Mathemati_ Public
An absolute masterpiece website for solving mathematical problems numerically.
Learning-Refine Public
I created this repository to track my progress while learning Refine
URL-Monitor Public
An uptime monitoring RESTful API server that allows authenticated users to monitor URLs, and get detailed uptime reports about their availability, average response time, and total uptime/downtime.
cmp23-count-down Public
Forked from omar214/cmp23-count-downcount down to cmp-23 graduation
CSS UpdatedMay 8, 2023 -
Networks Public
Implementation of data link layer protocols between two nodes that are connected with a noisy channel, where the transmission is not error-free, packets may get corrupted, duplicated, delayed, or l…
Clean-Architecture Public
Simple REST API using Express with TypeScript, PostgreSQL, and MySQL to practice the Clean Architecture by Uncle Bob.
Archmetrics-Studio Public
Archmetrics Studio's website
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 16, 2022 -
Countreez Public
A simple responsive website that displays all of the countries and their details.
Task-Tracker Public
A simple task tracker webpage which enables you to create goals for yourself and set a day and a reminder to them.
Edvora Public
A simple web page built as a fulfillment to Edvora's Internship hiring process.
CMPLR-Backend Public
Forked from CMPLR-Technologies/CMPLR-BackendCMPLR Technologies' Backend. Laravel + PostgreSQL RESTful API
RISC-Processor Public
A simple 5-stage pipelined processor following Harvard's architecture. The processor has RISC-like ISA. There are eight 2-byte general-purpose registers, and another three special-purpose registers…
Xeon-Bank Public
Xeon Bank is a fake bank website that mimics a real and simple banking system. Through the website, you will be able to see the bank customers, transfer money to different customers, and see the tr…
Solvee Public
Forked from CompetitionPortal-Developers/SolveeSolvee is a competition and examination website which lets users either host or participate in custom competitions and exams.
Searchium Public
Forked from YousefGamal220/SearchiumSearchium is a search engine implemented with Java, It has many interesting features which can help you.
KryptOS Public
KryptOS is a simulation of an OS scheduler and memory manager using different scheduling algorithms.
marioPlan Public
marioPlan is a web application that makes you able to create projects and share them with the whole world!
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 26, 2021 -
ramadan-2020-assessments Public
Forked from yallacodecom/ramadan-2020-assessmentsThis is the assignment that has been explained in Ramadan 2020 series on Youtube channel
JavaScript UpdatedNov 22, 2020 -
C-Carft Public
A simple website for C-Craft Student Activity
ElKasr Public
E-commerce website for selling dental products and tools.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 11, 2020 -
Cookit Public
Data Structure & Algorithms Project that simulates a restaurant kitchen system and calculates some statistics that measure average customer satisfaction.