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bismurphy edited this page Aug 13, 2024 · 23 revisions

The overlay system

The game is divided into separate modules called overlays. Overlays (OVL in short) are chunk of compiled code that are loaded into a specific address based on different situations in the game. This allows to fit more content in the game.

Memory mapping (Alucard)

Address End addr. File name Description
80010000 8009FFFF main.exe Hardware API, bootloader, shared memory
800A0000 8013BFFF DRA.BIN Game engine
8013C000 8016FFFF BIN/ARC_F.BIN Alucard spritesheet
80170000 80179FFF SERVANT/TT_*.BIN Familiar program
8017A000 8017CFFF BIN/WEAPON0.BIN Right-hand equip program
8017D000 8017FFFF BIN/WEAPON1.BIN Left-hand equip program
80180000 801DFFFF ST/*/*.BIN Stages program
801E0000 801E8000 F_MAP.BIN Castle map graphics
801F0000 801F7800 Heap
801F???? 801FFFF0 Stack
80280000 80?????? Used to load debug assets

Memory mapping (Richter)

Address End addr. File name Description
80010000 8009FFFF main.exe Hardware API, bootloader, shared memory
800A0000 8013BFFF DRA.BIN Game engine
8013C000 8017FFFF BIN/RIC.BIN Richter program
80180000 801DFFFF ST/*/*.BIN Stages program
801E0000 801E8000 F_MAP.BIN Castle map graphics
801F0000 801F7800 Heap
801F???? 801FFFF0 Stack


Loaded by the PlayStation 1 BIOS. On the game disk the name is SLUS_000.67 and it is described by the boot configuration file SYSTEM.CNF. In the absence of a configuration file, this executable can be named as PSX.EXE. The name main.exe is after its counterpart found in the PSP version.

It contains all the hardware API (eg. gamepad, CD, memory card, GPU renderer) of the PlayStation 1 console from the PSY-Q SDK. It does not contain any game logic. The entry point main is just responsible to load DRA.BIN and F_MAP.BIN from the disk and execute the entry point of DRA.BIN immediately.

This executable is also responsible of statically allocate a shared portion of memory that all the overlays can access to. One typical example is the GameApi structure. Overlays never communicate between one another with the exception of this portion of memory.

Game engine

Named as DRA.BIN. It contains all the business logic such as the game loop, the game API, logic to draw maps, load stages, render the graphics, handles the menu, defines monsters, equipment and much more. There is a state-machine that decides what the game engine is supposed to do (eg. load a new stage, spawn Alucard entity and move him across the stage, pause the game into the menu, play FMV). It is the most critical file of the game.


Contains all the unique logic to handle map specific events, cut-scenes, enemy AI, collisions and more. It also contains the rooms and entities layout. Each overlay can be considered as its own mini-game. The title screen SEL.BIN is an example of how a stage overlay can act very differently. It exposes a small portion of endpoints into the game API including the room location list or the sprite definitions.

The following is a list of the many stage overlays found in the binary of the game:

