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Yuh.Collections Wiki




This library provides collection types and some methods to search through a collection.


Type name Summary
ChunkedList<T> Represents a list that holds elements in separated chunks to reduce the cost of resizing.
CircularBuffer<T> Represents a buffer that supports addition or removal at the front or back.
CircularBuffer<T>.Enumerator Represents an enumerator that iterates through the CircularBuffer<T>.
Deque<T> Represents a basic double-ended queue.
Deque<T>.Enumerator Represents an enumerator that iterates through the Deque<T>.
DequeSlim<T> Represents a double-ended queue that often requires smaller memory-region than Deque<T>.
DequeSlim<T>.Enumerator Represents an enumerator that iterates through the DequeSlim<T>.

Static classes

Class name Summary
CollectionsMarshal Provides sets of methods to access the internal data structure of collections.
Searching.BinarySearch Provides methods that search for an element in a collection, using binary-search.


Interface name Summary
IDeque<T> Represents a double-ended queue.
IReadOnlyDeque<T> Represents a read-only, double-ended queue.




型名 概要
ChunkedList<T> リサイズのコストを抑えるために, 要素をチャンクに分けて保持しているリスト.
CircularBuffer<T> 先頭と末尾での要素の挿入・削除に対応したバッファ.
CircularBuffer<T>.Enumerator CircularBuffer<T> の要素を列挙する列挙子.
Deque<T> 一般的な両端キュー.
Deque<T>.Enumerator Deque<T> の要素を列挙する列挙子.
DequeSlim<T> Deque<T> よりも効率的にメモリ領域を扱う両端キュー.
DequeSlim<T>.Enumerator DequeSlim<T> の要素を列挙する列挙子.


クラス名 概要
CollectionsMarshal コレクション内部のデータ構造にアクセスするための方法を提供します.
Searching.BinarySearch 二分探索を用いて, コレクション内を探索する関数群を提供します.
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