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TTENSHII committed Jan 14, 2024
1 parent 0bb3f8f commit d67dacb
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Showing 12 changed files with 124 additions and 129 deletions.
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions lvtrun/src/OpCodes.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ extractOpCode' (0x3f:0x00:rest) = ([0x3f, 0x00], BSL.pack rest)
extractOpCode' (0x40:0x00:rest) = ([0x40, 0x00], BSL.pack rest)
extractOpCode' (0x04:0x40:rest) = ([0x04, 0x40], BSL.pack rest)
extractOpCode' (0x03:0x40:rest) = ([0x03, 0x40], BSL.pack rest)
extractOpCode' idx = throw $ WasmError "ExtractOpCode: bad opcode"
extractOpCode' _ = throw $ WasmError "ExtractOpCode: bad opcode"

extractOpCode :: BSL.ByteString -> ([Word8], BSL.ByteString)
extractOpCode bytes = extractOpCode' (BSL.unpack bytes)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,16 +117,16 @@ createInstruction [0x21] bytes = (\(value, rest) ->
(SetLocal value, rest)) (getLEB128ToI32 bytes)
createInstruction [0x44] bytes = (\(value, rest) ->
(F64Const (fromIntegral value), rest)) (getLEB128ToI64 bytes)
createInstruction [0x28] bytes = (\(align, rest) ->
(\(offset, rest2) -> (I32Load (MemArg offset align), rest2))
createInstruction [0x28] bytes = (\(alignn, rest) ->
(\(fset, rest2) -> (I32Load (MemArg fset alignn), rest2))
(getLEB128ToI32 rest)) (getLEB128ToI32 bytes)
createInstruction [0x29] bytes = (\(align, rest) ->
(\(offset, rest2) -> (I64Load (MemArg offset align), rest2))
createInstruction [0x29] bytes = (\(alignn, rest) ->
(\(fset, rest2) -> (I64Load (MemArg fset alignn), rest2))
(getLEB128ToI32 rest)) (getLEB128ToI32 bytes)
createInstruction [0x36] bytes = (\(align, rest) ->
(\(offset, rest2) -> (I32Store (MemArg offset align), rest2))
createInstruction [0x36] bytes = (\(alignn, rest) ->
(\(fset, rest2) -> (I32Store (MemArg fset alignn), rest2))
(getLEB128ToI32 rest)) (getLEB128ToI32 bytes)
createInstruction [0x37] bytes = (\(align, rest) ->
(\(offset, rest2) -> (I64Store (MemArg offset align), rest2))
createInstruction [0x37] bytes = (\(alignn, rest) ->
(\(fset, rest2) -> (I64Store (MemArg fset alignn), rest2))
(getLEB128ToI32 rest)) (getLEB128ToI32 bytes)
createInstruction _ _ = throw $ WasmError "createInstruction: bad instruction"
27 changes: 13 additions & 14 deletions lvtrun/src/Parsing/Code.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ module Parsing.Code

import Data.Int (Int64)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Exception (throw)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL

Expand All @@ -26,29 +25,29 @@ diviseBytes bytes
| BSL.length bytes == 0 = []
| otherwise = code : diviseBytes rest2
(size, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 bytes
(code, rest2) = BSL.splitAt size rest
(sze, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 bytes
(code, rest2) = BSL.splitAt sze rest

createLocal :: LocalIdx -> TypeName -> Local
createLocal idx typee = Local {lcIdx = idx, lcType = typee}

extractLocal :: Int64 -> BSL.ByteString -> ([Local], BSL.ByteString)
extractLocal id bytes
extractLocal idtf bytes
| BSL.length bytes == 0 = throw $ WasmError "extractLocal: bad section"
| otherwise = (locals, BSL.drop 1 rest)
| otherwise = (lcals, BSL.drop 1 rest)
(nb, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 bytes
typee = getTypeFromByte (head (BSL.unpack (BSL.take 1 rest)))
locals = map (\x -> createLocal (fromIntegral id) typee) [0..nb - 1]
lcals = map (\_ -> createLocal (fromIntegral idtf) typee) [0..nb - 1]

