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Releases: Zondax/namadexer
Releases · Zondax/namadexer
What's Changed
- Feat/checksums once_cell by @neithanmo in #179
- fix: added txid to views; added key and shielded field in tx_transfert view; by @rllola in #180
- Fix for error in creating views that already exist in db with differe… by @opsecx in #182
- misc: rustfmt by @rllola in #183
- fix: security audit warning by @rllola in #184
- feat: added zondax fallback url if pre-fork blocks not indexed by @rllola in #189
- fix: make block/last with a num param a proper json response by @rllola in #192
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0
What's Changed
- Reformat the postgres connection URL to work properly with unix socket connections by @joel-u410 in #150
- Configuration of CORS headers added. by @ekhvalov in #152
- feat: data stored as json by @rllola in #112
- Do not set INDEXER_CONFIG_PATH by default in Dockerfile by @joel-u410 in #149
- fix: added a timeout by @rllola in #159
- Add metrics for indexer_last_get_block_height and indexer_last_save_block_height by @joel-u410 in #154
- Propagades timeout error by @neithanmo in #162
- feat: get transactions per addresses by @rllola in #161
- Update by @ayelenmurano in #163
- feat: added views for ALL the tx type by @rllola in #167
- fix: update to tendermint 0.35 to fix the timeout by @rllola in #168
New Contributors
- @ekhvalov made their first contribution in #152
- @ayelenmurano made their first contribution in #163
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v1.0.0
What's Changed
- feat: added return code to database by @rllola in #55
- Fix/improvements by @neithanmo in #52
- fix: do proper lookup for event keys for transaction status by @rllola in #60
- Update by @ainhoa-a in #61
- Improve by @ainhoa-a in #68
- Update namada 0.28 by @neithanmo in #63
- upgrade runners by @jleni in #58
- chore(deps): bump zerocopy from 0.7.30 to 0.7.31 by @dependabot in #69
- fix: tests by @rllola in #70
- Argument parsing via cli by @rllola in #71
- add multiple ways to fetch checksums.json by @Fraccaman in #67
- fix: remove port from config by @rllola in #72
- fix transaction by hash and other improvements by @neithanmo in #74
- Feat/improvements by @neithanmo in #75
- fix: remove foreign key constraint by @rllola in #77
- Update by @romanv1812 in #78
- chore(deps): bump h2 from 0.3.22 to 0.3.24 by @dependabot in #80
- fix: vote_proposal_id not a primary key by @rllola in #83
- Remove legacy check by @neithanmo in #84
- feat: update v0.31.0 by @rllola in #89
- remove is default from vote_proposal by @dimiandre in #92
- feat: skip the index creation in the database if not needed by @rllola in #88
- misc: improve docs by @rllola in #98
- fix: added new tests verctor that match v0.31.0 by @rllola in #100
- Clarify users that a create_index field is needed in the Settings.toml file by @zenodeapp in #96
- fix: remove constrainst on tx id because they are actually not unique by @rllola in #107
- feat: able to query the latest few blocks from /block/last by @rllola in #116
- Add config option to specify postgres port by @joel-u410 in #113
- checksum for shielded-expedition is v0.31.1 by @rllola in #117
- Fix Makefile for dependency download by @sshamanov in #110
- INSERT has more expressions than target columns (issue #104) by @zenodeapp in #105
- misc: update masp address for shielded expedition by @rllola in #119
- fix: shielded assets parse int error by @rllola in #120
- fix: vote endpoint to reflect new struct by @rllola in #124
- fix: doc url in example by @rllola in #125
- fix: update doc and setting example to add port value by @rllola in #127
- Add settings test by @neithanmo in #128
- Fix: 'Invalid Transaction data' error by @rllola in #130
- fix: tx_bond error message for failing tx by @rllola in #133
- fix: the invalid tx error when trasnction has failed by @rllola in #136
- Update to include return_code in server respone by @msobh13 in #141
- Add support for json logging. by @joel-u410 in #138
- Add reason string to InvalidTxData error. by @joel-u410 in #137
- misc: rustfmt by @rllola in #144
- misc: update config variable name to avoid confusion by @rllola in #145
- Change database traces from info -> debug by @joel-u410 in #135
- feat: decode more kind of txs in the server by @rllola in #148
New Contributors
- @ainhoa-a made their first contribution in #61
- @jleni made their first contribution in #58
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #69
- @Fraccaman made their first contribution in #67
- @romanv1812 made their first contribution in #78
- @dimiandre made their first contribution in #92
- @zenodeapp made their first contribution in #96
- @joel-u410 made their first contribution in #113
- @sshamanov made their first contribution in #110
- @msobh13 made their first contribution in #141
Full Changelog: v0.1.0-rc.1...v0.2.0
What's Changed
- Add benchmarks by @neithanmo in #1
- adding missing .github folder by @rllola in #2
- add ci workflow to build and publish docker image by @emmanuelm41 in #3
- Feat/eth txs by @neithanmo in #4
- feat: added shielded endpoint by @rllola in #5
- feat: create a schema with the network name in the database by @rllola in #6
- add missing checksum file on docker image by @emmanuelm41 in #8
- Zondax docs by @neithanmo in #7
- change base image for publish ci workflow by @emmanuelm41 in #9
- change another base image used for image creation on earthly by @emmanuelm41 in #10
- use debian 12 slim as base image for docker image by @emmanuelm41 in #11
- Release latest changes by @emmanuelm41 in #13
- Release new features by @emmanuelm41 in #16
- Compatability w/
by @bengtlofgren in #18 - update git workflow by @rllola in #19
- fix: duplicate keys by @rllola in #25
- misc: settings file as an example by @rllola in #26
- misc: specify in Settings.toml if http or https url for tendermint by @rllola in #27
- feat: create fk for tx_* by @rllola in #28
- fix: serialize tx_hashes as hex for json response by @rllola in #30
- New transactions support by @neithanmo in #38
- feat: added commit signatures by @rllola in #39
- feat: gas information for wrapped tx by @rllola in #40
- Organize endpoint implementations by @neithanmo in #41
- feat: add wrapper tx id for decrypted transaction by @rllola in #44
- Feat/account tables by @neithanmo in #43
- chore: fix typos by @vuittont60 in #48
- feat: improvements api by @rllola in #45
- Fix/tests by @neithanmo in #47
- fix the hash for decrypted tx by @rllola in #49
- Feat/vote proposal by @neithanmo in #50
- feat: add uptime route feature by @rllola in #51
- Update publish workflow to latest version, fix dockerfile by @emmanuelm41 in #53
New Contributors
- @neithanmo made their first contribution in #1
- @rllola made their first contribution in #2
- @bengtlofgren made their first contribution in #18
- @vuittont60 made their first contribution in #48
Full Changelog: