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Install howto - 2019 10 15

Preparing the system

In order to install openhab2 on raspberry after crash do the following:

apt update
apt upgrade
apt install vim openjdk-8-jdk jq telnet bc lrzsz mosquitto mc git htop

Installing openhab from repositories

Let's now install openhab2

wget -qO - '' | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
echo 'deb stable main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openhab2.list
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openhab2 openhab2-addons openhab2-addons-legacy

Restoring conf

You can now restore your conf from backup. You got to restore the following dirs:

  • /etc/openhab2
  • /var/lib/openhab2

Starting openhab

You should now be able to start openhab2. FIRST BOOT WILL BE SLOW (5 mintues)!!!

If things still do not work

You can manually check that the following folders are restored:

* /etc/openhab2                                  # Conf dir. It's on github. That's easy.
* /var/lib/openhab2/.ssh/                        # So it will be able to turn on and off the NAS
* /var/lib/openhab2/config/org/openhab/          # During the next boot it will install what's needed and remove what's not
* /var/lib/openhab2/persistence/                 # Graphs will work now
* /var/lib/openhab2/jsondb/homekit.json          # Homekit configuration, then you won't have to add it back to iOS devices
* /var/lib/openhab2/influxdb.cfg                 # InfluxDB conf. It's linked from /etc/openhab2 because it contains passwords

Old guide

The old guide is in file. All its information should be here but you can check it out.

Installing mosquitto

It's super easy:

apt install mosquitto

Then restore /etc/mosquitto from backups.

Cron and scripts

First restore the crontab of the users (they're in the backup):

  • root
  • openhab

Then add /mnt/temp to /etc/fstab

# temperature
pi:/opt/temp	/mnt/temp	nfs	_netdev	0	0

Then restore:

  • /opt/script/
  • /opt/backup/


Configuration management for openhab2 on pi3






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