- vim-pathogen to install other plugins easily
- jedi-vim for autocompletion
- vim-surround to handle parentheses and quotes
- vim-fugitive to use git commands from vim
- vim-textobj-python for python-specific text-objects
- targets for even more powerful text-objects
- sideways to move functions arguments
- nerdcommenter for quicker commenting
To automatically install my vimrc and all those cool plugins, please open a terminal and copy paste this:
mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc.old >> /dev/null
mv ~/.vim ~/.vim.old >> /dev/null
git clone https://github.com/YohanGrember/vim-config && \
mv vim-config ~/.vim && \
cd ~/.vim && \
sh auto_setup.sh && \
cd -
My vimrc is largely inspired from ericdaat, ChoiZ and enhanced by tuppervim