Upgrade on the Minibian Project to the latest Debian 9 Stretch
root@minibian:~# hostnamectl
Static hostname: minibian
Icon name: computer
Machine ID: 05c701e5005b4ce494b2906dc7fe9e4e
Boot ID: 2d8123a4db1d409aa519718762b76c4a
Operating System: Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)
Kernel: Linux 4.9.59-v7+
Architecture: arm
Due to Github limitations, the file is hosted here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mh9918iuxeooxor/2016-03-12-jessie-minibian.img?dl=0
The default user and password are still the same.
Created and tested in a Raspberry Pi 3 in a 4Gb microsd card.
MINIBIAN is a minimal Raspbian-based Linux image for Raspberry Pi.
The main focus is to have a small, updated and stable distribution that is fully compatible with official Raspbian “wheezy” image, without GUI and unneeded tools.
So this image is perfect for embedded projects, or wherever you need to use all RPi resources for your specific tasks.
The main advantage is that MINIBIAN has a very small footprint, boots in some seconds and uses just few of precious RPi RAM.
Unlike other similar projects, MINIBIAN has not been obtained purging unneeded packages from original image, neither recompiling the source code: it’s just a customized Raspbian installation obtained from the same repository used for official RPi wheezy image.
So kernel and binary files are exactely the same you will find on standard image, with the difference that MINIBIAN fit on 512MB SD Card, is fastest, and updated more often.
The original project is here: https://minibianpi.wordpress.com/
Feel free to DONATE to the original Minibian author.
I would also accept a beer: