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Release VidGear Stable v0.2.2 [#245]
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# New Features ✨
- StreamGear: 
    * Native Support for Apple HLS Multi-Bitrate Streaming format:
        + Added support for new [Apple HLS]( _(HTTP Live Streaming)_ HTTP streaming format in StreamGear.
        + Implemented default workflow for auto-generating primary HLS stream of same resolution and framerate as source.
        + Added HLS support in *Single-Source* and *Real-time Frames* Modes.
        + Implemented inherit support for `fmp4` and `mpegts` HLS segment types.
        + Added adequate default parameters required for trans-coding HLS streams.
        + Added native support for HLS live-streaming.
        + Added `"hls"` value to `format` parameter for easily selecting HLS format.
        + Added HLS support in `-streams` attribute for transcoding additional streams.
        + Added support for `.m3u8` and `.ts` extensions in `clear_prev_assets` workflow.
        + Added validity check for `.m3u8` extension in output when HLS format is used.
        + Separated DASH and HLS command handlers.
        + Created HLS format exclusive parameters.
        + Implemented `-hls_base_url` FFMpeg parameter support.
    * Added support for audio input from external device:
        + Implemented support for audio input from external device.
        + Users can now easily add audio device and decoder by formatting them as python list.
        + Modified `-audio` parameter to support `list` data type as value.
        + Modified `validate_audio` helper function to validate external audio devices.
    * Added `-seg_duration` to control segment duration.
- NetGear:
    * New SSH Tunneling Mode for remote connection:
        + New SSH Tunneling Mode for connecting ZMQ sockets across machines via SSH tunneling.
        + Added new `ssh_tunnel_mode` attribute to enable ssh tunneling at provide address at server end only.
        + Implemented new `check_open_port` helper method to validate availability of host at given open port.
        + Added new attributes `ssh_tunnel_keyfile` and `ssh_tunnel_pwd` to easily validate ssh connection.
        + Extended this feature to be compatible with bi-directional mode and auto-reconnection.
        + Disabled support for exclusive Multi-Server and Multi-Clients modes.
        + Implemented logic to automatically enable `paramiko` support if installed.
        + Reserved port-`47` for testing.
    * Additional colorspace support for input frames with Frame-Compression enabled:
        + Allowed to manually select colorspace on-the-fly with JPEG frame compression.
        + Updated `jpeg_compression` dict parameter to support colorspace string values.
        + Added all supported colorspace values by underline `simplejpeg` library.
        + Server enforced frame-compression colorspace on client(s).
        + Enable "BGR" colorspace by default.
        + Added Example for changing incoming frames colorspace with NetGear's Frame Compression.
        + Updated Frame Compression parameters in NetGear docs.
        + Updated existing CI tests to cover new frame compression functionality.
- NetGear_Async:
    * New exclusive Bidirectional Mode for bidirectional data transfer:
        + NetGear_Async's first-ever exclusive Bidirectional mode with pure asyncio implementation.
        + ⚠️ Bidirectional mode is only available with User-defined Custom Source(i.e. `source=None`)
        + Added support for `PAIR` & `REQ/REP` bidirectional patterns for this mode.
        + Added powerful `asyncio.Queues` for handling user data and frames in real-time.
        + Implemented new `transceive_data` method  to Transmit _(in Recieve mode)_ and Receive _(in Send mode)_ data in real-time.
        + Implemented `terminate_connection` internal asyncio method to safely terminate ZMQ connection and queues.
        + Added `msgpack` automatic compression encoding and decoding of data and frames in bidirectional mode.
        + Added support for `np.ndarray` video frames.
        + Added new `bidirectional_mode` attribute for enabling this mode.
        + Added 8-digit random alphanumeric id generator for each device.
        + ⚠️ NetGear_Async will throw `RuntimeError` if bidirectional mode is disabled at server or client but not both.
    * Added new `disable_confirmation` used to force disable termination confirmation from client in `terminate_connection`.
    * Added `task_done()` method after every `get()` call to gracefully terminate queues.
    * Added new `secrets` and `string` imports.
- WebGear: 
    * Updated JPEG Frame compression with `simplejpeg`:
        + Implemented JPEG compression algorithm for 4-5% performance boost at cost of minor loss in quality.
        + Utilized `encode_jpeg` and `decode_jpeg` methods to implement turbo-JPEG transcoding with `simplejpeg`.
        + Added new options to control JPEG frames *quality*, enable fastest *dct*, fast *upsampling*  to boost performance.
        + Added new `jpeg_compression`, `jpeg_compression_quality`, `jpeg_compression_fastdct`, `jpeg_compression_fastupsample` attributes.
        + Enabled fast dct by default with JPEG frames at `90%`.
        + Incremented default frame reduction to `25%`.
        + Implemented automated grayscale colorspace frames handling.
        + Updated old and added new usage examples.
        + Dropped support for depreciated attributes from WebGear and added new attributes.
    * Added new WebGear Theme: _(Checkout at
        - Added responsive image scaling according to screen aspect ratios.
        - Added responsive text scaling.
        - Added rounded border and auto-center to image tag.
