Predicting mortgage default or payoff for a pool of residential mortgages backing RMBS
Data taken from Credit Risk Analytics
-random forest
Logistic and Gradient Boost performed the best
GridSearch and Cross Validation were used to refine the models
The model can be used to predict if an individual loan will default or not
Can look at predicted defaults to take action prior to default
Can be used on a large, more general scale as an economic indicator
Level of predicted defaults can be compared to current and past trends to see how defaults relate to economic strength
Since the loans are used to back RMBS instruments, the level of defaults can be used to indicate market movements
The models and their results can be useful to borrowers, RMBS issuers, investors, CDS sellers, and banks
-more model types, parameter refinement
-predicting when the defaults will occur, either by calendar date or age of loan
-quantify RMBS losses
-fit models to different mortgage pools, possibly based on riskiness level of the pool
-compare defaults at different points in time