npm i revolt-handler
const revolt = require("revolt.js");
const client = new revolt.Client();
const { Command, checkForCommand } = require("revolt-handler");
client.on("ready", () => console.log("Logged in"));
const ping = new Command({
name: "ping",
aliases: ["p"], //Other "commands" that trigger this to run
description: "Returns Pong!", //Description, has no actual user other than ping.description for now.
requiredRoles: [
true, //true means the user needs all of the roles provided, false means they only need one
ping.on("ran", (message, args, exec) => {
//This is what will run if someone uses the command"Pong!").then((x) => {
content: `Pong! \`Took ${new Date().getTime() - exec}ms to execute\``,
ping.on("invalidRoles", (message, args, exec) => {
// This is what runs when the user does not have the required roles."You do not have the required roles");
client.on("message", async (message) => {
checkForCommand(message, "!");
const { loadCommands } = require("revolt-handler");
//First argument is the path to your commands folder, relative to the current file,
//second argument is whether you want to console.log("loaded filename")
loadCommands("./commands", true);