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AST Validation Step #5

merged 17 commits into from
Jan 14, 2024
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions lvtc/lvtc.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ library
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ test-suite lvtc-test
Expand Down
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions lvtc/src/AST.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ module AST
( Type
, Value (..)
, Var
, Symbol
, FuncCall
, FuncPrototype
, FuncDeclaration
, Instruction (..)
, VarDeclaration
, VarAssignation
, Condition
, Symbol
, IsFuncExport
, Export
, WhileBlock
) where
) where

import Data.Int (Int32)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ instance Eq Value where

type Var = (Symbol, Type)

type IsFuncExport = Bool
type Export = Bool

type FuncPrototype = (IsFuncExport, Symbol, [Var], Type)
type FuncPrototype = (Export, Symbol, [Var], Type)

type FuncDeclaration = (FuncPrototype, [Instruction])

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lvtc/src/ParseLvt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ parseFuncVars =
<|> parseFuncVar)
<* parseChar ')'

parseFuncName :: Parser (IsFuncExport, Symbol)
parseFuncName :: Parser (Export, Symbol)
parseFuncName =
((\x -> (True, x)) <$> (parseString "export fn " *> parseVarName))
<|> ((\x -> (False, x)) <$> (parseString "fn " *> parseVarName))
Expand Down
220 changes: 220 additions & 0 deletions lvtc/src/TypeCheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
-- Leviator compiler
-- File description:
-- Type checker

module TypeCheck
( typeCheck
) where

import AST

data Env = Env FuncPrototype [VarAssignation] [FuncPrototype]

findVarInParams :: Symbol -> [Var] -> Env -> Maybe Type
findVarInParams _ [] _ = Nothing
findVarInParams s ((s', t):xs) env
| s == s' = Just t
| otherwise = findVarInParams s xs env

findVarInVar :: Symbol -> [VarAssignation] -> Env -> Maybe Type
findVarInVar _ [] _ = Nothing
findVarInVar s ((s', v):xs) env
| s == s' = findValueType v env
| otherwise = findVarInVar s xs env

findTypeReturnFunc :: Symbol -> Env -> Maybe FuncPrototype
findTypeReturnFunc s (Env (e, s', ps, t) _ _) | s == s' = Just (e, s', ps, t)
findTypeReturnFunc _ (Env _ _ []) = Nothing
findTypeReturnFunc s (Env proto vars ((e, s', ps, t):xs))
| s == s' = Just (e, s', ps, t)
| otherwise = findTypeReturnFunc s (Env proto vars xs)

getValueType :: Value -> Maybe Type
getValueType (Integer _) = Just "Int"
getValueType (Boolean _) = Just "Bool"
getValueType (StringView _) = Just "String"
getValueType _ = Nothing

checkFuncType :: [Value] -> Env -> Maybe FuncPrototype -> Maybe Type
checkFuncType _ _ Nothing = Nothing
checkFuncType callParams (Env proto params env) (Just (_, _, ps, t))
| checkVarsTypes callParams (Just ps) (Env proto params env) = Just t
| otherwise = Nothing

handleFinders :: Maybe Type -> Symbol -> Env -> Maybe Type
handleFinders _ _ (Env (_, _, [], _) [] _) = Nothing
handleFinders Nothing s (Env proto vars env) =
findVarInVar s vars (Env proto vars env)
handleFinders (Just t) _ _ = Just t

findValueType :: Value -> Env -> Maybe Type
findValueType (Var s) (Env (e, ps, params, t) vars env) =
handleFinders (findVarInParams s params (Env (e, ps, params, t) vars env))
s (Env (e, ps, params, t) vars env)
findValueType (FuncValue (s, vs)) env =
checkFuncType vs env (findTypeReturnFunc s env)
findValueType v _ = getValueType v

checkValueType :: Type -> Maybe Type -> Bool
checkValueType _ Nothing = False
checkValueType t (Just t') = t == t'

