The website for the AdvancedResearch community
A research branch of The Piston Project
AdvancedResearch is an open source organization dedicated to make conceptual breakthroughs in system thinking. The results are often about finding equations and algorithms with desirable properties.
Some problems we are working on:
- Work on Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (e.g. by studying path semantics)
- Solving Economic Inequality (e.g. by studying Gini solvers)
- Mitigate Climate Change (e.g. by working with scientists and engineers)
List of Repositories
How to Contribute
Avatar Extensions is a popular research subject about abstract generalization of mathematics.
You can find a summary about Avatar Extensions here.
Path Semantical Quality is a partial equivalence relation that lifts biconditions with symbolic distinction.
You can find a summary about Path Semantical Quality here.
Joker Calculus is a formal language that can describe higher dualities.
It generalizes 0
and 1
to 0 1
, 1 0
, ?0
, ?1
, 0 ?0
You can find a summary about Joker Calculus here.
Climate Action is a form of deliberate existence to address Climate Change.
You can find a summary about Climate Action here.
A primbix is a prime of the form 1 + 2 * r * s
where r, s
are primes.
You can find a summary about Primbix Research here.
Prime Symmetric Goldbach (PSG) conjecture states that for all n > 1 & (n % 6) == 0
n = a + p = b - p
Some solution exists where a, b
are primes and p
is a 1-or-prime.
You can find a summary about PSG research here.
- 2025-01-23 How to Use Game Design to Make Mathematics Better
- 2025-01-22 Meta-Reasoning about Basic Facts
- 2024-11-08 Trump Cheated
- 2023-12-20 Path Functorialism: A Wittgensteinean Critique of Naturalism
- 2023-12-13 Christmas and Inauthentic Polytheism
- 2023-12-13 Why we need a Youth World Parliament
- 2023-10-28 Hegeleans, Russelleans and Wittgensteineans
- 2023-10-07 Explaining AGI Safety Risks
- 2023-05-16 Hegel and Wittgenstein - Mundane and Crisis
- 2023-03-14 Reinterpreting Computational Paradoxes - Part 2
- 2023-03-13 Reinterpreting Computational Paradoxes - Part 1
- 2023-02-12 The Proof of
- 2023-01-25 The Roadsign Metaphor
- 2023-01-17 Is Mathematics Subordinate to Philosophy?
- 2022-12-04 An Introduction to Philosophy for Computer Scientists
- 2022-11-26 About the Rush to Contemporary Philosophical Positions
- 2022-10-01 Prop Release v0.26
- 2022-06-09 A Guide to The Future in 3 Steps
- 2022-05-26 Cantor, Kolmogorov & Grothendieck
- 2022-03-10 Deliberate Existence
- 2022-02-16 Let's Abandon The Cogito and Use Type Theory Instead
- 2022-02-14 The Domino Effect
- 2021-12-30 Cognition
- 2021-11-02 Platonism vs Seshatism - Part 2
- 2021-10-29 The Wrong Bathroom of Mathematics
- 2021-10-11 Platonism vs Seshatism - Part 1
- 2021-09-29 The Anti-Thoth Argument
- 2021-04-04 Deriving Path Semantics from First Principles
- 2021-01-18 Plato's Cave Found in Mathematics
- 2020-11-23 Subjectivity in Mathematics and Problems of Defining Objectivity as Opposite to Subjectivity
- 2020-11-21 Levenshtein Heuristic in Poi
- 2020-11-20 Poi 0.17 Released
- 2020-10-28 Monotonic-Solver 0.5 Released
- 2020-10-16 Quickbacktrack 0.7 Released
- 2020-08-20 Improving Brute Force Theorem Proving
- 2020-08-05 The Hobbyist Survivors and The Magical Factory
- 2020-04-26 The Core Axiom
- 2020-04-24 A Better Fixpoint Combinator
- 2020-01-18 The Secret Behind the 2019 Logo
- 2020-01-09 Bits Are Bullshit
- 2018-12-09 Five Things You Should Learn About Path Semantics
- 2018-09-30 Why Semantical Research is Significant for ASI Safety
- 2018-07-25 Recursive Minds
- 2018-06-21 Future X - The Path Toward Uncertainty About Artificial Super-Intelligence
- 2018-06-15 Three Skills That Super-Intelligence Will Have but No Humans Have
