lose a game of Battle, I want to see a 'Lose' message if I reach 0HP first