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Custom Log Format

Andrew Caudwell edited this page Aug 10, 2015 · 1 revision

Use Logstalgia to visualize other data sources via the custom log format option


Logstalgia can be used to visualize other sources of data using a simple pipe ('|') delimited custom log format.

Required fields

  • timestamp - A unix timestamp of when the request occurred.
  • hostname - hostname of the request.
  • path - path being required.
  • response code - response code.
  • response size - The size of the response in bytes.

Optional fields

  • success - 1 or 0 to indicate if the response was successful.
  • response colour - colour to use for response code to use in hex (#FFFFFF) format.
  • referrer url - the referrer url.
  • user agent - the user agent.
  • virtual host - the virtual host (to use with --paddle-mode vhost).
  • pid/other - process id or some other identifier (--paddle-mode pid).


Using the required fields:


Including the optional fields:



This format is detected by Logstalgia, so to use your custom log file:

logstalgia custom.log

You can also setup a script that prints custom log entries to STDOUT, and pipe this into logstalgia in real time: | logstalgia --sync -

(--sync will show all entries with timestamps from the current time onwards)

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