- 2018-06-15 First Conversation With the First Polite Zen Robot in 2050
- 2018-06-11 Why You Should Take the Control Problem of Super-Intelligence Seriously
- 2018-04-26 Artificial Super-Intelligence Master Plan
- 2018-04-01 New Theoretical Breakthrough in Dynamic Graphs Paves Way for Large Scale Realistic Virtual Worlds
- 2018-01-17 The Is-Ought Problem and Superintelligence
- 2018-01-12 About Refuting the Orthogonality Thesis
- 2017-12-28 Author's Commentary on "Conversation With the First Zen Robot in 2050"
- 2017-12-26 Third and Last Conversation With the First Zen Robot in 2050
- 2017-12-22 What I Learned This Year
- 2017-12-20 Second Conversation With the First Zen Robot in 2050
- 2017-12-12 Conversation With the First Zen Robot in 2050
- 2017-12-04 Alan Watts and Superintelligence
- 2017-11-28 The Stone and the Glass House
- 2017-10-30 Evolutionary Algorithms Might Reduce Costs of Fixing Climate Change
- 2017-10-11 Is it time to think differently about money?
- 2017-09-12 More Real Than Reality
- 2017-08-25 Homotopy and Geometry
- 2017-08-09 Quickbacktrack 0.3 Released
- 2017-07-25 New Library for Automated Monotonic Theorem Proving
- 2017-07-20 Generalizing Path Semantics to Probability Theory
- 2017-06-28 Standardizing Path Semantics
- 2017-06-25 Progress on Existential Paths
- 2017-06-17 Does Nature Have Intelligence and Can We Harvest It?
- 2017-06-12 Constraints on Self Replicating Robots to Solve Climate Change
- 2017-06-03 Perfect Intelligence
- 2017-05-29 Golden Rationality
The AdvancedResearch community was previously a part of the research branch of the Piston project.
- 2017-04-23 Existential Paths
- 2017-04-20 Slot Lambda Calculus
- 2017-04-15 The Piston project drops its goal of developing a friendly artificial superintelligence
- 2017-03-24 Proving Non-Existence of Monoid Symmetric Paths
- 2017-02-20 New Algorithm for Inferring Equations
- 2017-02-06 The Mathematics of Infinite-Things-Space
- 2017-02-02 Cloud Albedo Control is the way to go
- 2017-01-26 A brief teaser about Composable Parallel Stream Processing with Rayon
- 2016-10-25 Solving Economic Inequality in MMOs
- 2015-10-28 New Meta Language
- 2015-07-03 Path Semantics
- 2015-06-18 Meta Language
- 2015-05-29 Piston-Meta 0.1
For background material on the Dyon programming language, see the Piston blog.
We use the programming languages Rust and Dyon to develop and maintain programs, libraries and tools for idea breakthroughs in systems thinking.
- Rust is a systems programming language offering cross platform development and high performance
- Dyon is a scripting language combining the feel of Javascript with mathematical loops and 4D vector support
A combination of these two languages helps trading raw performance and portability with flexibility.
The focus of this project is to research new ideas through experimentation and analysis. To make progress we develop tools that can assist us in exploration and reasoning. Often this consists of short programs to verify a simplified model of a deeper idea. Once we reach a new key idea, we refine it, write papers and blog about it, such that other people can build on it and contribute.
Our central approach is to cross pollinate ideas between projects such that overall progress is greater than the progress on a single project. This is required because idea breakthroughs in systems thinking are rare, and new insights often follows from experimence across disciplines. We work without time limits or pressure to publish papers, and encourage people to work on things they find most interesting or feel they can make a difference.
The AdvancedResearch community was started in 2017 by Sven Nilsen. Previously this work was part of The Piston Project, started by Sven Nilsen in 2014.