A project template for the Software Engineering Discipline and Practice module (COMSM0166).
Please clone this repo to your team's repo. We'll be setting up your repo and assigning you to it after the group forming activity. You can delete this section after cloning, but please keep the rest of the repo structure intact.
You will be developing your game using P5.js a javascript library that provides you will all the tools you need to make your game. However, we won't be teaching you javascript, this is a chance for you and your team to learn a (friendly) new language and framework quickly, something you will almost certainly have to do with your summer project and in future. There is a lot of documentation online, you can start with:
- P5.js tutorials
- Coding Train P5.js course - go here for enthusiastic video tutorials from Dan Shiffman (recommeded!)
Link to your game PLAY HERE
Your game lives in the /docs folder, and is published using Github pages to the link above.
Include a demo video of your game here (you don't have to wait until the end, you can insert a work in progress video)
- Group member 1, Hsin Yun Fan, [email protected], hsinyunF
- Group member 2, Yu Qi Lin, [email protected], chiderlin
- Group member 3, Wei Lin, [email protected], vivi2393142
- Group member 4, Digo Tu, [email protected], digotu
- Group member 5, Zih-Cing Lan, [email protected], ZihcingLan
- Group member 6, CHEN PIN-RU, [email protected], nezii0331
- 5% ~250 words
- Describe your game, what is based on, what makes it novel?
- 15% ~750 words
- Use case diagrams, user stories. Early stages design. Ideation process. How did you decide as a team what to develop?
- 15% ~750 words
- System architecture. Class diagrams, behavioural diagrams.
15% ~750 words
Describe implementation of your game, in particular highlighting the three areas of challenge in developing your game.
15% ~750 words
One qualitative evaluation (your choice)
One quantitative evaluation (of your choice)
Description of how code was tested.
15% ~750 words
Teamwork. How did you work together, what tools did you use. Did you have team roles? Reflection on how you worked together.
10% ~500 words
Reflect on project as a whole. Lessons learned. Reflect on challenges. Future work.
- Provide a table of everyone's contribution, which may be used to weight individual grades. We expect that the contribution will be split evenly across team-members in most cases. Let us know as soon as possible if there are any issues with teamwork as soon as they are apparent.
You can delete this section in your own repo, it's just here for information. in addition to the marks above, we will be marking you on the following two points:
Quality of report writing, presentation, use of figures and visual material (5%)
- Please write in a clear concise manner suitable for an interested layperson. Write as if this repo was publicly available.
Documentation of code (5%)
- Is your repo clearly organised?
- Is code well commented throughout?