- Integrates Bootstrap 3.3+ into the Rails Asset Pipeline
- Easy optimization and control over which javascript and less modules are loaded
- Not every app needs a carousel
- easily optimize to just what your template needs
- Simple default less files for custom application themes
- Apply different custom themes or bootswatches from a site like bootswatch.com
- Create several themed swatches for your project with theme_names
- e.g. an admin (backend) theme and a storefront (frontend) theme
- Quickly build custom Bootstrap templates using live refresh to see your changes
Bootstrap is a toolkit designed to kickstart development of webapps and sites. It includes base CSS and HTML for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, and more.
Font Awesome is a toolkit with iconic fonts designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap.
To add Font Awesome to your bootswatch:
Include the gem twitter-bootswatch-rails-fontawesome
The demo will show you how this gem can be used with the rails asset pipeline.
The gem twitter-bootswatch-rails-helpers provides rails view helpers for twitter bootstrap's breadcrumbs and alerts components.
Include the Bootswatch Rails gem in Gemfile to install it from RubyGems.org:
# twitter bootstrap css & javascript toolkit
gem 'twitter-bootswatch-rails', '~> 3.3.4'
# twitter bootstrap helpers gem, e.g., alerts etc...
gem 'twitter-bootswatch-rails-helpers'
or you can install from latest build;
gem 'twitter-bootswatch-rails', :github => 'scottvrosenthal/twitter-bootswatch-rails'
Run bundle from command line
You can run the following generators to get started with Bootstrap.
If you don't provide a [theme_name] the value defaults to bootswatch and adds directives to your application.css and application.js files.
rails g bootswatch:install [theme_name]
rails g bootswatch:install flatly
rails g bootswatch:install cosmo
Layout (generates a basic Bootstrap compatible layout)
- haml-rails gem supported
- slim-rails gem supported
rails g bootswatch:layout [theme_name]
rails g bootswatch:layout admin
rails g bootswatch:layout storefront
Themed (generates Bootstrap compatible scaffold views.)
- simple_form gem supported
- haml-rails gem supported
- slim-rails gem supported
Usage (model and table must already exist):
rails g bootswatch:themed [RESOURCE_NAME]
rails g scaffold Post title:string description:text
rake db:migrate
rails g bootswatch:themed Posts
Import a free bootswatch.com theme
rails g bootswatch:install cyborg
rails g bootswatch:import cyborg
rails g bootswatch:layout cyborg
The above creates a namespaced theme under assets/javascript/cyborg assets/stylesheets/cyborg and a new layout file.
The import generator pulls directly from the bootswatch.com git repo cyborg directory.
- bootswatch.less
- variables.less
In your rails controllers just tell it to use the cyborg layout.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
# ...
layout 'cyborg'
You can also create an admin namespaced theme and import the cyborg bootswatch.less
and variable.less
rails g bootswatch:install admin
rails g bootswatch:import admin/cyborg
rails g bootswatch:layout admin
is renamed to bootswatch.css.less
by the import generator
Need more examples? Check out the demo
Using stylesheets with the less-rails gem
You have to require [theme_name]/loader.css.less
in your application.css
*= require_self
*= require [theme_name]/loader
*= require [theme_name]/bootswatch
allows you to easily comment out less modules you don't need in your application.
customize Bootstrap variables.less
defaults in this file.
customize the style of Bootstrap base css and component style here.
Check out some of the swatches at bootswatch.com
Read up on the less-rails gem.
When importing a custom [theme_name]/bootswatch.css.less
file manually you'll need to include the following import directive at the top of the file:
@import "[theme_name]/base";
The above less directive allows the current less file to access and override inherited less variables.
@import "cyborg/base";
// Cyborg
// bootswatch.css.less
You have to require the javascript script file [theme_name]/loader.js
& [theme_name]/bootswatch.js
in your application.js:
//= require jquery
//= require jquery_ujs
//= require [theme_name]/loader
//= require [theme_name]/bootswatch
allows you to easily comment out modules you don't need in your application:
// [theme_name]/loader.js
//= require twitter/bootstrap/transition
//= require twitter/bootstrap/alert
//= require twitter/bootstrap/button
//= require twitter/bootstrap/carousel
//= require twitter/bootstrap/collapse
//= require twitter/bootstrap/dropdown
//= require twitter/bootstrap/modal
//= require twitter/bootstrap/tooltip
//= require twitter/bootstrap/popover
//= require twitter/bootstrap/scrollspy
//= require twitter/bootstrap/tab
//= require twitter/bootstrap/affix
allows you to add more customization & overrides to bootstrap javascript components.
RAILS_ENV=development rake assets:clean
Here's how you enable them:
For performance reasons, the Tooltip data-apis are opt-in, meaning you must initialize them yourself.
One way to initialize all tooltips on a page would be to select them by their data-toggle attribute:
$(function () {
For performance reasons, the Popover data-apis are opt-in, meaning you must initialize them yourself.
One way to initialize all popovers on a page would be to select them by their data-toggle attribute:
$(function () {
(Remove the default require_tree directive line from both the application.js & application.css files)
// remove the following line from application.js
//= require_tree .
* remove the following line from application.css
*= require_tree .
In config/application.rb add the [theme_name] files, e.g., admin.js
& admin.css
to config.assets.precompile:
# Precompile additional assets
config.assets.precompile += %w(admin.js admin.css cyborg.js cyborg.css)
In config/application.rb add the following line:
# less-rails gem (default all generators)
config.app_generators.stylesheet_engine :less
Bootstrap claims to use SemVer, although this is for values of public API that don't seem to include selectively requiring all components (see breaking change 3.0.0 -> 3.1.0). Since many people using twitter-bootswatch-rails do selectively require CSS components and I consider it part of the public API we can't really follow SemVer without becoming wildly out of sync with the Bootstrap version number, which is confusing for everyone involved. Further releases to twitter-bootswatch-rails will therefore have version numbers of the form 3.x.x.y
, where 3.x.x
is the release of Bootstrap we should be compatible with, and y
is the patch version.
- v3.3.4.0
- Upgrade to bootstrap 3.3.4