What you can do with oktoberfest:
- CE Calibration (CollisionEnergyCalibration)
This task estimates the optimal collision energy (CE) based on a given search result. You need to upload a RAW file as well as the MaxQuant's msms.txt for calibration. Prosit will:
- Select a random subset of high-scoring PSMs
- Predict those in for each CE from 18 to 39.
- Calculate which CE achieves highest correlations with the experimental spectra Please note: Sequences with amino acid U or O are not supported. Modifications except "M(ox)" are not supported. Each C is treated as Cysteine with carbamidomethylation (fixed modification in MaxQuant).
- Spectral Library (SpectralLibraryGeneration)
This task generates a spectral library either by digesting a given FASTA file, or by predicting a list of peptides given in a CSV file. You need to provide a collision energy (CE) for prediction. To estimate an optimal CE for prediction, please use "CE Calibration". When a FASTA file is provided, Prosit will:
- Digest the FASTA, for the given parameters (i.e. protease).
- Predict all spectra at the given collision energy. When a CSV with peptides is provided, Prosit will directly predict all spectra.
- Rescoring (Rescoring)
This task rescores an existing MaxQuant search (FDR 100%) using features generated from fragmentation prediction. You need to upload a RAW file as well as the MaxQuant's msms.txt file from a search. Prosit will:
- Calibrate itself against the RAW.
- Predict all sequences in the msms.txt.
- Use the predicted spectra to generate features for percolator.
- Run percolator to rescore the search. Please note: You need a MaxQuant search at 100% FDR, otherwise targets may be filtered by MaxQuant's FDR calculation before rescoring. Sequences with amino acid U or O are not supported. Modifications except "M(ox)" are not supported. Each C is treated as Cysteine with carbamidomethylation (fixed modification in MaxQuant).
After cloning the repository of oktoberfest, create a new conda environment:
conda create -n oktoberfest
After activating the newly-created conda environment, go to the main folder with the repository of oktoberfest and run:
pip install .
Create a config.json
file which should contain the following flags:
= CollisionEnergyAlignment, SpectralLibraryGeneration or Rescoring -
= tmt, tmtpro, itraq4 or itraq8; default = tmt -
= peptide identification method: percolator or mokapot; default = percolator -
= true if all features should be used by the percolator; default = false -
= regression method for curve fitting (mapping from predicted iRT values to experimental retention times): lowess, spline or logistic; default = lowess -
= Maxquant, Msfragger, Mascot or Internal; default = Maxquant -
= thermo or mzml; default = thermo -
= path to the FASTA file, if FASTA file is provided -
= true if you like to provide the list of peptides
= intensity model -
= irt model -
= proteotypicity model
= server for the Prosit prediction -
= number of threads from the config file; default = 1 -
= job ID for the Prosit prediction -
= path to the search file (if the search type is msfragger, then the path to the xlsx file should be provided); default = ""
The following flags are relevant only if a FASTA file is provided:
= fragmentation method: HCD or CID -
= digestion mode: full, semi or none; default = full -
= number of allowed missed cleavages used in the search engine; default = 2 -
= minimum peptide length allowed used in the search engine; default = 7 -
= maximum peptide length allowed used in the search engine; default = 60 -
= type of enzyme used in the search engine; default = trypsin -
= special amino acids used by MaxQuant for decoy generation; default = KR -
= Target, decoy or concat; default = concat
An example of the config file can be found in /oktoberfest/example_config.json
For prosit_server
and jobId
: ask Wassim Gabriel ([email protected]) or Ludwig Lautenbacher ([email protected]).
Finally, run
python oktoberfest/run_oktoberfest.py —-search_dir path_to_search_dir —-config_path path_to_config_file
Note: The search_dir should contain both the raw files and the MaxQuant's msms.txt
from a search.
intensity models
irt models
The project is licensed under the MIT license.
[1] Gessulat S, Schmidt T, Zolg DP, Samaras P, Schnatbaum K, Zerweck J, Knaute T, Rechenberger J, Delanghe B, Huhmer A, Reimer U, Ehrlich HC, Aiche S, Kuster B, Wilhelm M: “PROSIT: Proteome-wide prediction of peptide tandem mass spectra by deep learning”. Nature Methods. 2019; 16(6):509-518. doi: 10.1038/s41592-019-0426-7.
[2] Gabriel, Wassim & The, Matthew & Zolg, Daniel & Bayer, Florian & Shouman, Omar & Lautenbacher, Ludwig & Schnatbaum, Karsten & Zerweck, Johannes & Knaute, Tobias & Delanghe, Bernard & Huhmer, Andreas & Wenschuh, Holger & Reimer, Ulf & Médard, Guillaume & Kuster, Bernhard & Wilhelm, Mathias. (2022). Prosit-TMT: Deep Learning Boosts Identification of TMT-Labeled Peptides. Analytical Chemistry. 94. 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c05435.