Hospital Finder is an online web app that helps locate all the hospitals within a given area.
This is an list of needed instructions to set up your project locally, to get a local copy up and running follow these instructions.
- Clone the repository
$ git clone
- Navigate to repository directory
$ cd enye-challenge-1
- Install dependencies
$ yarn install
- Running on development mode
$ yarn run server
$ yarn run client
- Build for production
$ yarn run build
|-- Hospital Finder |-- .DS_Store |-- .env |-- .gitignore |-- LICENSE |-- |-- package.json |-- server.js |-- tsconfig.json |-- yarn-error.log |-- yarn.lock |-- build | |-- favicon.ico | |-- logo192.png | |-- logo512.png | |-- manifest.json | |-- robots.txt |-- public | |-- favicon.ico | |-- index.html | |-- logo192.png | |-- logo512.png | |-- manifest.json | |-- robots.txt |-- screenshots | |-- 1.png | |-- 2.png | |-- 3.png | |-- 4.png | |-- 5.png |-- server | |-- schema | |-- index.js |-- src |-- .DS_Store |-- App.scss |-- App.tsx |-- index.css |-- index.tsx |-- react-app-env.d.ts |-- setupTests.ts |-- Services | |-- dataService.ts | |-- firebase.ts |-- __tests__ | |-- Footer.test.tsx | |-- Header.test.tsx |-- common | |-- index.d.ts |-- components | |-- CardTemplate | | |-- CardTemplate.scss | | |-- CardTemplate.tsx | |-- Footer | | |-- Footer.tsx | |-- Header | | |-- Header.tsx | |-- Home | | |-- Home.scss | | |-- Home.tsx | |-- LandingPage | | |-- LandingPage.tsx | |-- ShowHospitals | | |-- ShowHospitals.scss | | |-- ShowHospitals.tsx | |-- SignIn | | |-- SignIn.tsx | |-- SignUp | |-- SignUp.tsx |-- hooks | |-- index.ts | |-- useDebounce.ts |-- queries | |-- index.ts |-- routes | |-- Auth.tsx | |-- PrivateRoute.tsx | |-- index.tsx |-- styles | |-- index.ts |-- testUtils | |-- index.ts |-- utils |-- index.ts
Each component in this project has its own unit test file separately inside __tests__ directory eg. Header.test.tsx
Run the following command.
yarn run test
This software is licensed under MIT License, See License for more information ©Abdulsamad Suleiman.