This helicopter landing game uses your phone as a joystick!
It is built with OpenFrameworks and uses WebSockets to send your phone's orientation data received from the Device Orientation API to the game server to control the helicopter's pitch and roll.
See steps below to install and run the game, including in-game key bindings.
- Clone this repo into your OpenFrameworks/apps/myApps directory
git clone
- Copy the addon ofxLibwebsockets into your OpenFrameworks/addons directory
- Open the game in your IDE and build/run, or alternatively, open a terminal and run the commands
followed bymake RunRelease
- If you receive an alert about opening connections, accept it
- At this point, the game should be running but waiting on you to press the spacebar to start the game and you should be able to use the arrow keys to turn the helicopter
- From your phone's web browser, navigate to the url
- To find your IP on mac you can open the network system settings, click WiFi, and then details, and your IP should be at the bottom of that page.
- Click the button to start sending your phone's orientation data, you should see the helicopter pitch and roll in sync with your phone!
Camera Bindings
- 1 - Easy Cam, looks at player and can be moved with mouse controls after pressing C.
- 2 - Follow Cam, stays behind player for easy navigation
- 3 - Sky Cam, get a bird's eye view of the map! Also looks at player
Arrow Keys Flight Controls
- Up/Down - Throttle up/down
- Left/Right - Control helicopter yaw movement
Phone Joystick Flight Controls
- Hold your phone in portrait mode, flat and level.
- Tilt forward/back for helicopter pitch
- Tilt left/right for helicopter roll
C - Enable easy cam mouse controls
W - Show mesh wireframes
A - Show altimeter
B - Show bounding boxes