        - Added bootstrap css properties to implement auto-scaling.
        - Removed old `resize()` hack.
        - Improved text spacing and weight.
        - Integrated toggle full-screen to new implementation.
        - Hide Scrollbar both in WebGear_RTC and WebGear Themes.
        - Beautify files syntax and updated files checksum.
        - Refactor files and removed redundant code.
        - Bumped theme version to `v0.1.2`.
- WebGear_RTC:
    * Added native support for middlewares:
        + Added new global `middleware` variable for easily defining Middlewares as list.
        + Added validity check for Middlewares.
        + Added tests for middlewares support.
        + Added example for middlewares support.
        + Extended middlewares support to WebGear API too.
        + Added related imports.
    * Added new WebGear_RTC Theme:  _(Checkout at
        + Implemented new responsive video scaling according to screen aspect ratios.
        + Added bootstrap CSS properties to implement auto-scaling.
        + Removed old `resize()` hack.
        + Beautify files syntax and updated files checksum.
        + Refactored files and removed redundant code.
        + Bumped theme version to `v0.1.2`
- Helper: 
    * New automated interpolation selection for gears:
        + Implemented `retrieve_best_interpolation` method to automatically select best available interpolation within OpenCV.
        + Added support for this method in WebGear, WebGear_RTC and Stabilizer Classes/APIs.
        + Added new CI tests for this feature.
    * Implemented `get_supported_demuxers` method to get list of supported demuxers.
- CI:
    * Added new `no-response` work-flow for stale issues.
    * Added new CI tests for SSH Tunneling Mode.
    * Added `paramiko` to CI dependencies.
    * Added support for `"hls"` format in existing CI tests.
    * Added new functions `check_valid_m3u8` and `extract_meta_video` for validating HLS files.
    * Added new `m3u8` dependency to CI workflows.
    * Added complete CI tests for NetGear_Async's new Bidirectional Mode:
        + Implemented new exclusive `Custom_Generator` class for testing bidirectional data dynamically on server-end.
        + Implemented new exclusive `client_dataframe_iterator` method for testing bidirectional data on client-end.
        + Implemented `test_netgear_async_options` and `test_netgear_async_bidirectionalmode` two new tests.
        + Added `timeout` value on server end in CI tests.
    * Added new `cython` and `msgpack` dependency.
    * Added `msgpack` and `msgpack_numpy` to auto-install latest.
- BASH: 
    * Added new `temp_m3u8` folder for generating M3U8 assets in CI tests.
- Docs:
    * Added docs for new Apple HLS StreamGear format:
        + Added StreamGear HLS transcoding examples for both StreamGear modes.
        + Updated StreamGear parameters to w.r.t new HLS configurations.
        + Added open-sourced *"Sintel" - project Durian Teaser Demo* with StreamGear's HLS stream using `Clappr` and
        + Added new HLS chunks at for StreamGear
        + Added support for HLS video in Clappr within `custom.js` using HlsjsPlayback plugin.
        + Added support for Video Thumbnail preview for HLS video in Clappr within `custom.js`
        + Added `hlsjs-playback.min.js` JS script and suitable configuration for HlsjsPlayback plugin.
        + Added custom labels for quality levels selector in `custom.js`.
        + Added new docs content related to new Apple HLS format.
        + Updated DASH chunk folder at
        + Added example for audio input support from external device in StreamGear.
        + Added steps for using `-audio` attribute on different OS platforms in StreamGear.
    * Added usage examples for NetGear_Async's Bidirectional Mode:
        + Added new Usage examples and Reference doc for NetGear_Async's Bidirectional Mode.
        + Added new image asset for NetGear_Async's Bidirectional Mode.
        + Added NetGear_Async's `option` parameter reference.
        + Updated NetGear_Async definition in docs.
        + Changed font size for Helper methods.
        + Renamed `Bonus` section to `References` in `mkdocs.yml`.
    * Added Gitter sidecard embed widget:
        + Imported gitter-sidecar script to `main.html`.
        + Updated `custom.js` to set global window option.
        + Updated Sidecard UI in `custom.css`.
    * Added bonus examples to help section:
        + Implemented a curated list of more advanced examples with unusual configuration for each API.
    * Added several new contents and updated context.
    * Added support for search suggestions, search highlighting and search sharing _(i.e. deep linking)_
    * Added more content to docs to make it more user-friendly.
    * Added warning that JPEG Frame-Compression is disabled with Custom Source in WebGear.
    * Added steps for identifying and specifying sound card on different OS platforms in WriteGear.
    * Added Zenodo DOI badge and its reference in BibTex citations.
    * Added `extra.homepage` parameter, which allows for setting a dedicated URL for `site_url`.
    * Added `pymdownx.striphtml` plugin for stripping comments.
    * Added complete docs for SSH Tunneling Mode.
    * Added complete docs for NetGear's SSH Tunneling Mode.
    * Added `pip` upgrade related docs.
    * Added docs for installing vidgear with only selective dependencies
    * Added new `advance`/`experiment` admonition with new background color.
    * Added new icons SVGs for `advance` and `warning` admonition.
    * Added new usage example and related information.
    * Added new image assets for ssh tunneling example.
    * Added new admonitions
    * Added new FAQs.

