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Nelson Lojo edited this page Jun 15, 2023 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the ruby-autograder wiki!


Assuming you have Prairielearn up and running locally (if not see Installing PL locally (even if you aren't making Faded Parsons Problems)), the following steps will allow autograding for simple ruby problems:

  1. In your info.json of the question, include the following:
"gradingMethod": "External",
"externalGradingOptions": {
    "enabled": true,
    "image" : "saasbook/pl-fpp-ruby-autograder",
    "entrypoint": "/grader/",
    "timeout" : 60
  1. In the tests/ directory in your question, create a file called meta.json that includes the following
    "submission_file": "file/to/submit/to.rb",
    "submission_root": "location/to/submit/additional/files/",
    "submit_to_line" : 3,
    "pre-text" : "any lines to precede\n  the student's submission\n", 
    "post-text": "any lines to succeed\n  the student's submission\n",
    "grading_exclusions" : [
        "Any test names that should not be included in grading"
  1. In the tests/ directory in your question, include the complete application that the student submits to in tests/app/. Note: do not include the text included in meta.json's "pre-text" and "post-text" fields as those will be inserted during grading.

  2. Also in the tests/ directory, include the instructor's solution (excluding the "pre-text" and "post-text" fields) in a file named solution (with no file extension).

  3. If you are not using the Faded Parsons Element, include a python script called in tests/ (tests/ with a function get_submission(data: Dict) -> str. This function takes in the entire submission data object and should return the student's submission as plaintext. You can see a simple example in the tests in this repository.

Autograding process

  1. The autograder writes the content in data['submitted_answers"]["student-parsons-solution"] along with the pre-text and post-text provided in meta.json to the submission_file in meta.json at the line provided in meta.json to the application in tests/app.
  2. Then RSpec is run on the application and the test results are gathered.
    • If there is an issue running RSpec, the output of rspec --format json is printed to the console hosting PL and the autograder exits without grading the submission.
  3. All excluded tests are removed and the assertions below are run. If any fail, the autograder exits with an error.
    • The solution provided passes all non-excluded tests
  4. If all assertions pass, the score is calculated as the number of tests the student passed. and feedback is their passing/failing status along with any stack traces if it was an unexpected error when running.
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