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TobiSchluter committed Jan 30, 2012
1 parent a7bea08 commit cf3314b
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Showing 5 changed files with 67 additions and 45 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -38,9 +38,9 @@ event::decayAmplitude(int reflectivity, int l, int m) const
spherical = ROOT::Math::sph_legendre(l, m, this->theta);

// This absorbs the factor 2 from e^i \pm e^-i = 2 {i sin, cos}
double factor = .5; //sqrt(nrdevents);
if (m != 0)
factor *= sqrt(2.);
double factor = sqrt(2); //.5; //sqrt(nrdevents);
if (m == 0)
factor = 1;

double result;
if (reflectivity == +1)
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ likelihood::MCweight(int reflectivity, const wave& w1, const wave& w2) const
= flatMC ? flatMCevents : binnedMCevents[currentBin];

size_t nEv = pMCevents.size();
#pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:sum)
//#pragma omp parallel for reduction (+:sum)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nEv; i++)
// Forming this sum as REAL sum and with no conjugate, because
Expand All @@ -137,14 +137,14 @@ likelihood::MCweight(int reflectivity, const wave& w1, const wave& w2) const

cout << "calculated MCweight " << sum / pMCevents.size()
cout << "calculated MCweight " << 16*atan(1) * sum / nEv
<< " from " << pMCevents.size() << " MC events for "
<< "(l1,m1,l2,m2) = "
<< "(" << w1.l << "," << w1.m << "," << w2.l << "," << w2.m << ")"
<< endl;

return weights[id] = sum / pMCevents.size();
return weights[id] = 4*M_PI * sum / nEv;

#if 0
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions likelihood.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,6 +79,9 @@ class likelihood : public ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase {
eventsInBin() const { return binnedRDevents[currentBin].size(); }

MCeventsInBin() const { return (size_t)(binnedMCevents[currentBin].size()/* / binnedEtaAcc[currentBin]*/); }

clearWeights() { weights.clear(); }

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10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -123,11 +123,13 @@ class combinedLikelihood : public ROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase {
// RD likelihood calculation as follows.
result += (myLs[i]->eventsInBin()*log(BR) + myLs[i]->calc_rd_likelihood(x)
- BR*myLs[i]->calc_mc_likelihood(x));
//cout << "nevents = " << myLs[i]->eventsInBin() << " likelihood = " << myLs[i]->calc_rd_likelihood(x) << " - " << myLs[i]->calc_mc_likelihood(x) << endl;
return -result;

size_t getNChannels() const { return myLs.size(); }
size_t MCeventsInBin() const { size_t sum = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < myLs.size(); i++) sum += myLs[i]->MCeventsInBin(); return sum; }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -432,12 +434,14 @@ myFit()
TTree *outTree = new TTree("tFitResults", "fit results tree");
double *values = new double[lastIdx];
TMatrixDSym *covMat = new TMatrixDSym(lastIdx);
UInt_t NMCevents;
char branchDesc[99];
snprintf(branchDesc, 99, "values[%zd]/D", lastIdx);
outTree->Branch("massLow", &massLow, "massLow/D");
outTree->Branch("massHigh", &massHigh, "massHigh/D");
outTree->Branch("values", values, branchDesc);
outTree->Branch("covMat", "TMatrixDSym", &covMat);
outTree->Branch("NMCevents", &NMCevents, "NMCevents/i");
outTree->GetUserInfo()->Add(new fitInfo(modelName, ws, startingValues, nBins, threshold, binWidth, lastIdx));

/* TTree* predictTree = new TTree("predictTree","Weighted MC");
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -734,7 +738,10 @@ myFit()
for (int iMC = 0; iMC < NFLATMCEVENTS; iMC++)
event e(acos(gRandom->Uniform(-1,1)), gRandom->Uniform(-M_PI, M_PI));
double costh = gRandom->Uniform(-1,1);
double phi = gRandom->Uniform(-M_PI, M_PI);
//cout << costh << " " << acos(costh) << " " << phi << endl;
event e(acos(costh), phi);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -906,6 +913,7 @@ myFit()

NMCevents = myL.MCeventsInBin();

for (int j = 0; j < minuit->GetNumberTotalParameters(); j++)
Expand Down
87 changes: 49 additions & 38 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,32 +8,12 @@ using namespace std;

#include "TFile.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TRandom1.h"
#include "TLorentzVector.h"

#include "gHist.h"
#include "fitInfo.h"

decayAmplitude(int reflectivity, int l, int m, double costh, double phi)
double spherical;
spherical = ROOT::Math::sph_legendre(l, m, acos(costh));
double factor = .5; //sqrt(nrdevents);
if (m != 0)
factor *= sqrt(2.);

double result;
if (reflectivity == +1)
result = factor*spherical*sin(m*phi);
result = factor*spherical*cos(m*phi);

//lookupTable[id] = result;
return result; // * this->tPrime*exp(-7.*this->tPrime);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,20 +51,25 @@ main()

double *values = new double[info->getNvars()];
double massLow, massHigh;
UInt_t NMCevents;
treeResult->SetBranchAddress("massLow", &massLow);
treeResult->SetBranchAddress("massHigh", &massHigh);
treeResult->SetBranchAddress("values", values);
treeResult->SetBranchAddress("NMCevents", &NMCevents);

vector<double> lowerBounds;
vector<double> upperBounds;
vector<vector<double> > allValues;
vector<UInt_t> NMCperBin;
for (Long_t i = 0; i < treeResult->GetEntries(); i++)
// This assumes the bins are sorted.