assertTypeAndValue :: Type -> Value -> Env -> Bool
assertTypeAndValue _ (Var _) (Env (_, _, [], _) [] _) = False
assertTypeAndValue t v env = checkValueType t (findValueType v env)

assertMTypeAndValue :: Maybe Type -> Value -> Env -> Bool
assertMTypeAndValue Nothing _ _ = False
assertMTypeAndValue (Just t) v env = assertTypeAndValue t v env

isTypeValid :: Type -> Bool
isTypeValid "Int" = True
isTypeValid "Bool" = True
isTypeValid _ = False

checkVarsTypes :: [Value] -> Maybe [Var] -> Env -> Bool
checkVarsTypes _ Nothing _ = False
checkVarsTypes [] (Just []) _ = True
checkVarsTypes values (Just param) _ | length values /= length param = False
checkVarsTypes [v] (Just [(_, t)]) env = assertTypeAndValue t v env
checkVarsTypes (v:vs) (Just ((_, t):xs)) env
| assertTypeAndValue t v env = checkVarsTypes vs (Just xs) env
| otherwise = False
checkVarsTypes _ _ _ = False

findFunc :: Symbol -> [FuncPrototype] -> Maybe [Var]
findFunc _ [] = Nothing
findFunc s ((_, s', params, _):_) | s == s' = Just params
findFunc s (_:xs) = findFunc s xs

checkCall :: FuncCall -> Env -> [Instruction] -> Bool
checkCall (symbol, values) (Env (e, s, params, t) vars env) xs
| s == symbol &&
checkVarsTypes values (Just params) (Env (e, s, params, t) vars env) ||
checkVarsTypes values (findFunc symbol env)
(Env (e, s, params, t) vars env) =
checkInstructions xs (Env (e, s, params, t) vars env)
| otherwise = False

checkReturn :: Value -> Env -> [Instruction] -> Bool
checkReturn v (Env (e, s, params, t) vars env) xs
| assertTypeAndValue t v (Env (e, s, params, t) vars env) =
checkInstructions xs (Env (e, s, params, t) vars env)
checkReturn _ _ _ = False

findInVar :: Symbol -> [Var] -> Bool
findInVar _ [] = False
findInVar s ((s', _):_) | s == s' = True
findInVar s (_:xs) = findInVar s xs

searchName :: Symbol -> [VarAssignation] -> [Var] -> Bool
searchName s [] vars = findInVar s vars
searchName s ((s', _):_) _ | s == s' = True
searchName s (_:xs) params = searchName s xs params

nameExist :: Symbol -> FuncPrototype -> [VarAssignation] -> Bool
nameExist s (_, s', _, _) _ | s == s' = True
nameExist s (_, _, params, _) vs = searchName s vs params

checkDeclaration :: VarDeclaration -> Env -> [Instruction] -> Bool
checkDeclaration ((s, t), v) (Env proto vars env) xs
| not (nameExist s proto vars) &&
assertTypeAndValue t v (Env proto vars env) =
checkInstructions xs (Env proto ((s, v):vars) env)
checkDeclaration _ _ _ = False

checkAssignation :: VarAssignation -> Env -> [Instruction] -> Bool
checkAssignation (s, v) env xs |
assertMTypeAndValue (findValueType (Var s) env) v env =
checkInstructions xs env
checkAssignation _ _ _ = False

checkCondition :: Condition -> Env -> [Instruction] -> Bool
checkCondition (v, fst_, snd_) env xs
| assertTypeAndValue "Bool" v env && checkInstructions fst_ env &&
checkInstructions snd_ env = checkInstructions xs env
checkCondition _ _ _ = False

checkWhile :: WhileBlock -> Env -> [Instruction] -> Bool
checkWhile (v, instructions) env _ | assertTypeAndValue "Bool" v env =
checkInstructions instructions env
checkWhile _ _ _ = False