extractLocals :: Int64 -> Int64 -> BSL.ByteString -> ([Local], BSL.ByteString)
extractLocals id idMax bytes
| id >= idMax = ([], bytes)
extractLocals idtf idMax bytes
| idtf >= idMax = ([], bytes)
| BSL.length bytes == 0 = ([], bytes)
| otherwise = (local ++ locals, rest2)
| otherwise = (local ++ lcals, rest2)
(local, rest) = extractLocal id bytes
(locals, rest2) = extractLocals (id + 1) idMax rest
(local, rest) = extractLocal idtf bytes
(lcals, rest2) = extractLocals (idtf + 1) idMax rest


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,9 +79,9 @@ parseFunctions _ [] = throw $ WasmError "parseFunctions: bad section"
parseFunctions (x:xs) (y:ys) = parseFunction x y : parseFunctions xs ys

getFuncCode :: Section -> [Function] -> [Function]
getFuncCode (Section CodeID _ content) functions =
parseFunctions funcCodes functions
getFuncCode (Section CodeID _ cntent) fctns =
parseFunctions funcCodes fctns
(nbFunc, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 content
(_, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 cntent
funcCodes = diviseBytes rest
getFuncCode _ _ = throw $ WasmError "getFuncCode: bad section"
32 changes: 12 additions & 20 deletions lvtrun/src/Parsing/Exports.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ where

import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Int (Int64, Int32)
import Control.Exception (throw)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Bs
Expand All @@ -22,40 +21,33 @@ import Types
import Leb128 (getLEB128ToI64, getLEB128ToI32)
import Errors (CustomException(WasmError))

isExportValid :: Word8 -> Bool
isExportValid 0x00 = True
isExportValid 0x01 = True
isExportValid 0x02 = True
isExportValid 0x03 = True
isExportValid _ = False

getExportNb :: Bs.ByteString -> (Int64, Bs.ByteString)
getExportNb content = getLEB128ToI64 content
getExportNb cntent = getLEB128ToI64 cntent

word8ToString :: [Word8] -> String
word8ToString = map (chr . fromIntegral)

createExport :: [Word8] -> Word8 -> FuncIdx -> Export
createExport name 0x00 idx = Export (word8ToString name) (ExportFunc idx)
createExport name 0x01 idx = Export (word8ToString name) (ExportTable idx)
createExport name 0x02 idx = Export (word8ToString name) (ExportMemory idx)
createExport name 0x03 idx = Export (word8ToString name) (ExportGlobal idx)
createExport nme 0x00 idx = Export (word8ToString nme) (ExportFunc idx)
createExport nme 0x01 idx = Export (word8ToString nme) (ExportTable idx)
createExport nme 0x02 idx = Export (word8ToString nme) (ExportMemory idx)
createExport nme 0x03 idx = Export (word8ToString nme) (ExportGlobal idx)
createExport _ _ _ = throw $ WasmError "createExport: bad export"

parseExports :: Int32 -> Int64 -> Bs.ByteString -> [Export]
parseExports idx maxIdx content
parseExports idx maxIdx cntent
| idx >= (fromIntegral maxIdx) = []
| Bs.length content == 0 = []
| Bs.length cntent == 0 = []
| otherwise = export : parseExports (idx + 1) maxIdx rest3
(nameLen, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 content
(name, rest2) = Bs.splitAt nameLen rest
(nameLen, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 cntent
(nme, rest2) = Bs.splitAt nameLen rest
exportType = head (Bs.unpack rest2)
(exportValue, rest3) = getLEB128ToI32 (Bs.drop 1 rest2)
export = createExport (Bs.unpack name) exportType exportValue
export = createExport (Bs.unpack nme) exportType exportValue

getExports :: Section -> [Export]
getExports (Section ExportID _ content) = parseExports 0 exprtsNb rest
getExports (Section ExportID _ cntent) = parseExports 0 exprtsNb rest
(exprtsNb, rest) = getExportNb content
(exprtsNb, rest) = getExportNb cntent
getExports _ = throw $ WasmError "getExports: bad section"
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions lvtrun/src/Parsing/FuncTypes.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,29 +20,29 @@ import Leb128 (getLEB128ToI64)
import Errors (CustomException(..))

