- About the Project
- Build with
- Getting Started
- Installation
- Running
- Screenshots
- File Structure
- Unit Testing
- Running Unit tests
Sortable Frontend Exercise This exercise will evaluate your skills in front-end web development using different technologies.
LIVE DEMO:: https://sortable-exercise.herokuapp.com/
This is an list of needed instructions to set up your project locally, to get a local copy up and running follow these instructions.
- Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/abdulsamadola/sortable-exercise.git
- Navigate to repository directory
$ cd sortable-exercise
- Install dependencies
$ npm install
- cd client
$ npm install
### Running
1. **_Running on development mode_**
cd ..
$ npm run start
- Build for production
$ npm run build
|-- Sortable Frontend Exercise |-- .DS_Store |-- .gitignore |-- README.md |-- package-lock.json |-- package.json |-- server.js |-- client | |-- .DS_Store | |-- .gitignore | |-- README.md | |-- package.json | |-- tsconfig.json | |-- public | | |-- favicon.ico | | |-- index.html | | |-- logo192.png | | |-- logo512.png | | |-- manifest.json | | |-- robots.txt | |-- src | |-- index.tsx | |-- react-app-env.d.ts | |-- setupTests.ts | |-- components | | |-- App | | |-- App.tsx | | |-- OrderTable.tsx | | |-- __tests__ | | |-- OrderTable.test.tsx | |-- services | | |-- index.ts | | |-- orderService.ts | |-- store | | |-- actions.ts | | |-- effects.ts | | |-- reducer.ts | | |-- types.ts | |-- styles | | |-- App.scss | |-- utils | |-- constants.ts | |-- dateFormat.ts | |-- sorting.ts |-- screenshots |-- 1.png
Each component in this project has its own unit test file inside __tests__ directory eg. OrderTable.test.tsx
Run the following command.
npm run test