ID PSX PSP Description
00 NO0 STP00 Marble Gallery
01 NO1 STP01 Outer Wall
02 LIB STP02 Long Library
03 CAT STP03 Catacombs
04 NO2 STP04 Olrox's Quarters
05 CHI STP05 Abandoned Mine
06 DAI STP06 Royal Chapel
07 NP3 STP07 Castle Entrance
08 CEN STP08 Castle Center
09 NO4 STP09 Underground Caverns
0A ARE STP10 Colosseum
0B TOP STP11 Castle Keep (Hallway Entrance)
0C NZ0 STP12 Alchemy Laboratory
0D NZ1 STP13 Clock Tower
0E WRP STP14 Warp Room
0F NO1 STP15
10 NO0 STP16
11 NO1 STP17
12 DRE STP18 Nightmare
13 NZ0 STP19
14 NZ1 STP20
15 LIB STP21
16 BO7 STP22 Cerberos (Boss)
17 MAR STP23 Maria cutscene (clock room)
18 BO6 STP24 Richter (Boss)
19 BO5 STP25 Hippogryph (Boss)
1A BO4 STP26 Doppleganger10 (Boss)
1B BO3 STP27 Scylla (Boss)
1C BO2 STP28 Minotaurus / Werewolf (Boss)
1D BO1 STP29 Granfaloon (Boss)
1E BO0 STP30 Olrox (Boss)
1F ST0 STP31 Final Stage: Bloodlines
20 RNO0 STP32 Black Marble Gallery
21 RNO1 STP33 Reverse Outer Wall
22 RLIB STP34 Forbidden Library
23 RCAT STP35 Floating Catacombs
24 RNO2 STP36 Death Wing's Lair
25 RCHI STP37 Cave (Reverse Abandoned Mine)
26 RDAI STP38 Anti-Chapel
27 RNO3 STP39 Reverse Castle Entrance
28 RCEN STP40 Reverse Castle Center (Shaft Boss Fight)
29 RNO4 STP41 Reverse Caverns
2A RARE STP42 Reverse Colosseum
2B RTOP STP43 Reverse Castle Keep (Hallway Entrance)
2C RNZ0 STP44 Necromancy Laboratory
2D RNZ1 STP45 Reverse Clock Tower
2E RWRP STP46 Reverse Warp Room
2F NO1 STP47
30 NO1 STP48
31 NO1 STP49
32 NO1 STP50
33 NO1 STP51
34 NO1 STP52
35 RNZ1 STP53
36 RBO8 STP54 Galamoth (Boss)
37 RBO7 STP55 Akmodan II (Boss)
38 RBO6 STP56 Dracula (Boss)
39 RBO5 STP57 Doppleganger40 (Boss)
3A RBO4 STP58 The Creature (Boss)
3B RBO3 STP59 Medusa (Boss)
3C RBO2 STP60 Death (Boss)
3D RBO1 STP61 Beezelbub (Boss)
3E RBO0 STP62 Fake Trevor / Fake Grant / Fake Sypha (Boss)
3F NO1 STP63
40 MAD STP64 Debug Room
41 NO3 STP65 Castle Entrance (Intro / Death Cutscene)
42 DAI STP66
43 LIB STP67
44 NO1 STP68
45 SEL STP69 Title Screen / Main Menu
46 TE1 STP70 Test Room 1
47 TE2 STP71 Test Room 2
48 TE3 STP72 Test Room 3
49 TE4 STP73 Test Room 4
4A TE5 STP74 Test Room 5
4C TE2 STP76
4D TE2 STP77
4E TE2 STP78
4F TE2 STP79

Please note, at the time of writing, not all stage overlays are extracted and available for decompilation. This was a deliberate decision made in an effort to keep the scope of the project manageable during the beginning phase. As the project progresses, more overlays will likely be extracted and made available for decompilation.

Game API

Exposes endpoints from different overlays in a shared memory area, so they can communicate each other indirectly.

File handling

The game has three ways to load the game files.

LBA system

This is the main way the game loads files. To greatly improve loading times, files are accessed by directly specifying to the CD-ROM system the absolute position of the file to load in the disk. This saves time as the disk head would not need to fetch the file location and size from the main table searching by the name. The location is a 32-bit integer that represents the sector index of where the file is physically located on the disk. The size of a sector is physically 2352 bytes long, but only 2048 of them are used to store the actual game data (aside from the XA tracks and the STR videos).

There are mainly two tables in DRA.BIN that stores all the game data. One is at 800A3C40 which stores every stage offsets and size. The other table is at 800ACC74 and it is used to load specific files in different part of the memory based on their type. The stage ST/SEL/SEL.BIN contains a duplicate table of 800A3C40, probably to have some kind of stage select built in.

As the location of the files is hard-coded, their position has to be known before building the actual game. It is believed the PSY-Q SDK has tools to offer this specific functionality. In alternative the tool sotn-disk can be used to patch those binaries after the image is being built.

PSY-Q open

The classic way of opening files with the UNIX function open. This is only used by main.exe to bootstrap DRA.BIN and F_MAP.BIN. It is known to be slower than using an LBA table as it has to move the head at the beginning of the disk, look for the Primary Volume Descriptor offset and walk through the directories to resolve the chosen sector offset and file length.


