[#1052 ] Improve background retry policy when xa transaction fail to commit/rollback. For more details, click here
[#1086 ] Support '
in the kill @@ddl_lock where schema=? and table=?
[#1092 ] Change "ORDERED_GROUP" in explain results to "AGGREGATE" to make it easily to understand
[#1040 ] Optimize global sequence generated by timestamp. For more details, click here
[#1122 ] Use PreparedStatement with JDBC and close the ServerPrepStmt in a loop, dble may return an error message 'ClosedChannelException'
[#1124 ] Use PreparedStatement with JDBC and MySQL J Connector may get a wrong result when useCursorFetch=true Thanks to the issue from @Lordess
[#1098 ] Table Structure check does not work correctly.
[#1093 ] Protocol COM_STMT_RESET
did not handle correctly, dble does not clear the buffer
[#1102 ] The client returned an error when resumed xa during the first 5 attempts
[#1077 ] Xa transaction cannot be recovered, when the commit fails
[#1109 ] When dryrun, setting the attribute of table type as "default" in schema.xml will be reported as illegal
[#1103 ] When a query contains an alias filter and a sub-query which contains union and aggregate, dble may return an error.
[#1101 ] Load data will skip lines which start with ‘#’
[#1079 ] Synchronized alerting may exhaust thread pool in trouble with alerting. Thanks to the issue from @Lordess
[#1087 ] Correlated subquery in the SELECT clause will raise an error. Thanks to the issue and PR from @tankilo
[#1058 ] Maybe there will be no trace result when Join's right table contains a lot of useless data
[#1016 ] For zk mode, the content of file is empty after restart dble
[#1060 ] There is a redundant "order by" step in some case for query explain
[#1057 ] Explain got a different result when "join" between ER tables whether use upper case as the table alias
[#1070 ] Show incorrect IDLE while executing manager command "show @@Datasource "
[#1064 ] Show incorrect ACTIVE while executing manager command "show @@Datasource "
[#998 ] Got an error while dropping the table that its name is the same as the existed view name(the dependency table of the view was dropped)
[#1032 ] For Dbeaver client, got error while executing the SQL "/* ApplicationName=DBeaver 5.2.4 - Main */drop view view_tt;"
[#1053 ] Unfriendly tips for select * from sharding_1_t1 b,sharding_4_t1 c,(select * from sharding_2_t1) a on and
[#1000 ] Loading data will report an error when the length of column exceeds 65535 even the field type is mediumtext
[#1038 ] DDLChildListener#updateMeta should not refresh meta when DDL result is a failure. Thanks to the issue and PR from @tankilo
[#1045 ] load data block the thread named NIOreactor
[#1041 ] Some data type in show @@processlist
is not correct
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