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A biblatex implementation of the GBT7714-2015 bibliography style

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Date of last change: 2019-02-11 to version v1.0q

biblatex-gb7714-2015: a biblatex style package

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Maintainer: huzhenzhen [email protected]



License: LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 or later

A biblatex implementation of the GB/T 7714-2015 bibliography style for Chinese users

The biblatex-gb7714-2015 package provides an implementation of the bibliography style of the GB/T 7714-2015 bibliography style. This implementation follows GB/T 7714-2015 standard, and can be used simply by loading biblatex with the appropriate option

Need to do:

* 王临慧, 2010a. 王临慧, 等, 2010b.需要等biblatex2.13更新后完成
* special characters in all fields?
* entry without author: the delimiter between title and year?
* TEST FOR texlive 2015,2016,2017
* [1],(1),1.,box{1},superscript,compress,noncompress


  • for numerical sequence style: gb7714-2015


    • add an option gbalign to control the align style of the numerical label:

      gbalign=right for the label ragged left in a list environment, this is the default setting.

      gbalign=center for the same width label in a list environment with the number centered in a wrapper like bracket []

      gbalign=left for the label ragged right in list environment

      gbalign=gb7714-2015 for the label in paragraph with same separation space between label and content of the reference entry


    • add an option gbpub for dealing publishing items (This option is also for author-year style):

      gbpub = true for gb7714 style, to print [出版者不详] and the like when publisher or address is absent, this is the default setting.

      gbpub = false for standard style, not to print the additional infomation.


    • add an option gbnamefmt for dealing author name's letter case (This option is also for author-year style):

      gbnamefmt = uppercase for gb7714 style, to capitalize all the letters of the name, like: ZHANG M L, this is the default setting.

      gbnamefmt = lowercase for gb7714 style, do no case switch of the name, like: Zhang M L

      gbnamefmt = givenahead for standard style, given-family style, like: M. L. Zhang as the ieee style

      gbnamefmt = familyahead for standard style, family-given style, like: Zhang, M. L. as the apa style.

      gbnamefmt = pinyin for a common Chinese style, like: ZHANG Min-li, YI Shi-he and so on.

      the name format can be set per-entry using a field nameformat, add this field like nameformat={pinyin} to an entry in the bib file to set the entry's name format.


    • add an option gbbiblabel to control the format of the numerical label:

      gbbiblabel=bracket for the numerical number in the label wrapped by bracket, like: [1], this is the default setting.

      gbbiblabel=parens for the numerical number in the label wrapped by parenthesis, like: (1)

      gbbiblabel=plain for the numerical number in the label wrapped by nothing, like: 1

      gbbiblabel=dot for the numerical number in the label followed with dot, like: 1.

      gbbiblabel=box for the numerical number in the label wrapped by box which generated by \framebox

      gbbiblabel=circle for the numerical number in the label wrapped by circle which generated by \textcircled


    • add an option gbtype to control the output of the reference type and carrier identifier like [J/OL] (This option is also for author year style):

      gbtype = true for gb7714 style, print a title with the identifier, like: an on-line article [J/OL], this is the default setting.

      gbtype = false for none identifier, print a title without identifier, like: an on-line article


    • add an option gbfieldtype to control the output of field type:

      gbfieldtype = true to print type field, like the thesis type: PHD thesis or 博士学位论文。please use \DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{mathesis={str you want}},\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{phdthesis={str you want}}, \DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{mathesiscn={str you want}},\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{phdthesiscn={str you want}} to define the output string, or set it in bibfile like: type={str you want},

      gbfieldtype = false not to print type field.


    • add an option gbpunctin to control the output of // before bookauthor for entrytypes like inbook/incollection/inproceedings(This option is also for author year style):

      gbpunctin=true for gb7714 style, to output //, this is the default setting

      gbpunctin=false for standard style, to output a bibstring, for English it is IN:, If you want to eliminate it at all, please redefine the bibstring like \DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{in={}} and \DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{incn={}}in the preamble.


    • add an option gbctexset to control the bibliography heading's setting method (This option is also for author year style):

      gbctexset=true , the bibliography heading can be set by \bibname or \refname, this is the default setting.

      gbpunctin=false, the heading can be set by bibstring like \DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{bibliography={title you want}} or \DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{references={title you want}}

      or alternatively, it can also be set through the printbibliography option title, like printbibliography[title=title you want].


    • add an option gbcodegbk to deal the tex source file encoded with GBK (This option is also for author year style):

      gbcodegbk=true , if you want to compile the GBK encoded source file with pdflatex or latex

      gbcodegbk=false, if you want to compile the utf-8 endcoded source file with xelatex, this is the default setting.


    • add an option gbtitlelink to control the hyperlink of title field (This option is also for author year style):

      gbtitlelink = false not to add hyperlink, this is the default setting.

      gbtitlelink = true to set the title as a hyperlink.