getVectorSize :: Bs.ByteString -> (Int64, Bs.ByteString)
getVectorSize content = getLEB128ToI64 content
getVectorSize cntent = getLEB128ToI64 cntent

extractTypes :: (Int64, Bs.ByteString) -> ([TypeName], Bs.ByteString)
extractTypes (0, content) = ([], content)
extractTypes (idx, content) =
(getTypeFromByte (head $ Bs.unpack content) : types, rest)
where (types, rest) = extractTypes (idx - 1, Bs.drop 1 content)
extractTypes (0, cntent) = ([], cntent)
extractTypes (idx, cntent) =
(getTypeFromByte (head $ Bs.unpack cntent) : typs, rest)
where (typs, rest) = extractTypes (idx - 1, Bs.drop 1 cntent)

parseFuncType :: Int32 -> Bs.ByteString -> (FuncType, Bs.ByteString)
parseFuncType id content = (FuncType id params results, rest2)
parseFuncType idtfier cntent = (FuncType idtfier prams res, rest2)
(params, rest) = extractTypes (getVectorSize content)
(results, rest2) = extractTypes (getVectorSize rest)
(prams, rest) = extractTypes (getVectorSize cntent)
(res, rest2) = extractTypes (getVectorSize rest)

parseFuncTypes :: Int32 -> Int64 -> Bs.ByteString -> [FuncType]
parseFuncTypes idx maxIdx content
parseFuncTypes idx maxIdx cntent
| idx >= (fromIntegral maxIdx) = []
| head (Bs.unpack content) == 0x60 =
funcType : parseFuncTypes (idx + 1) maxIdx rest
| head (Bs.unpack cntent) == 0x60 =
fnType : parseFuncTypes (idx + 1) maxIdx rest
| otherwise = throw $ WasmError "ParseFuncTypes: 0x60 expected for function"
where (funcType, rest) = parseFuncType idx (Bs.drop 1 content)
where (fnType, rest) = parseFuncType idx (Bs.drop 1 cntent)

getFuncTypes :: Section -> [FuncType]
getFuncTypes (Section TypeID _ content) = parseFuncTypes 0 vecSize rest
where (vecSize, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 content
getFuncTypes (Section TypeID _ cntent) = parseFuncTypes 0 vecSize rest
where (vecSize, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 cntent
getFuncTypes _ = throw $ WasmError "getFuncTypes: bad section"
21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions lvtrun/src/Parsing/Functions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,19 +20,20 @@ import Errors
import Leb128

parseFunctionsIndex :: Int32 -> Int64 -> BSL.ByteString -> [Function]
parseFunctionsIndex idx maxIdx content
| idx > (fromIntegral maxIdx) = []
| BSL.length content == 0 = []
parseFunctionsIndex idtfier maxIdx cntent
| idtfier > (fromIntegral maxIdx) = []
| BSL.length cntent == 0 = []
| otherwise =
Function {
funcType = fromIntegral typeIdx,
funcIdx = idx,
body = []
} : parseFunctionsIndex (idx + 1) maxIdx rest
where (typeIdx, rest) = getLEB128ToI32 content
funcType = typeIdx,
funcIdx = idtfier,
body = [],
locals = []
} : parseFunctionsIndex (idtfier + 1) maxIdx rest
where (typeIdx, rest) = getLEB128ToI32 cntent