# Updates/Improvements ⚡️
- VidGear Core: 
    * New behavior to virtually isolate optional API specific dependencies by silencing `ImportError` on all VidGear's APIs import.
    * Implemented algorithm to cache all imports on startup but silence any `ImportError` on missing optional dependency.
    * ⚠️ Now `ImportError` will be raised only any certain API specific dependency is missing during given API's initialization.
    * New `import_dependency_safe` to imports specified dependency safely with `importlib` module.
    * Replaced all APIs imports with `import_dependency_safe`.
    * Added support for relative imports in `import_dependency_safe`.
    * Implemented `error` parameter to by default `ImportError` with a meaningful message if a dependency is missing, Otherwise if `error = log` a warning will be logged and on `error = silent` everything will be quit. But If a dependency is present, but older than specified, an error is raised if specified.
    * Implemented behavior that if a dependency is present, but older than `min_version` specified, an error is raised always.
    * Implemented `custom_message` to display custom message on error instead of default one.
    * Implemented separate `import_core_dependency` function to import and check for specified core dependency. 
    * `ImportError` will be raised immediately if core dependency not found.
- StreamGear: 
    * Replaced depreciated `-min_seg_duration` flag with `-seg_duration`.
    * Removed redundant `-re` flag from RTFM.
    * Improved Live-Streaming performance by disabling SegmentTimline
    * Improved DASH assets detection for removal by using filename prefixes.
- NetGear:
    * Replaced `np.newaxis` with `np.expand_dims`.
    * Replaced `random` module with `secrets` while generating system ID.
    * Update array indexing with `np.copy`.
- NetGear_Async:
    * Improved custom source handling.
    * Removed deprecated `loop` parameter from asyncio methods.
    * Re-implemented `skip_loop` parameter in `close()` method.
    * ⚠️ `run_until_complete` will not used if `skip_loop` is enabled.
    * ⚠️ `skip_loop` now will create asyncio task instead and will enable `disable_confirmation` by default.
    * Replaced `create_task` with `ensure_future` to ensure backward compatibility with python-3.6 legacies.
    * Simplified code for `transceive_data` method.
- WebGear_RTC: 
    * Improved handling of failed ICE connection.
    * Made `is_running` variable globally available for internal use.
- Helper: 
    * Added `4320p` resolution support to `dimensions_to_resolutions` method.
    * Implemented new `delete_file_safe` to safely delete files at given path.
    * Replaced `os.remove` calls with `delete_file_safe`.
    * Added support for filename prefixes in `delete_ext_safe` method.
    * Improved and simplified `create_blank_frame` functions frame channels detection.
    * Added `logging` parameter to capPropId function to forcefully discard any error(if required).
    * Added patch for `numpy` dependency, `numpy` recently dropped support for python 3.6.x legacies. See
    * Removed version check on certain dependencies.
    * Re-added `aiortc` to auto-install latest version.
- Asyncio: 
    * Changed `asyncio.sleep` value to `0`.