    • add an option gbfootbib to control the bibliography in footnote (This option is also for author year style):

      gbfootbib = true make patches to match the standard, this is the default setting.

      gbfootbib = false not to patch.


    • add options gbcitelocal gbbiblocal to control the local strings in citation and bibliography respectively, the gblocal set the both options (These options are also for author year style):

      gbcitelocal = gb7714-2015 to output local strings according to the reference's language, this is the default setting.

      gbcitelocal = chinese to output local strings with chinese language word like "等".

      gbcitelocal = english to output local strings with western language word like "et al.".

      \usepackage[backend=biber,style=gb7714-2015,gbcitelocal = chinese]{biblatex}

    • add an option gbstrict to control the output of some unnecessary fields for GB/T7714-2015 (This option is also for author year style).

      gbstrict=true, not to print those fields such as language, eprint, this is the default setting.

      gbstrict=false, to output them as the standard style


    • add an option gbfieldstd to control the format of some fields such as title, url and pages (This option is also for author year style):

      gbfieldstd = false for gb7714 style, format of the fields follows the GB/T7714-2015 standard, this is the default setting.

      gbfieldstd = true for standard style.


  • for multi-style: gb7714-2015ms

    In order to use two styles in a tex file, add a style gb7714-2015ms. option gbstyle is added to control the using mode. gbstyle=true means all references are printed with GB/T7714-2015 style, and gbstyle=false means the chinese references are printed with GB/T7714-2015 style while the other references are printed with standard style shipped by biblatex, and gbstyle=true is the default set. all the options for numerical sequence style gb7714-2015 can also be used in gb7714-2015ms.

  • for author year style: gb7714-2015ay


    • add an option gbnoauthor for dealing undefined author:

      gbnoauthor = true for gb7714 style, to print 佚名 or Anon when the author of the entry is absent.

      gbnoauthor = false for standard style, not to pring anything, this is the default setting.


    • add an option value mergedate=none to control the date in bibliography:

      mergedate=true to output date only after author,like:LAMPORT L, (1986). Document Preparation System[M]. [S.l.]: Addison-Wesley Reading, MA.

      mergedate=false to output date after author and in publish items,like:LAMPORT L, (1986). Document Preparation System[M]. [S.l.]: Addison-Wesley Reading, MA, 1986.

      mergedate=none to output date only in publish items,like:LAMPORT L. Document Preparation System[M]. [S.l.]: Addison-Wesley Reading, MA, 1986.

      do not set mergedate output like:LAMPORT L, 1986. Document Preparation System[M]. [S.l.]: Addison-Wesley Reading, MA.


    • add an option gblanorder to control sequence of reference groups of different languagesin the bibliography:

      gblanorder=chineseahead to set the sequence as: cn;jp;kr;en;fr;ru

      gblanorder=englishahead to set the sequence as: en;fr;ru;cn;jp;kr

      gblanorder=user defined string like: cn;en;jp;kr;fr;ru to set the sequence as: cn;en;jp;kr;fr;ru.


  • for perl script transformation tool(only for the numerical style)

    perl in=textfilename out=bibfilename

A demonstration database is provided to show how to format input for the style. The biblatex-gb7714-2015 style works with texlive2014, texlive2015, texlive2016, texlive2017 , texlive2018 and so on.

please see the file 'biblatex-gb7714-2015.pdf' for further information!


Related Links


1. Tex source file/tex文档一般结构



\usepackage[left=20mm,right=20mm,top=25mm, bottom=15mm]{geometry}%加载geometry宏包,定义版面



  Title                    = {Probability, random variable, and random signal Principles and \LaTeX{}},
  Address                  = {New York},
  Author                   = {von Peebles, Jr., P. Z.},
  Edition                  = {4},
  Pages                    = {100},
  Publisher                = {McGraw-Hill},
  Year                     = {2001}

  Title                    = {UML基础和Rose建模教程},
  Address                  = {北京},
  Author                   = {蔡敏 and 徐慧慧 and 黄柄强},
  Publisher                = {人民邮电出版社},
  Year                     = {2006},
  Month                    = {1}




1. 不带页码的引用(顺序编码制上标,方括号包围;作者年制行内,括号包围):\\

2. 不带页码的引用(顺序编码制非上标,方括号包围;作者年制行内,括号包围):\\

3. 带页码的引用(标准命令,默认样式; 增加命令,GB/T 7714-2015样式):\\

4. 顺序编码制中同时输出作者和顺序编码标签,比如:\\
	见\textcite{蔡敏2006--} (顺序编码标签不上标)