Used during the development. The file path prefix is sim: (eg. sim:c:\bin\f_title1.bin). The PlayStation 1 offers drivers for the file I/O. Most likely the developers registered the driver sim to allow the PlayStation to load overlays on the fly from a physical hard drive to quickly iterate between new builds. The main.exe initially attempts to load DRA.BIN and DRA.BIO (formal name of F_MAP.BIN) from the simulator. If it succeeded it sets the flag at 800978AC to a value different than 0, effectively indicating the game needs to use the simulator instead of the LBA for all the following files.

Graphics rendering

This is a write-up to break down how the game renders graphics on screen. In short the game has a primitive list that gets consolidated into a drawing scene every frame. When graphics contains sprites or textures the resources are loaded from the VRAM.

Primitive list


Drawing scene


Sprite banks

TODO: anim set, anim frame, clut index, tpage.



This write-up focuses on how the Video RAM (VRAM) is managed by a stage. The VRAM can be divided into four quadrants, each measuring 512x256 pixels.

When working with graphics that have a 4 bits per pixel (4bpp) format, a Color Look-Up Table (CLUT) is utilized. In the following examples, a grey CLUT will be used as a reference.

To transfer graphics from the main memory to the VRAM, a DMA operation is performed using the PSY-Q SDK function LoadImage(RECT*, u_long*). The first parameter RECT specifies the location in the VRAM where the graphics will be placed. The second parameter u_long* is a pointer to the main memory location from which the graphics will be loaded. It is important to note that the coordinates and size mentioned in the RECT parameter are based on a 16-bit image. For example, to load a 256x256 4bpp texture, the RECT values will be set as w=64 and h=256.

Rendering targets

The upper-left quadrant of the VRAM serves as a double buffer and acts as the render target for creating the final picture. Utilizing a double buffer is crucial to prevent tearing artifacts in the displayed image. While one buffer is used to transfer its content to the video output, the other buffer can be populated to prepare for the next frame. The game employs two buffer descriptors, namely GpuBuffer g_GpuBuffers[2] and the variable g_CurrentBuffer to keep track of the currently active buffer for rendering the scene. When the frame is ready to be displayed on the screen, g_CurrentBuffer = g_CurrentBuffer->next is called to flip the buffers, ensuring that the rendering occurs on the appropriate buffer. During the rendering of stages, each buffer is represented as two 256x240 targets one next to the other. These buffers are stored in the RGBA5551 format, where each pixel is represented by a 16-bit value.

To achieve effects like the photo burning at the end of the prologue, the game creates a duplicate copy of one of the buffers and uses it as a texture. This technique is commonly used in PlayStation 1 games and subsequent game platforms.

Stage graphics


The second quadrant in the upper-right corner of the VRAM is dedicated to storing stage graphics. It specifically contains everything related to a given stage, including the tileset and decorative entities (e.g. the moving trees in parallax outside the castle or the clock tower in the prologue). Stage graphics are loaded from ST/{stage}/F_{stage}.BIN which is always a 256KB file consisting of 32 images of 128x128 pixels and a 4bpp format. Typically the graphics at the far left is used for the tile map and the one at the far right is for the entities.

The first few 256x256 tpages of the stage graphics are 256x240 of the actual tiles and the bottom 16x256 is utilised as a palette collection in the RGBA5551 format. All the stage graphics exclusively use the CLUT at that location to render the tile map. As a result the last row of the tileset is reserved for the palette, often resulting to either uncomprehensive graphics or left blank.

The tiles within the tileset are referenced by an index, where each tile occupies a space of 16x16 pixels. Tile 0 is always empty and it is never rendered. Tile 1 is located at (16, 0) while the tile 15 is is at (240, 0). Following this pattern, tile 16 can be located at (0, 16). It is worth noting that tile maps are crafted in a way where tiles from 240 to 255 are never used, as they contain the CLUT for the stage. Typically, after tile 239, the next tile would be tile 256, positioned at (256, 0).

DRA entities


The fourth quadrant at the bottom-right is dedicated to the game engine DRA.BIN. It stores the graphics that are shared across stages and can be reused without the need to load them every time. This is true even if the shared entities code (e.g. the candle or the item prize) is store inside each stage overlay and not in DRA. For Alucard, these graphics are loaded from BIN/F_GAME.BIN, while for Richter, they are loaded from BIN/F_GAME2.BIN. This section of VRAM contains a series of 32 images, each with a size of 128x128 pixels and a 4bpp format.