        + The amount of time sleep is irrelevant; the only purpose await asyncio.sleep() serves is to force asyncio to suspend execution to the event loop, and give other tasks a chance to run. Also, `await asyncio.sleep(0)` will achieve the same effect.
- License: 
    * Dropped publication year range to avoid confusion. _(Signed and Approved by @abhiTronix)_
    * Updated Vidgear license's year of first publication of the work in accordance with US copyright notices defined by Title 17, Chapter 4(Visually perceptible copies):
    * Reflected changes in all copyright notices.
- CI: 
    * Updated macOS VM Image to latest in azure devops.
    * Updated VidGear Docs Deployer Workflow.
    * Updated WebGear_RTC CI tests.
    * Removed redundant code from CI tests.
    * Updated tests to increase coverage.
    * Enabled Helper tests for python 3.8+ legacies.
    * Enabled logging in `validate_video` method.
    * Added `-hls_base_url` to streamgear tests.
    * Update `mpegdash` dependency to `0.3.0-dev2` version in Appveyor.
    * Updated CI tests for new HLS support
    * Updated CI tests from scratch for new native HLS support in StreamGear.
    * Updated test patch for StreamGear.
    * Added exception for RunTimeErrors in NetGear CI tests.
    * Added more directories to Codecov ignore list.
    * Imported relative `logger_handler` for asyncio tests.
- Docs:
    * Re-positioned few docs comments at bottom for easier detection during stripping.
    * Updated to new extra `analytics` parameter in Material Mkdocs.
    * Updated dark theme to `dark orange`.
    * Changed fonts => text: `Muli` & code: `Fira Code`
    * Updated fonts to `Source Sans Pro`.
    * Updated `` update-link for modules.
    * Re-added missing StreamGear Code docs.
    * Several minor tweaks and typos fixed.
    * Updated `404.html` page.
    * Updated admonitions colors and beautified `custom.css`.
    * Replaced VideoGear & CamGear with OpenCV in CPU intensive examples.
    * Updated `mkdocs.yml` with new changes and URLs.
    * Moved FAQ examples to bonus examples.
    * Moved StreamGear primary modes to separate sections for better readability.
    * Implemented separate overview and usage example pages for StreamGear primary modes.
    * Improved StreamGear docs context and simplified language.
    * Renamed StreamGear `overview` page to `introduction`.
    * Re-written Threaded-Queue-Mode from scratch with elaborated functioning.
    * Replace *Paypal* with *Liberpay* in `FUNDING.yml`.
    * Updated FFmpeg Download links.
    * Reverted UI change in CSS.
    * Updated `` and fixed clutter.
    * Updated `` and `mkdocs.yml` with new additions
    * Updated context for CamGear example.
    * Restructured and added more content to docs.
    * Updated comments in source code.
    * Removed redundant data table tweaks from `custom.css`.
    * Re-aligned badges in
    * Beautify `custom.css`.
    * Updated `mkdocs.yml`.
    * Updated context and fixed typos.
    * Added missing helper methods in Reference.
    * Updated Admonitions.
    * Updates images assets.
    * Bumped CodeCov.
- Logging:
    * Improved logging level-names.
    * Updated logging messages.
- Minor tweaks to `needs-more-info` template.
- Updated issue templates and labels.
- Removed redundant imports.

