—> Sample input file: “hg18.farFromGenes.20kb.nosep.schweinfurthii.bothsexes.reheader”
—> The input file has data for all the chromosomes (chr1-22 & chrX)
chrom start stop cm2genes pi NumBases Dist2Root
chr1 32450 52450 3.98951152150029e-08 0 1240 11
chr1 62254 82254 1.46132807076949e-08 7.44238095238095 1785 52.2083333333333
chr1 82254 102254 1.37304716842559e-07 0 0 0
chr1 102254 122254 1.46071458287778e-08 0 0 0
chr1 132091 152091 1.01900332726624e-08 0 0 0
chr1 152091 172091 1.32887604286096e-07 0 0 0
chr1 172091 192091 2.55585175299423e-07 0 0 0
chr1 192091 212091 3.78282746313204e-07 0 0 0
chr1 212091 232091 5.00980317326777e-07 0 0 0
chr1 232091 252091 3.78295016070769e-07 0 0 0
chr1 252091 272091 2.55597445058046e-07 0 0 0
chr1 272091 292091 1.32899874045323e-07 0 0 0
chr1 292091 312091 1.02023030326007e-08 0 0 0
Below are the fields given in the input data file:
chrom: name of the chromosome start: start position of the chromosome stop: stop position of the chromosome cm2genes: distance of the defined region of the chromosome in centiMorgans from the nearest gene pi: diversity value of the defined region NumBases: number of callable bases in the defined region Dist2Root: divergence value of the defined region
##Mean and Confidence intervals are calculated in two steps:
Generate bootstrap data (the program generates 1000 bootstrap replicates with replacement ): generate_bootstrap.R This script creates 1000 bootstrap replicates with replacement each for autosomes and X chromosome
Calculate confidence intervals: CalculateMean_CI.R This script calculates the following: (i) Mean and 95% confidence intervals for X and autosomal Divergence for each bin (ii) Mean and 95% confidence intervals for X to autosomal divergence ratios, both uncorrected and corrected for ancestral polymorphism, for each bin (iii) Mean and 95% confidence intervals for Alpha, both uncorrected and corrected for ancestral polymorphism, for each bin
Defined Bins: Increasing genetic distances from the nearest genes (in centiMorgans): ([0-0.05], [0.05-0.1], [0.1-0.2], [0.2-0.4], [0.4-0.8], [0.8-2.0]).