getFunctions :: Section -> [Function]
getFunctions (Section FunctionID _ content) =
getFunctions (Section FunctionID _ cntent) =
parseFunctionsIndex 0 vecSize rest
where (vecSize, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 content
where (vecSize, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 cntent
getFunctions _ = throw $ WasmError "getFunctions: bad section"
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions lvtrun/src/Parsing/Global.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,37 +44,37 @@ parseMutability 0x01 = Var
parseMutability _ = throw $ WasmError "ParseMutability: bad mutability"

getHexaIndex :: BSL.ByteString -> Int64 -> Int64
getHexaIndex content idx
| idx >= (fromIntegral $ BSL.length content) =
getHexaIndex cntent idx
| idx >= BSL.length cntent =
throw $ WasmError "GetHexaIndex: no 0x0b found"
| (head $ BSL.unpack $ BSL.drop (fromIntegral idx) content) == 0x0b = idx
| otherwise = getHexaIndex content (idx + 1)
| (head $ BSL.unpack $ BSL.drop idx cntent) == 0x0b = idx
| otherwise = getHexaIndex cntent (idx + 1)

extractExpression :: BSL.ByteString -> (BSL.ByteString, BSL.ByteString)
extractExpression content = (expression, rest)
extractExpression cntent = (expression, rest)
idx = getHexaIndex content 0
expression = BSL.take (fromIntegral (idx + 1)) content
rest = BSL.drop (fromIntegral (idx + 1)) content
idx = getHexaIndex cntent 0
expression = BSL.take (idx + 1) cntent
rest = BSL.drop (idx + 1) cntent

parseGlobal :: BSL.ByteString -> (Global, BSL.ByteString)
parseGlobal content = (Global globalType mutability instructions, rest)
parseGlobal cntent = (Global gblType mtability instructions, rest)
globalType = getTypeFromByte (head $ BSL.unpack content)
mutability = parseMutability (head $ BSL.unpack $ BSL.drop 1 content)
(expression, rest) = extractExpression (BSL.drop 2 content)
gblType = getTypeFromByte (head $ BSL.unpack cntent)
mtability = parseMutability (head $ BSL.unpack $ BSL.drop 1 cntent)
(expression, rest) = extractExpression (BSL.drop 2 cntent)
instructions = parseInstructions expression

parseGlobals :: Int64 -> Int64 -> BSL.ByteString -> [Global]
parseGlobals idx maxIdx content
parseGlobals idx maxIdx cntent
| idx >= maxIdx = []
| otherwise = global : parseGlobals (idx + 1) maxIdx rest
(global, rest) = parseGlobal content
(global, rest) = parseGlobal cntent

getGlobals :: Section -> [Global]
getGlobals (Section GlobalID _ content) =
getGlobals (Section GlobalID _ cntent) =
parseGlobals 0 vecSize rest
(vecSize, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 content
(vecSize, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 cntent
getGlobals _ = throw $ WasmError "getGlobals: bad section"
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions lvtrun/src/Parsing/Memory.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,28 +18,28 @@ import Leb128 (getLEB128ToI32)
import Errors (CustomException(..))

parseMinMax :: BS.ByteString -> Memory
parseMinMax content
parseMinMax cntent
| endBs /= BS.empty = throw $ WasmError "parseMinMax: bad memory section"
| otherwise = Limit {lMin = min, lMax = Just max}
| otherwise = Limit {lMin = memMin, lMax = Just memMax}
(min, rest) = getLEB128ToI32 content
(max, endBs) = getLEB128ToI32 rest
(memMin, rest) = getLEB128ToI32 cntent
(memMax, endBs) = getLEB128ToI32 rest

parseMin :: BS.ByteString -> Memory
parseMin content
parseMin cntent
| endBs /= BS.empty = throw $ WasmError "parseMin: bad memory section"
| otherwise = Limit {lMin = min, lMax = Nothing}
| otherwise = Limit {lMin = memMin, lMax = Nothing}
(min, endBs) = getLEB128ToI32 content
(memMin, endBs) = getLEB128ToI32 cntent

