Latest version:
功能简介: 该工具可快速将GDS格式文件导入到Ansys HFSS 3D Layout中进行仿真建模和分析,支持非加密的IRCX文件、itf文件,也支持自定义的工艺文件格式(未直接支持的文件可通过CSV导入定义)。支持应用包括2.5D/3D Package、RF Chip、TSV、Silicon-SI等。
Readme: This toolkit enables fast import of GDS format files into Ansys HFSS 3D Layout for simulation modeling and analysis. It supports non-encrypted IRCX files, itf files, and custom process file formats (unsupported files can be imported through CSV definitions). Applications supported include advanced 2.5D/3D packaging, RF chips, TSV, Silicon-SI, and more.
- Extract nets from GDS and import to EDB
- Extract accurate material property from IRCX
- Extract accurate layer thickness and stackup from IRCX
- Automatic generate control xml for AEDT GDSII Importing
- Support four type dielectric merge when importing (Update in V4.0)
- Automatic create Via Group and SnapViaGroups
- Automatic generate components on top and bottom layer for easier port setup
- Synchronous import to AEDT when EDB prepared
- Automatic detect and fix of small gaps between layers to avoid mesh Issue (New in V4.0)
- Support sheet layers to simplify thinner metal layer mesh e.g. 0.001um( New in V4.0 )
- support to generate temperature dependent material ( New in V5.0)
- Add CSV input template to provide more flexible input for other Technology File( New in V5.0)
- Support New TSV Layer feature in 3D Layout 2022R1 (New in V5.0)
- Support ConvertPolygonToCircle Feature to reduce mesh(New in V5.0)
- More flexible setting options and enhanced command line(No-GUI) support(windows and Linux)
Example 1:
set AedtInstallDir=C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\AnsysEM21.1\Win64
set GdsFile=D:\HFSS\GDSII\GDS2XML\TECH2XML_test\test.gds
set path=% AedtInstallDir %\common\IronPython;%path%
ipy64 -batch
Example 2:
set AedtInstallDir=C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\AnsysEM21.1\Win64
set path=% AedtInstallDir %\common\IronPython;%path%
ipy64 –GdsFile “D:\HFSS\GDSII\GDS2XML\TECH2XML_test\test.gds” – TechFile “D:\HFSS\GDSII\GDS2XML\TECH2XML_test\TSMC_INTERPOSER.ircx”
setenv AedtInstallDir /data/tools/AnsysEM/v231/Linux64
setenv gdsFile /home/yguo/Project/GDSImport/T28_new.gds
setenv techFile /home/yguo/Project/GDSImport/tsmc.ircx
setenv ipy64 "$AedtInstallDir/common/mono/Linux64/bin/mono $AedtInstallDir/common/IronPython/ipy64.exe"
IRCX, ITF to CSV Command line (From V5.11)
ipy64 Tech2CSV –Techfile techFilePath [-CSVOut csvPath]
techFilePath: The path to the techfile, currently only supports IRCX and ITF formats.
csvPath: Optional, specifies the output path for the CSV file. Defaults to the same name as the techfile.
IRCX, ITF to CSV Command line (From V5.11)
ipy64 Tech2XML –Techfile techFilePath [-ControlXmlPath xmlPath]
techFilePath: The path to the techfile, currently only supports IRCX and ITF formats.
xmlPath : Optional, specifies the output path for the xmlPath file. Defaults to the same name as the techfile.