Release Notes:
We have released a new version
Firstly, we must thanks to the following people for their contributions to our community:@evangoe, @Neil-Zhou, @314926481, @ClippedWings-renzy .
- [#2409] Support the general log. More Detail,see general log.
- [#2428] Support some sql statistics. More Detail,see sql statistic manager and tables.
- [#2387] Support server-side cursor. More Detail,see 4.4.3 Dble Flow.
- [#2503] Add an new rwSplitMode. More Detail,see rwSplitMode.
- [#2386] Support JSON mode configuration for internal. If upgrade from the old version, you should know this.
- [#1830]Suport show and resume other dble paused dataNode in cluster.
- [#2351] Provide "show dble_processlist" in server port
- [#2595] Support batch mode for
load data
. More Detail,see load data batch mode. - [#2594] Upgrude druid to version 1.2.3
- [#1843] In the same datahost, disable readHost first, then disable writeHost, report ERROR message, but disable is successful.
- [#2497] SlowQueryLog create ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException and other problems, thanks to @evangoe for reporting the bug.
- [#2377]Can't use both show @@processlist and RwSplitService.
- [#2199]
and ... or statement
running error. - [#2152] When the column after 'where' does not specify the table name,it will be routed to all nodes
- [#2342]
should be unique in the table config - [#2366] Remove useless "/" in the error message when reloading config failed.
- [#2105][#2389] Using Navicat to connect the library can not display the table, thanks to @314926481 and @Neil-Zhou for reporting the bug.
- [#2034] Occur error "Union field merge error, field not found:W.SCANNUM" , thanks to @314926481 and @ClippedWings-renzy for reporting the bug.
- [#2324] Show which file causes the error in dry-run.
Breaking backward compatibility:
- [#2386] Support JSON mode configuration for dble internal.
- [#2598]
must to be configured in bootstrap.cnf.
If upgrade from the old version to this, you must know this.
首先,我们必须感谢以下人士对我们社区的贡献:@evangoe, @Neil-Zhou, @314926481, @ClippedWings-renzy .
- [#2409] 支持general log. 使用详情请见general log.
- [#2428] 支持一些sql统计信息. 更多详细信息,请参见sql statistic manager 和tables.
- [#2387] 支持服务器端游标。更多详细信息,请参见4.4.3 Dble Flow.
- [#2503] 添加新的rwSplitMode。更多详细信息,请参见rwSplitMode.
- [#2386] 支持dble内部的JSON模式配置。如果是从旧版本升级,您应该知道升级注意.
- [#1830] 支持展示并恢复群集中其他已暂停的dataNode。
- [#2351] Provide "show dble_processlist" in server port
- [#2595] 支持
load data
批处理。更多详细信息,请参见load data批处理模式. - [#2594] 将druid升级至1.2.3版
- [#1843] 在同一数据主机中,先禁用readHost,然后禁用writeHost,报告ERROR消息,但实际禁用成功。
- [#2497] 慢查询日志的ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException和其他问题,这要感谢@evangoe报告了该错误。
- [#2377] 不能同时使用show @@ processlist和RwSplitService。
- [#2199]
and ... or statement
运行错误。 - [#2152] 如果“ where”之后的列未指定表名,它将被路由到所有节点。
- [#2342]
在表配置中应该是唯一的。 - [#2366] 重新加载配置失败时,在错误消息中删除无用的“ /”。
- [#2105][#2389] 使用Navicat连接库无法显示表,感谢@314926481和@Neil-Zhou报告了该错误。
- [#2034] 发生错误"Union field merge error, field not found:W.SCANNUM", 感谢 @ClippedWings-renzy 报告了该错误。
- [#2324] 显示哪个文件导致dry-run出错了。