checkInstructions :: [Instruction] -> Env -> Bool
checkInstructions [] _ = True
checkInstructions ((Function func):xs) env = checkCall func env xs
checkInstructions ((Return ret):xs) env = checkReturn ret env xs
checkInstructions ((Declaration declaration):xs) env =
checkDeclaration declaration env xs
checkInstructions ((Assignation assignation):xs) env =
checkAssignation assignation env xs
checkInstructions ((Cond condition):xs) env = checkCondition condition env xs
checkInstructions ((While while):xs) env = checkWhile while env xs

checkVarTypes :: [Var] -> Bool
checkVarTypes [] = True
checkVarTypes [x] = isTypeValid (snd x)
checkVarTypes (x:xs) | isTypeValid (snd x) = checkVarTypes xs
checkVarTypes _ = False

checkFunction :: FuncDeclaration -> [FuncPrototype] -> Bool
checkFunction ((_, _, args, _), _) _ | not (checkVarTypes args) = False
checkFunction ((_, _, _, t), _) _ | not (isTypeValid t) = False
checkFunction (prototype, instructions) env
| checkInstructions instructions (Env prototype [] env) = True
checkFunction _ _ = False

checkNotExisting :: FuncDeclaration -> [FuncPrototype] -> Bool
checkNotExisting _ [] = True
checkNotExisting ((e, s, args, t), instr) ((_, ls, _, _):xs)
| s == ls = False
| otherwise = checkNotExisting ((e, s, args, t), instr) xs

receiveCheckFuncRes :: Bool -> [FuncDeclaration] -> FuncDeclaration -> [FuncPrototype] -> Bool
receiveCheckFuncRes True xs (prototype, _) env =
checkDeclarations xs (Just (prototype:env))
receiveCheckFuncRes _ _ _ _ = False

checkDeclarations :: [FuncDeclaration] -> Maybe [FuncPrototype] -> Bool
checkDeclarations _ Nothing = False
checkDeclarations [] (Just _) = True
checkDeclarations (func:xs) (Just env)
| checkNotExisting func env =
receiveCheckFuncRes (checkFunction func env) xs func env
| otherwise = False

createCalcPrototype :: Symbol -> Type -> FuncPrototype
createCalcPrototype s t = (False, s, [("x", t), ("y", t)], "Int")

createCompPrototype :: Symbol -> Type -> FuncPrototype
createCompPrototype s t = (False, s, [("x", t), ("y", t)], "Bool")

createCompPolyMorph :: Symbol -> [Type] -> [FuncPrototype]
createCompPolyMorph _ [] = []
createCompPolyMorph s (x:xs) =
createCompPrototype s x : createCompPolyMorph s xs

createCompOp :: [Symbol] -> [FuncPrototype]
createCompOp [] = []
createCompOp (x:xs) = createCompPolyMorph x ["Int", "Bool"] ++ createCompOp xs

createCalcOp :: [Symbol] -> [FuncPrototype]
createCalcOp [] = []
createCalcOp (x:xs) = createCalcPrototype x "Int" : createCalcOp xs

defaultEnv :: Maybe [FuncPrototype]
defaultEnv = Just (createCalcOp ["+", "-", "*", "%", "/"] ++
createCompOp ["==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">="])

checkStart :: [FuncDeclaration] -> Bool
checkStart (((True, "start", _, _), _):_) = True
checkStart (((_, _, _, _), _):xs) = checkStart xs
checkStart [] = False

typeCheck :: [FuncDeclaration] -> Bool
typeCheck expressions | checkStart expressions =
checkDeclarations expressions defaultEnv
typeCheck _ = False
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion lvtc/test/Spec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import UTWatLike
import UTWat
import UTWasm
import UTLexeme
import UTTypeCheck

