Step 1 : Try the following two commands in your normal terminal not of your project directory. The below command will only update the composer.
composer self-update
OR use the below command (it will update your dependencies plus your composer)
composer update
When you composer gets updated. check the composer by the below command
composer --version
composer require laravel/ui
Try any of the below command according to your front end framework.
php artisan ui vue --auth
php artisan ui bootstrap --auth
php artisan ui react --auth
At the end don't forget to run
npm install
If your User Interface is not working properly try below command.
npm run production
- In Login Web Page.
- In Sign up Web Page
- First you have to install laravel in your system.
- Second you have to go to the "public" folder, in public folder make a folder by the name of "css" if it exists then just clone the file and paste it there else make a folder and clone css-file and paste it over there.
Note: this would be useful way when your layout is not working properly when you install the laravel authentication.