# Breaking Updates/Changes 💥
- Virtually isolated all API specific dependencies, Now `ImportError` for API-specific dependencies will be raised only when any of them is missing at API's initialization.
- Renamed `delete_safe` to `delete_ext_safe`.
- Dropped support for `frame_jpeg_quality`, `frame_jpeg_optimize`, `frame_jpeg_progressive` attributes from WebGear.

# Bug-fixes 🐛
- CamGear:
    * Hot-fix for Live Camera Streams:
        + Added new event flag to keep check on stream read.
        + Implemented event wait for  `read()` to block it when source stream is busy.
        + Added and Linked `THREAD_TIMEOUT` with event wait timout.
        + Improved backward compatibility of new additions.
    * Enforced logging for YouTube live.
- NetGear: 
    * Fixed Bidirectional Video-Frame Transfer broken with frame-compression:
        + Fixed `return_data` interfering with return JSON-data in receive mode.
        + Fixed logic.
    * Fixed color-subsampling interfering with colorspace.
    * Patched external `simplejpeg` bug. Issue:
        + Added `np.squeeze` to drop grayscale frame's 3rd dimension on Client's end.
    * Fixed bug that cause server end frame dimensions differ from client's end when frame compression enabled.
- NetGear_Async: 
    * Fixed bug related asyncio queue freezing on calling `join()`.
    * Fixed ZMQ connection bugs in bidirectional mode.
    * Fixed several critical bugs in event loop handling.
    * Fixed several bugs in bidirectional mode implementation.
    * Fixed missing socket termination in both server and client end.
    * Fixed `timeout` parameter logic.
    * Fixed typos in error messages.
- WebGear_RTC: 
    * Fixed stream freezes after web-page reloading:
        + Implemented new algorithm to continue stream even when webpage is reloaded.
        + Inherit and modified `next_timestamp` VideoStreamTrack method for generating accurate timestamps.
        + Implemented `reset_connections` callable to reset all peer connections and recreate Video-Server timestamps. (Implemented by @kpetrykin)
        + Added `close_connection` endpoint in JavaScript to inform server page refreshing.(Thanks to @kpetrykin)
        + Added exclusive reset connection node `/close_connection` in routes.
        + Added `reset()` method to Video-Server class for manually resetting timestamp clock.
        + Added `reset_enabled` flag to keep check on reloads.
        + Fixed premature webpage auto-reloading.
        + Added additional related imports.
    * Fixed web-page reloading bug after stream ended:
        + Disable webpage reload behavior handling for Live broadcasting.
        + Disable reload CI test on Windows machines due to random failures.
        + Improved handling of failed ICE connection.
    * Fixed Assertion error bug:
        + Source must raise MediaStreamError when stream ends instead of returning None-type.
- WebGear
    * Removed format specific OpenCV decoding and encoding support for WebGear.
- Helper: 
    * Regex bugs fixed:
        + New improved regex for discovering supported encoders in `get_supported_vencoders`.
        + Re-implemented check for extracting only valid output protocols in `is_valid_url`.
        + Minor tweaks for better regex compatibility.
    * Bugfix related to OpenCV import:
        + Bug fixed for OpenCV import comparison test failing with Legacy versions and throwing `ImportError`.
        + Replaced `packaging.parse_version` with more robust `distutils.version`.
    * Fixed bug with `create_blank_frame` that throws error with gray frames:
        + Implemented automatic output channel correction inside `create_blank_frame` function.
        + Extended automatic output channel correction support to asyncio package.