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain tests
Expand All @@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ tests = testGroup "Leviator Tests - Compiler"

testParserHelper :: String -> String -> Expression -> IO ()
Expand Down
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions lvtc/test/UTTypeCheck.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
-- Leviator compiler
-- File description:
-- UTShuntingYard

module UTTypeCheck (
) where

import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import AST
import TypeCheck

uTTypeCheck :: TestTree
uTTypeCheck = testGroup "typeCheck tests"
[testReturn, testFuncCall, testVars, testWhile]

testReturn :: TestTree
testReturn = testGroup "testReturn"
testCase "test no start" (shouldBeFalse
[((True, "main", [], "Int"), [Return (Integer 0)])]),
testCase "testReturn" (shouldBeTrue
[((True, "start", [], "Int"), ([Return (Integer 0)]))]),
testCase "testWrongReturnType" (shouldBeFalse
[((True, "start", [], "Int"), ([Return (Boolean True)]))]),
testCase "test return param" (shouldBeFalse
[((True, "start", [("a", "Int"), ("b", "Bool")], "Int"), [Return (Var "b")])])

testFuncCall :: TestTree
testFuncCall = testGroup "testFuncCall"
testCase "test recursive" (shouldBeTrue
[((True, "start", [], "Int"), [Return (FuncValue ("start", []))])]),
testCase "test return wrong type" (shouldBeFalse
[((True, "start", [], "Int"), [Return (Integer 0)]), ((True, "snd", [], "Bool"), [Return (FuncValue ("start", []))])]),
testCase "test call with params" (shouldBeTrue
[((True, "start", [("a", "Int"), ("b", "Bool")], "Int"), [Return (Var "a")]), ((True, "snd", [], "Int"), [Return (FuncValue ("start", [(Integer 0), (Boolean True)]))])]),
testCase "test call with wrongs params" (shouldBeFalse
[((True, "start", [("a", "Int"), ("b", "Bool")], "Int"), [Return (Var "a")]), ((True, "snd", [], "Int"), [Return (FuncValue ("start", [(Integer 0), (Integer 2)]))])])

testVars :: TestTree
testVars = testGroup "testVars"
testCase "test vars" (shouldBeTrue
[((True, "start", [], "Int"), [Declaration (("a", "Int"), Integer 0), Assignation ("a", (FuncValue ("+", [(Var "a"), (Integer 1)]))), Return (Var "a")])]),
testCase "test params" (shouldBeTrue
[((True, "start", [("a", "Int")], "Int"), [Assignation ("a", (FuncValue ("+", [(Var "a"), (Integer 1)]))), Return (Var "a")])]),
testCase "test params" (shouldBeTrue
[((True, "start", [("a", "Int")], "Int"), [Declaration (("b", "Int"), (Var "a")), Declaration (("c", "Int"), (Var "b")), Return (Var "c")])]),
testCase "test wrong var declaration" (shouldBeFalse
[((True, "start", [("a", "Int")], "Int"), [Declaration (("a", "Int"), Integer 0)])]),
testCase "test double func name" (shouldBeFalse
[((True, "start", [("a", "Int")], "Int"), [Return (Integer 0)]), ((True, "start", [("a", "Int")], "Int"), [Return (Integer 0)])])

testWhile :: TestTree
testWhile = testGroup "testWhile"
testCase "test while" (shouldBeTrue
[((True, "start", [], "Int"), [While (Boolean True, [Return (Integer 0)])])]),
testCase "test while" (shouldBeFalse
[((True, "start", [], "Int"), [While (Integer 0, [Return (Integer 0)])])]),
testCase "test while" (shouldBeFalse
[((True, "start", [], "Int"), [While (Boolean True, [Return (Boolean True)])])])

shouldBeTrue :: [FuncDeclaration] -> Assertion
shouldBeTrue funcs = (typeCheck funcs) @?= True

shouldBeFalse :: [FuncDeclaration] -> Assertion
shouldBeFalse funcs = (typeCheck funcs) @?= False