5. 作者年制文中已有作者还需要年份和页码(顺序编码制与pagescite作用相同,作者年制年份行内页码上标):\\

6. 作者年制文中已有作者只需要年份(顺序编码制与pagescite作用相同,作者年制年份行内):\\

7. 作者年制中由标注命令给出作者年份信息,作者以主语方式作为正文内容:\\

8. 在页脚中引用和打印文献表:\\


2. Compile method/文档编译方式

	xelatex jobname.tex
	biber jobname
	xelatex jobname.tex
	xelatex jobname.tex


	latexmk -xelatex jobname.tex


3. Recommended environment/推荐使用环境

  • Texlive+Winedt
  • Texlive+Texstudio
  • texlive及其它发行版安装见安装指南

4. Common questions/常见问题

4.1 Installation and use/安装和使用

  • 怎么利用biblatex生成国标GB/T 7714-2015格式的参考文献表?








  • 请问我应该怎么安装和更新biblatex-gb7714-2015宏包?

biblatex-gb7714-2015宏包是基于biblatex的样式宏包,目前texlive,miktex都已收录,因此可以直接使用,一般不需要安装。如果使用时,系统提示找不gb7714-2015.bbx或gb7714-2015ay.bbx文件的错误,说明当前tex系统未安装biblatex-gb7714-2015样式包,这时需要安装它。最简单的方法是从本项目源码中下载 gb7714-2015.bbx, gb7714-2015ay.bbx, gb7714-2015.cbx, gb7714-2015ay.cbx 四个文件放到你要编译的主文档所在目录,如果需要使用gbk编码,则还需复制 gb7714-2015-gbk.def 文件。对于已经安装的用户需要更新到最新版,则可以下载这些文件替换系统已经安装的文件。

  • 为什么我之前使用样式style=caspervector进行编译没有问题,换成style=gb7714-2015后,编译就出现错误?


  1. 辅助文件没有清理导致,当采用caspervector样式时编译产生的辅助文件中可能带有该样式的一些特有信息,由此产生一些不兼容。因此需要的操作是,清除辅助文件,然后再进行编译。清除命令为(下面的命令是windows下的,linux下的是类似的只需把删除命令换成rm -f):

del /q *.aux *.bbl *.blg *.log *.out *.toc *.bcf *.xml *.synctex *.nlo *.nls *.bak *.ind *.idx *.ilg *.lof *.lot *.ent-x *.tmp *.ltx *.los *.lol *.loc *.listing *.gz *.synctex(busy) *.nav *.snm *.vrb *.fls *.xdv *.fdb_latexmk

  1. biblatex-gb7714-2015 版本过于陈旧,旧版本对于一些特殊情况可能考虑不全面。因此需要的操作是更新biblatex-gb7714-2015,方法见上一个问题。
  1. 编译命令问题,通常情况下tex文档和bib文档是utf8编码的,因此最好采用xelatex编译,而不用pdflatex。因此如果编译时用pdflatex出现错误,请换成xelatex。
  • 为什么利用 ctex2.9 套装进行编译时,出现错误?

由于ctex2.9套装多年未更新,其中的biblatex宏包过于陈旧,所以需要更新 biblatex。

  • 请问除了利用xelatex进行编译外,能不能用pdflatex进行编译?


中文用户需要注意一些编码的问题。utf-8编码的文档,采用xelatex编译没有任何注意事项,但使用pdflatex编译时,需要给ctex宏包加载UTF8选项,比如\usepackage[UTF8]{ctex}或者在文档类加载时给出也可以比如\documentclass[[UTF8]{article},同时引用文献时使用的引用关键词应使用英文。当文档使用其他编码时,xelatex编译通常需要指定一个文档编码,比如windows环境下的GB2312编码的文档需要指定\XeTeXinputencoding "GBK", 否则显示乱码。使用pdflatex进行编译,如果biblatex不能正确的处理编码问题,那么需要为其明确的指定texencoding和bibencoding选项。比如windows环境下的GB2312编码的文档,需要指定\usepackge[texencoding=GBK]{biblatex}

  • 请问使用backref=true选项后,某个反向超链接总是链接到封面页是怎么回事?



  • 我希望参考文献表中的文献不是按引用顺序而是以文献作者的字母顺序排序,怎么实现?

一般情况下文献表是按引用顺序进行排列,标签是顺序的数字,这种方式称为顺序编码制。 如果要以文献作者字母顺序排列,那么可以换一种编制方式,称为作者年制:




  • 作者年制中英文文献能按字母顺序排列,那么中文文献能否以拼音或者笔画进行排序呢?


biber -l zh__pinyin jobname
biber -l zh__stroke jobname

或者,也可以通过增加 biblatex 选项来实现(此时biber编译无需另加选项),比如:


  • 作者年制参考文献表目前的排序时升序排列,能不能改成降序排序?





  • 我希望文献表以阿拉伯数字编号,而正文中的引用标签使用作者和年份标注而不是数字,请问我该如何处理?




