This is a prototype View Engine server as discussed during my talk at KanDDDinsky conference in Berlin (october, 2017). You can also check out this tweet thread for the concept.
Unlike the full design, this prototype doesn’t use event-driven UI model. It sends full UI layout snapshot on every change.
First, run the demo math exam app (imagine, you are a Russian 1st-grader):
go run demo/exam/*.go
Make sure the app gets through the firewall (OSX might try to block).
Second, install web packages (preferrably via yarn) and launch web UI:
cd web
yarn install
yarn start
Afterwards direct your browser at localhost:3000.
The project is currently under “all rights reserved” (deferring the license choice till someone actually needs to use it).
The project uses:
- Copied a few charts from component-kit (MIT)
- Copied in-memory part of the pub-sub from go-contrib/pub-sub (MIT)