- Open Therminal Emulator App in your phone
- Write command: su
- Write command: VoSte
- Follow instructions in Therminal loaded script
- For example edit Media Steps Value: Write su =>VoSte => a => number (your value) =>reboot => done
- In Call Volume: 10 (callsteps)
- Media Volume: 25 (mediasteps)
- Set Safe Media Bypass to True
- You can change all these values in Terminal by command: VoSte
- Terminal Comman is: VoSte
After install will module add systemlessly these Values to the build.prop (but you can change it later) :
- ro.config.vc_call_vol_steps=10
- ro.config.media_vol_steps=25
- audio.safemedia.bypass=true
- Magisk 17.0 or higer
- If module do not work for you try install - BusyBox Magisk Module
- Maybe Won't work on Samsung Stock ROMs!!
- Xperia XZ Oreo Stock ROM - with Magisk 17.3
- Xperia Z5 Compact LineAgeOS 14.1 - with Magisk 18.0
- module code optimalization and fixes
- support reboot from module
- to select in menu you have multiple options for one function ect-1/a/A for media volume steps
- write Q for exit from module script
- if you write wrong value for apply, you can write new again
- some little changes in texts
- bug fixes
- compatibility for Magisk GitHub Repo
- just few little fixes, nothing big
- edit of module style
- added selection: q - for Exit
- fixed use instructions
- Initial Release 1.0(0)