I am Wilson Mwangi Morogo. I am a data analyst with 2 years of experience in data analysis where I combine my 7+ years knowledge of analytics and problem-solving to formulate data-driven business solutions to evolving challenges. I have a vast knowledge of statistical concepts and techniques and experience with data cleaning, manipulation,management and visualization.
- 🔭 Strong Tech Stacks : Microsoft Power Bi, Microsoft Suite (MS Excel, MS Power Point), SQL, Python, QGIS, Kobo Toolbox.
- 🌱Previously, I have worked with different firms and organizations which include Safaricom, Equity Bank, Sendy, Influx Inc and On-Demand Mobile.
- 👀 I’m interested in Data Analyst and Business Intelligence roles. -🌱 I’m currently learning all I can about data.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any matters Data Analysis and Business Intelligence.
- 💬 Ask me about Data Analysis, Business Analysis and Business Intelligence.
- 📫 How to reach me: Email: [email protected], Twitterand LinkedIn