    * Implemented `RSTP` protocol validation as _demuxer_, since it's not a protocol but a demuxer.
    * Removed redundant `logger_handler`, `mkdir_safe`, `retrieve_best_interpolation`, `capPropId` helper functions from asyncio package. Relatively imported helper functions from non-asyncio package.
    * Removed unused `aiohttp` dependency.
    * Removed `asctime` formatting from logging.
- StreamGear: 
    * Fixed Multi-Bitrate HLS VOD streams:
        + Re-implemented complete workflow for Multi-Bitrate HLS VOD streams.
        + Extended support to both *Single-Source* and *Real-time Frames* Modes.
    * Fixed bugs with audio-video mapping.
    * Fixed master playlist not generating in output.
    * Fixed improper `-seg_duration` value resulting in broken pipeline.
    * Fixed expected aspect ratio not calculated correctly for additional streams.
    * Fixed stream not terminating when provided input from external audio device.
    * Fixed bugs related to external audio not mapped correctly in HLS format.
    * Fixed OPUS audio fragments not supported with MP4 video in HLS.
    * Fixed unsupported high audio bit-rate bug.
    * Fixed `latest_version` returning incorrect version for some PYPI packages.
    * Removed `latest_version` variable support from `simplejpeg`.
    * Fixed `streamlink` only supporting requests==2.25.1 on Windows.
    * Removed all redundant dependencies like `colorama`, `aiofiles`, `aiohttp`.
    * Fixed typos in dependencies.
- Setup.cfg: 
    * Replaced dashes with underscores to remove warnings.
- CI:
    * Replaced buggy `starlette.TestClient` with `async-asgi-testclient` in WebGear_RTC
    * Removed `run()` method and replaced with pure asyncio implementation.
    * Added new `async-asgi-testclient` CI dependency.
    * Fixed `fake_picamera` class logger calling `vidgear` imports prematurely before importing `picamera` class in tests.
        + Implemented new `fake_picamera` class logger inherently with `logging` module.
        + Moved `sys.module` logic for faking to ``.
        + Added `` to ignore in Codecov.
    * Fixed event loop closing prematurely while reloading:
        + Internally disabled suspending event loop while reloading.
    * Event Policy Loop patcher added for WebGear_RTC tests.
    * Fixed `return_assets_path` path bug.
    * Fixed typo in `TimeoutError` exception import.
    * Fixed eventloop is already closed bug.
    * Fixed eventloop bugs in Helper CI tests.
    * Fixed several minor bugs related to new CI tests.
    * Fixed bug in PiGear tests. 
- Docs:
    * Fixed 404 page does not work outside the site root with mkdocs.
    * Fixed markdown files comments not stripped when converted to HTML.
    * Fixed missing heading in VideoGear.
    * Typos in links and code comments fixed.
    * Several minor tweaks and typos fixed.
    * Fixed improper URLs/Hyperlinks and related typos.
    * Fixed typos in usage examples.
    * Fixed redundant properties in CSS.
    * Fixed bugs in `mkdocs.yml`.
    * Fixed docs contexts and typos.
    * Fixed `stream.release()` missing in docs.
    * Fixed several typos in code comments.
    * Removed dead code from docs.
- Refactored Code and reduced redundancy.
- Fixed shutdown in ``.
- Fixed logging comments.
  • Loading branch information
abhiTronix authored Sep 2, 2021
2 parents eb19b9c + 0fcc61d commit 38a7f54
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Showing 177 changed files with 11,760 additions and 3,887 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/FUNDING.yml
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ko_fi: abhitronix
liberapay: abhiTronix
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a bug-report for VidGear
labels: "issue: bug"
labels: ':beetle: BUG'
assignees: 'abhiTronix'

