Express api for saving favorites movies
Now can be found here.
To run this project you'll need Docker installed
git clone
cd xp-movies
docker run --name mysql -p 5456:3306 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=xp_movies -e MYSQL_USER=admin -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=admin -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -d mysql:8
yarn migration:generate
yarn migration:run
You should see
Migration Default1730474560233 has been executed successfully. query: COMMIT [email protected] seed ts-node seed.ts Seeding concluído com sucesso. Done in 5.79s.
yarn dev
When you see this, everytihing is working:
server up
Follow this APi Reference for testing
- Clean code
- Clean architecture
- Swagger docs
- Jest
- Augment coverage
- Redis cache
- Kubernetes pods
- Lambda crons
- Free and Paid user features
- GraphQL
- WebSocket