The file from which these graphics are loaded is 264KB in size. The last 8KB of the file is allocated for the CLUT, which is loaded at the very bottom of the first quadrant, just below the two rendering targets.

Dynamic entities


This last section is still work-in-progress. It is currently unknown how the game dynamically loads this graphics and where it comes from. It seems to be dynamically loaded from memory based on the room where the player is into.

Beta content




The debug room overlay ST/MAD.BIN was compiled earlier than the first retail release of the game. All the offsets that refers to DRA.BIN points to invalid portions of data or to the wrong API calls, effectively breaking the majority of its original functionalities. That is why the debug room does not contain any object. By compiling the debug room with make mad_fix you can restore it by redirecting the old pointers to the retail version of the game.

The factory system

Many entities in the game spawn other entities in a roundabout, indirect manner. For example, let's consider the function DoGravityJump, which is used when the player activates their gravity boots. It accelerates the player rapidly into the air, but it also creates a factory, using this syntax:

CreateEntFactoryFromEntity(g_CurrentEntity, FACTORY(0, 2), 0);

This will create a factory. The factory is a short-lived entity which exists solely for the purpose of spawning another entity. We pass it a basis entity (in this case g_CurrentEntity) which will act as the parent of our new entity. By default, our new entity gets spawned into the same location as the parent.

The FACTORY() macro is important. It controls the behavior of the factory to determine what child is made, and any parameters related to that.

The first parameter of FACTORY will be passed to the child. The second parameter tells the factory which blueprint to use.

Factory Blueprints

When a factory is created, it has the purpose of spawning a child. It builds that child (hence being called a factory), and does so based on a set of parameters. We call these parameters the "blueprint", the design for building the child. In this case, the gravity jump is creating a factory to use blueprint 2.

To see what blueprints are doing, we can look to assets/dra/factory_blueprint.json (note: Richter has his own set of blueprints, so any functions in RIC should look to assets/ric for those blueprints). We can then look at blueprint 2, as the blueprint with ID of 2. That is:

            "id": 2,
            "id_hex": "2",
            "ram_addr": "800AD1E0",
            "childId": 3,
            "unk1": 1,
            "unk2": {
                "bit7": true,
                "bit6": true,
                "bottom6": 1
            "unk3": 0,
            "unk4": {
                "topHalf": 2,
                "bottomHalf": 0
            "unk5": 0

Everything from childId down is controlling how the factory behaves. Some factories will spawn multiple child entities, for example. A lot of these fields are not understood, and should be researched. Look to EntityEntFactory's first block of lines to see how the data is loaded into the fields of the factory.

The most important element of the blueprint is the childId, which tells us what child is made. In this case, the child is entity #3.

Child entities

When looking at these child entities, they are numbered and are pulled from a few different tables. Factories in the main game and overlays will pull from g_DraEntityTbl (and in Richter's code, g_RicEntityTbl). In this case, we will look at the #3 entity (counting from 0 of course) in the DRA entity table, and we find EntityGravityBootBeam. Lines right up! This factory will create the blue and white beam from Alucard's feet when gravity jumping.

Weapons are different. You will usually see weapon calls like

g_api.CreateEntFactoryFromEntity(self, ((g_HandId + 1) << 0xE) + FACTORY(0x100, 88), 0);

The use of g_HandId is crucial for knowing this is a weapon call. You can look to func_8011A4D0 to understand how entity update functions are assigned to new entities. Once we identify this as a weapon call, we can look to the blueprints. We have blueprint 88, which says it has child 9 (again, in assets/dra/factory_blueprint.json). But this is not the 9th entity in g_DraEntityTbl! This is the 9th element in the Weapon struct in include/weapon.h. We can count these down and see func_ptr_80170024. This factory call will create an entity whose update function is func_ptr_80170024.

This process of identifying what a factory does can be a little confusing. Anywhere in the code which uses a CreateEntFactoryFromEntity call should ideally have a comment saying what entity is being made from the chosen blueprint.

It would also be nice if we had a macro for something like WPN_FACTORY() which would bake in the g_HandId logic, which is somewhat bulky.