parseMemory :: BS.ByteString -> Memory
parseMemory content
| head (BS.unpack content) == 0x01 = parseMinMax (BS.drop 1 content)
| head (BS.unpack content) == 0x00 = parseMin (BS.drop 1 content)
parseMemory cntent
| head (BS.unpack cntent) == 0x01 = parseMinMax (BS.drop 1 cntent)
| head (BS.unpack cntent) == 0x00 = parseMin (BS.drop 1 cntent)
| otherwise = throw $ WasmError "parseMemory: bad memory section"

getMemories :: Section -> Memory
getMemories (Section MemoryID _ content)
| head (BS.unpack content) == 0x01 = parseMemory (BS.drop 1 content)
getMemories (Section MemoryID _ cntent)
| head (BS.unpack cntent) == 0x01 = parseMemory (BS.drop 1 cntent)
| otherwise = throw $ WasmError "getMemories: v1 allow 1 memory only"
getMemories _ = throw $ WasmError "getMemories: bad memory section"
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions lvtrun/src/Parsing/Sections.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ getSectionId :: BSL.ByteString -> SectionID
getSectionId bytes = getSectionId' (head (BSL.unpack bytes))

extractSection :: BSL.ByteString -> (Section, BSL.ByteString)
extractSection bytes = (Section sectionId (fromIntegral size) content, rest2)
extractSection bytes = (Section sectionId (fromIntegral sze) cntent, rest2)
sectionId = getSectionId bytes
(size, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 (BSL.drop 1 bytes)
(content, rest2) = BSL.splitAt size rest
(sze, rest) = getLEB128ToI64 (BSL.drop 1 bytes)
(cntent, rest2) = BSL.splitAt sze rest

extractSections :: BSL.ByteString -> [Section]
extractSections bytes
Expand All @@ -65,6 +65,6 @@ getSections bytes = header : sections

getSectionWithId :: [Section] -> SectionID -> Section
getSectionWithId [] _ = throw (WasmError "No section with this id")
getSectionWithId (x:xs) id
| identifier x == id = x
| otherwise = getSectionWithId xs id
getSectionWithId (x:xs) idtfier
| identifier x == idtfier = x
| otherwise = getSectionWithId xs idtfier
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions lvtrun/src/Run/Functions.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,16 +31,16 @@ getStartFunctionId (x:xs)

getFunctionFromId :: Int32 -> [Function] -> Function
getFunctionFromId _ [] = throw $ RuntimeError "getFunctionFromId: bad id"
getFunctionFromId id (x:xs)
| funcIdx x == id = x
| otherwise = getFunctionFromId id xs
getFunctionFromId idtfier (x:xs)
| funcIdx x == idtfier = x
| otherwise = getFunctionFromId idtfier xs

getStartFunction :: [Export] -> [Function] -> Function
getStartFunction exports functions =
getFunctionFromId (getStartFunctionId exports) functions

getFuncTypeFromId :: Int32 -> [FuncType] -> FuncType
getFuncTypeFromId _ [] = throw $ RuntimeError "getFuncTypeFromId: bad id"
getFuncTypeFromId id (x:xs)
| typeId x == id = x
| otherwise = getFuncTypeFromId id xs
getFuncTypeFromId idtfier (x:xs)
| typeId x == idtfier = x
| otherwise = getFuncTypeFromId idtfier xs
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lvtrun/src/Run/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ createVm wasmMod = VM { vmStack = [],

goToLabel :: CurrentExec -> LabelIdx -> CurrentExec
goToLabel cEx labelIdx =
cEx {ceInstIdx = fromIntegral (getLabelOpIdx cEx labelIdx)}
cEx {ceInstIdx = (getLabelOpIdx cEx labelIdx)}

getLabelOpIdx :: CurrentExec -> LabelIdx -> Int
getLabelOpIdx cEx labelIdx
Expand Down

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