LoopAPI is a web application for accessing the triggering and generation of report endpoints. Data from restaurants is polled every hour and stored in google sheets. The Django backend employs Celery workers to schedule hourly tasks that downloads this data as a CSV file using Google API's. Now when a restaurant owner wants an analytics report, he can go to the trigger report endpoint url and generate a token. This will add a task to the Redis queue and it will handle the background processing of this big data using Pandas. The final report can be downloaded as a PDF file by navigating to the report generation endpoint url. Once the token is submitted, the task status pertaining to it is verified in the backend and the user is notified of the status.
Tech Stack: Django, Celery, Redis, Pandas, Swifter, Python, JavaScript SQLite3, HTML, CSS
Celery beat service was used to perform background downloads of hourly polled store data. Message brokering queue used was Redis. All reports were processed using Pandas and Swifter for parallel processing. All the data was stored on SQLite3 database using Django Models.
The logic behind producing the Output Reports are as follows: Consider a store with time and status.
Time | Status |
09:00 | Active |
10:00 | Inactive |
11:00 | Active |
12:00 | InActive |
13:00 | Active |
14:00 | Active |
15:00 | Active |
16:00 | InActive |
We first localize all the timestamps in the Store_Poll.csv and Business_Hours.csv using Timezone.csv We then filter out timestamps that are more than one week old. We also filter timestamps for each store by ensuring that they are within their business hours. Since we are only given the status of the stores at different timestamps, we cannot predict uptime or downtime accurately. So what we can do is to count the no of active status and this will almost give us a better idea. Its count will give us the uptime in hours. Once we calculate the uptimes based on last_hour, last_day and last_week, We can then directly calculate downtimes by subtracting the total no of hours in an hour, day and week. Further to improve accuracy, we find the no of minutes by finding the difference between the latest and earliest timestamps for a particular working day with respect to the closing and opening hours of the store. We then sum it up with the uptimes.
The web-app is working perfectly and you can generate an output report as csv file by following the instructions below. All corner cases and type errors has also been managed.
Create and activate a virtual environment:
virtualenv virtualenv-name
Download all the required dependencies.
pip install -r from requirements.txt
Open a terminal to setup Django followed by running the server
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Open two separate terminals and run the following commands This is to start Celery and Redis servers
celery -A LoopKitchenAPI worker -l info
celery -A LoopKitchenAPI beat -l info
If this is the first time running the server, kindly run celery beat service to ensure that the the required data for triggering reports is installed on the system. This will take 1 hour as the service is scheduled in that way. Once complete, You can access the following API endpoints !
[GET /trigger_report
]: Triggers New Report Generations by providing users with unique Report-ID
[GET /get_report
]: Collects Report Generations using user assigned Report-ID verified at backend
[POST /get_report
]: Downloads Report Generations using user assigned Report-ID verified at backend
Unit Testing and functional testing was performed locally using PyTest.
Authentication requires a set of JSON credentials. The web app utilizes DriveAPI to perform background tasks powered by Celery and Redis as message broker queue. You can head over to google cloud console and generate one for yourself.
Credentials present in the repository has been disabled and hence needs to be updated from your side due to security constraints