const char *fnMC = "/data/zup/diefenbach/trees/EtaPr3Pi.root";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,17 +124,30 @@ main()
float pg2Y; t->SetBranchAddress("pg2Y", &pg2Y);
float pg2Z; t->SetBranchAddress("pg2Z", &pg2Z);
float pg2E; t->SetBranchAddress("pg2E", &pg2E);
float pPim3X; t->SetBranchAddress("pPim3X", &pPim3X);
float pPim3Y; t->SetBranchAddress("pPim3Y", &pPim3Y);
float pPim3Z; t->SetBranchAddress("pPim3Z", &pPim3Z);
float pPim3E; t->SetBranchAddress("pPim3E", &pPim3E);
float pPip3X; t->SetBranchAddress("pPip3X", &pPip3X);
float pPip3Y; t->SetBranchAddress("pPip3Y", &pPip3Y);
float pPip3Z; t->SetBranchAddress("pPip3Z", &pPip3Z);
float pPip3E; t->SetBranchAddress("pPip3E", &pPip3E);
float pEta3X; t->SetBranchAddress("pEta3X", &pEta3X);
float pEta3Y; t->SetBranchAddress("pEta3Y", &pEta3Y);
float pEta3Z; t->SetBranchAddress("pEta3Z", &pEta3Z);
float pEta3E; t->SetBranchAddress("pEta3E", &pEta3E);
float pPimX; t->SetBranchAddress("pPimX", &pPimX);
float pPimY; t->SetBranchAddress("pPimY", &pPimY);
float pPimZ; t->SetBranchAddress("pPimZ", &pPimZ);
float pPimE; t->SetBranchAddress("pPimE", &pPimE);

TFile *fOutput = TFile::Open("predict.root", "RECREATE");

for (Long_t i = 0; i < t->GetEntries(); i++)
Long_t nTotal = t->GetEntries();
for (Long_t i = 0; i < nTotal; i++)
if ((i+1)*10LL/t->GetEntries() > i*10/t->GetEntries())
cout << (i+1)*100/t->GetEntries() << "% " << flush;
if ((i+1)*10LL/nTotal > i*10/nTotal)
cout << (i+1)*100/nTotal << "% " << flush;

if (!acc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,24 +179,37 @@ main()

double weight = info->getWaveSet().getEventWeight(allValues[idx], e);
TLorentzVector lvEta3(pEta3X, pEta3Y, pEta3Z, pEta3E);
TLorentzVector lvPim3(pPim3X, pPim3Y, pPim3Z, pPim3E);
TLorentzVector lvPip3(pPip3X, pPip3Y, pPip3Z, pPip3E);

double weight = info->getWaveSet()[0].getEventWeight(allValues[idx], e) / NMCperBin[idx];
gHist.Fill("hMvsCosth", "m vs cos th",
info->getNbins(), info->getLower(), info->getUpper(), 100, -1, 1,
mX, costh, weight);
gHist.Fill("hpvz", "pvz", 500, -100, 0,
pvz, weight);
gHist.Fill("htPr", "t'", 1000, 0, 1,
tPr, weight);
gHist.Fill("hXYECAL", "XY ECAL", 200, -.04, .04, 200, -0.04, 0.04,
pg1X / pg1Z, pg1Y / pg1Z, weight);
gHist.Fill("hXYECAL", "XY ECAL", 200, -.04, .04, 200, -0.04, 0.04,
pg2X / pg2Z, pg2Y / pg2Z, weight);
gHist.Fill("hEvsAngle", "E vs angle", 200, 0, 200, 100, 0, 0.06,
pg1E, hypot(pg1X, pg1Y) / pg1Z, weight);
gHist.Fill("hEvsAngle", "E vs angle", 200, 0, 200, 100, 0, 0.06,
pg2E, hypot(pg2X, pg2Y) / pg2Z, weight);
if (mX < 2)
//if (1.9 < mX && mX < 2.1)
gHist.Fill("hpvz", "pvz", 500, -100, 0,
pvz, weight);
gHist.Fill("htPr", "t'", 1000, 0, 1,
tPr, weight);
gHist.Fill("hXYECAL", "XY ECAL", 200, -.04, .04, 200, -0.04, 0.04,
pg1X / pg1Z, pg1Y / pg1Z, weight);
gHist.Fill("hXYECAL", "XY ECAL", 200, -.04, .04, 200, -0.04, 0.04,
pg2X / pg2Z, pg2Y / pg2Z, weight);
gHist.Fill("hEvsAngle", "E vs angle", 200, 0, 200, 100, 0, 0.06,
pg1E, hypot(pg1X, pg1Y) / pg1Z, weight);
gHist.Fill("hEvsAngle", "E vs angle", 200, 0, 200, 100, 0, 0.06,
pg2E, hypot(pg2X, pg2Y) / pg2Z, weight);

gHist.Fill("hDalitz", "Dalitz Plot;pi+eta;pi-eta", 50, 0.45, 0.7, 50, 0.45, 0.7,
(lvEta3 + lvPip3).M2(), (lvEta3 + lvPim3).M2());
gHist.Fill("hDalitzFlipped", "Dalitz Plot;pi+eta;pi-pi+", 50, 0.45, 0.75, 50, 0.06, 0.18,
(lvEta3 + lvPip3).M2(), (lvPip3 + lvPim3).M2());

// if (mX < 2)
gHist.Fill("hpPimE", "energy of non-eta' #pi-",
500, 0, 200,
pPimE, weight);
Expand Down

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