Expand All @@ -26,8 +27,8 @@ _Kindly explain the issue here._
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### Environment
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name: Proposal
about: Suggest an idea for improving VidGear
labels: "issue: proposal"
labels: 'PROPOSAL :envelope_with_arrow:'

<!--- Add a brief but descriptive title for your issue above -->
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name: Question
about: Have any questions regarding VidGear?
labels: "issue: question"
labels: 'QUESTION :question:'

<!--- Add a brief but descriptive title for your issue above -->
Expand All @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ _Kindly describe the issue here._
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- [ ] I have read the [FAQs](
- [ ] I have read the [Documentation](

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/
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Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ _Kindly explain the changes you made here._

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- [ ] I have read the [PR Guidelines](
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- [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly(if required).

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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions .github/config.yml
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ newPRWelcomeComment: |
Thanks so much for opening your first PR here, a maintainer will get back to you shortly!
### In the meantime:
- Read our [Pull Request(PR) Guidelines]( for submitting a valid PR for VidGear.
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- Read our [Pull Request(PR) Guidelines]( for submitting a valid PR for VidGear.
- Submit a [issue]( beforehand for your Pull Request.
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firstPRMergeComment: |
Congrats on merging your first pull request here! :tada: You're awesome!
Expand All @@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ newIssueWelcomeComment: |
Thanks for opening this issue, a maintainer will get back to you shortly!
### In the meantime:
- Read our [Issue Guidelines](, and update your issue accordingly. Please note that your issue will be fixed much faster if you spend about half an hour preparing it, including the exact reproduction steps and a demo.
- Go comprehensively through our dedicated [FAQ & Troubleshooting section](
- Read our [Issue Guidelines](, and update your issue accordingly. Please note that your issue will be fixed much faster if you spend about half an hour preparing it, including the exact reproduction steps and a demo.
- Go comprehensively through our dedicated [FAQ & Troubleshooting section](
- For any quick questions and typos, please refrain from opening an issue, as you can reach us on [Gitter]( community channel.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion .github/needs-more-info.yml
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checkTemplate: true
miniTitleLength: 8
labelToAdd: 'MISSING : INFORMATION :mag:'
labelToAdd: 'MISSING : TEMPLATE :grey_question:'
- eyes
- '-1'
- update
- updates
Expand All @@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ issue:
- debug
- demo
- new
- help
badTitleComment: >
@{{ author }} Please re-edit this issue title to provide more relevant info.
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions .github/no-response.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Configuration for probot-no-response -

# Number of days of inactivity before an Issue is closed for lack of response
daysUntilClose: 1
# Label requiring a response
responseRequiredLabel: 'MISSING : INFORMATION :mag:'
# Comment to post when closing an Issue for lack of response. Set to `false` to disable
closeComment: >
### No Response :-1:
This issue has been automatically closed because there has been no response
to our request for more information from the original author. Kindly provide
requested information so that we can investigate this issue further.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/workflows/ci_linux.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Abhishek Thakur(@abhiTronix) <[email protected]>
# Copyright (c) 2019 Abhishek Thakur(@abhiTronix) <[email protected]>

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ jobs:
pip install -U pip wheel numpy
pip install -U .[asyncio]
pip uninstall opencv-python -y
pip install -U flake8 six codecov pytest pytest-asyncio pytest-cov youtube-dl mpegdash
pip install -U flake8 six codecov pytest pytest-asyncio pytest-cov youtube-dl mpegdash paramiko m3u8 async-asgi-testclient
if: success()
- name: run prepare_dataset_script
run: bash scripts/bash/
Expand Down
14 changes: 5 additions & 9 deletions .github/workflows/deploy_docs.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Abhishek Thakur(@abhiTronix) <[email protected]>
# Copyright (c) 2019 Abhishek Thakur(@abhiTronix) <[email protected]>

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ jobs:
- name: mike deploy docs release
run: |
echo "${{ env.NAME_RELEASE }}"
mike deploy --push --update-aliases ${{ env.NAME_RELEASE }} ${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}
mike deploy --push --update-aliases --no-redirect ${{ env.NAME_RELEASE }} ${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }} --title=${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}
NAME_RELEASE: "v${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}-release"
if: success()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,14 +101,10 @@ jobs:
echo "RELEASE_NAME=$(python -c 'import vidgear; print(vidgear.__version__)')" >>$GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
if: success()
- name: mike remove previous stable
run: |
mike delete --push latest
if: success()
- name: mike deploy docs stable
run: |
echo "${{ env.NAME_STABLE }}"
mike deploy --push --update-aliases ${{ env.NAME_STABLE }} latest
mike deploy --push --update-aliases --no-redirect ${{ env.NAME_STABLE }} latest --title=latest
mike set-default --push latest
NAME_STABLE: "v${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}-stable"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,8 +146,8 @@ jobs:
if: success()
- name: mike deploy docs dev
run: |
echo "${{ env.NAME_DEV }}"
mike deploy --push --update-aliases ${{ env.NAME_DEV }} dev
echo "Releasing ${{ env.NAME_DEV }}"
mike deploy --push --update-aliases --no-redirect ${{ env.NAME_DEV }} dev --title=dev
NAME_DEV: "v${{ env.RELEASE_NAME }}-dev"
if: success()
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LICENSE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.

Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Abhishek Thakur(@abhiTronix) <[email protected]>
Copyright (c) 2019 Abhishek Thakur(@abhiTronix) <[email protected]>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
Expand Down

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