Hi , I'm Adan Condori!
Adan is a computer engineer, as a person Adan have a great passion for the development of applications, using patterns of designs and guided by some methodology of software development, for long time working I acquired greater dexterity in web development. Adan like to take on challenges as well as experimenting with new technologies such as libraries, framework among others, since the proper use of them contributes to making high quality software in less time.
- 💻 I love to develop and build cool stuff using good practices for implementation.
- 📰 Reading tech blogs whenever possible.
- 🍕 Travelling, meetups & tech events.
- 🚀 I’m currently learning Full Stack Web Development.
- 💻 Most written code line
console.log("hello world");
- 👨🏻💻 Most of my projects are available on Github.
- 👾 Fun Fact: Equal is Not Always Equal in Javascript! 😹
- 📝 Checkout my Resume.
Tools, languages, and other things that I like to work with.
Ruby on Rails |
IOS Swift |
Objective C |
Android java |
HTML 5 |
CSS 3 |
Javascript |
ReactJS |
Bootstrap |
Postman |
MongoDB |
Git |
Github |
NodeJS |
Postgres |
MySql |
NextJS |
VScode |
Terminal |
npm |
TailwindCSS |
Linux |
const adancondori = {
name: "Adan Condori",
pronouns: "He" | "Him",
languageSpoken: ["en_US", "es_BO"],
code: ["Android, IOS, RoR, Javascript", "HTML", "CSS"],
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "tech", "photography"],
technologies: {
web: {
frontEnd: ["ReactJS", "NextJS", "Bootstrap", "CSS",
backEnd: ["RoR", "Java", "Php", "C#"],
databases: ["Postgres", "MySql", "SqlServer", "mongoDB"],
misc: ["Firebase", "Socket.IO"]
currentFocus: ["Backend Ruby on Rails","Movile Development"],
OS: MacBook Pro
Machine: Sierra
Browser: Brave and Chrome
Terminal: Hyper, ZSH: Oh My Zsh (PowerLevel10k)
Code Editor: VSCode - Sublime - The best editor out there.