Paywatch is a commission and income-tracking app that helps salespeople monitor their earnings. Users can monitor weekly and monthly income, identify trends, and set and exceed goals in Paywatch.
Read a postmortem of this project on Medium: The Full Stack React App: A Front-End Postmortem
- Log hours and income via "select" and "text" inputs, see Data Visualization adjust according to input
- Click "More Quotes" to make a call to the Quotes API and see quotes
- Dark Mode
- Milestones (a pretty to do list)
To run locally, first install the necessary dependencies
npm install
Then, run the start script
npm start
Paywatch will be running at localhost:8000
Paywatch is built with the following technologies:
- React - Used as front-end framework
- Redux - Used for state library
- styled-components - Used for styling
- Pose - Used for animations
- Victory - Used for data visualization
- Cloudinary - Used for image storage
The Paywatch design is based around Bhavna Kashyap's dribble designs, which I significantly re-designed. Sketch Cloud file here.
Quote component graphic by herydego_art.
The code in this project is MIT Licensed.