- can control the playback of music - 可以控制音乐的播放
- If Spotify is running locally, it will control through simulating media keys - 如果本地运行着Spotify, 会通过模拟媒体键来控制
- If Spotify is not running locally, it will control using the Spotify Web-API(Premium user only) - 如果本地没有运行Spotify, 会使用Spotify Web-API来控制(由于官方限制,该控制方式仅Premium用户有效)
- The lyrics are synchronized with the playback progress - 歌词与播放进度同步
- The lyrics are fetched from Musixmatch and Netease CloudMusic - 歌词从Musixmatch和网易云音乐抓取
- For foreign lyrics, Musixmatch is the first choice; if not available, Netease CloudMusic will be used - 外文歌词首选Musixmatch, 若无则使用网易云音乐
- The Chinese lyrics translation comes from Netease CloudMusic - 中文翻译来自网易云音乐
- The size of the floating window can be adjusted freely - 悬浮窗大小可以自由调整
- The background color of the floating window, the color of the lyrics' font, the color of the lyrics outline, and the font of the lyrics can all be modified - 悬浮窗背景颜色,歌词字体颜色,歌词描边颜色,歌词字体均可修改
- If the lyrics exceed the length of the floating window, they will automatically scroll - 如果歌词超出悬浮窗长度会自动滚动
- Register on the Spotify Developer Platform and create an app - 在Spotify开发者平台上注册并且创建一个app
- Click the EDIT SETTINGS button and add as a Redirect URL - 点击 EDIT SETTINGS按钮,添加 为一个Redirect URL
- Go to the USERS AND ACCESS menu and add your own Spotify account - 转到USERS AND ACCESS菜单 添加你自己的账号
- Run this project, click the second setting button, and enter the obtained Client ID and Client Secret in the web interface, then click save button - 运行本项目,点击悬浮窗上第二个设置按钮,在Web界面中填入刚刚获取的Client ID和Client Secret,点击保存
- Click the first login button and log in to your Spotify account - 点击悬浮窗上第一个登录按钮,登录你的Spotify账号
- Enjoy it - 好了
- 安装pyinstaller
Switch to folder
- 转到src
目录下 -
Use the following command to generate the
file - 使用以下指令创建.spec
pyi-makespec --onefile --icon "./resources/static/favicon.ico" --add-data "./resources;resources/" --paths "./lyrics" --paths "./spotify" --paths "./ui" "./SpotifyLyrics.py" --noconsole --hidden-import "plyer.playforms" --hidden-import "plyer.platforms.win" --hidden-import "plyer.platforms.win.notification" --hidden-import "plyer.platforms.win.libs"
Locate line 8 and add following items to the list:
'./Constants.py', './Logger.py', './Settings.py', './Variables.py'
- 在第8行的第一个数组中加入以上几个内容 -
Edit your
module library filebottle.py
and use following codes to redefine_stdout
on line 71 - 转到bottle
import tempfile tempf = tempfile.TemporaryFile() def redefine_write(msg): global tempf tempf.write(msg.encode("utf-8")) _stdout, _stderr = redefine_write, redefine_write
Use the following command to package the .exe file - 使用以下指令打包.exe
pyinstaller ./SpotifyLyrics.spec
Now you could find your .exe file in folder
- 可执行文件已打包到dist