  • 如果我还希望顺序编码的文献著录表以拼音排序,请问该怎么操作?



  • 请问如果参考文献中存在一些特殊字符比如&或者一些特殊命令比如\LaTex{}等,是不是会出现问题?


  • 如果希望在参考文献中直接使用一些unicode字符比如希腊字母等而不想用数学环境中的命令,请问该怎么处理?

直接显示希腊字母等unicode字符需要字体的支持,比如CMU Serif等,可以在整个文档全局使用该字体,也可以仅在文献表中使用该字体,比如:

\newcommand{\ftcmu}{\fontspec{CMU Serif}\selectfont}


  • 我习惯用传统的bst文件来生成参考文献,有没有GB/T 7714-2015标准的实现版本?

GB/T 7714-2015标准实现的bst版本,已经由zeping lee开发完毕,直接使用即可。

  • 我在使用过程中遇到了一些无法理解和无法解决的问题,怎么办?

请邮件联系[email protected]或在项目内发issue提问即可。

4.2 Bibliography format/文献表著录格式

  • 请问可以在参考文献表中实现类似于word那样的与文献内容等间距标签对齐格式么?

可以,latex的列表通常用list来实现,因此一般列表的内容都是对齐的, 此时如果标签右对齐的,那么标签和内容等间距,但标签左侧是不对齐的。 如果标签是左对齐的,那么标签和内容的间距不相等。 如果要求标签左侧对齐,且标签与内容等间距必须放弃使用list。 biblatex-7714-2015的顺序编码制样式特别设计了这样的环境,以保持和word一致。通过设置选项gbalign来实现:


  • 如果不希望在参考文献表中出现类似“出版地不详”“出版者不详”等信息时,请问该怎么处理?



  • 我觉得文献表中英文作者全部用大写不好看,请问能换一种大小写方式么?

能,通过设置gbnamefmt可以实现,默认情况下gbnamefmt=uppercase,作者姓名字母全部大写。 当设置gbnamefmt=lowercase时,biblatex-gb7714-2015宏包对于bib文件中的作者姓名的大小写不做改变, 这时可以在bib文件中手动设置想要的大小写方式。 当要实现类似ZHAO Yu-xin这样的拼音方式,则可以设置gbnamefmt=pinyin:


  • 如果不希望在参考文献表中出现类似“[M]”“[J]”等文献类型标识符时,请问该怎么处理?



  • 如果不希望在参考文献表中出现网址信息时,请问该怎么处理?



  • 如果不希望在参考文献表中出现DOI信息时,请问该怎么处理?



  • 如果对当前文献中的url或doi显示效果(包括间距和断行)不满意,能否进行调整?



  • 当参考文献没有作者时,希望用佚名或Anon代替作者时,请问该怎么处理?



  • 如果希望参考文献表中文献作者数量超过国标规定的3个时,请问该怎么处理?



  • 请问如何将作者之间的分隔符调整为and而不是用逗号?


\DeclareDelimFormat[bib]{multinamedelim}{\addspace and \addspace}
\DeclareDelimFormat[bib]{finalnamedelim}{\addspace and \addspace}
  • 请问如何使文献表中文献标题的是句首字母大写而其它所有字母均小写?

默认情况下,biblatex-gb7714-2015不对标题的字母大小写做处理,因此要得到想要的字母大小写格式, 需要在bib文件输入参考文献信息时给出需要的大小写格式。

  • 请问如何使文献表中的期刊名是单词首字母大写的?

默认情况下,biblatex-gb7714-2015不对期刊名的字母大小写做处理, 因此需要在bib文件输入参考文献信息时给出需要的大小写格式。

  • 我想得到中英文对照的双语参考文献,请问该如何处理?

biblatex-gb7714-2015设计了两种多语言对照参考文献的实现方式, 一种是利用条目集的概念,另一种是利用关联条目的概念。 因此有两种方法:

方法一,动态定义条目集: 在导言区或正文中定义: \defbibentryset{易仕和,等,2013}{易仕和2013--,Yi2013--}

在正文中引用: ``双语文献引用\cite{易仕和,等,2013}```

方法二,动态定义关联条目: 在导言区定义: \defdoublelangentry{易仕和2013--}{Yi2013--}

在正文中引用: 双语文献引用\cite{易仕和2013--}

  • 我想修改文献条目的日期项诸如格式,请问该如何处理?


  1. 利用biblatex选项全局的修改日期格式
  2. 修改日期输出宏,使根据条目类型输出不同的日期格式
  3. 修改日期输出宏,使根据具体条目输出不同的日期格式
  4. 修改参考文献信息,使当前条目原样输出需要的格式


4.3 Citation format/正文引用的标注格式

  • 我希望在正文中同时使用上标和非上标的引用标签,请问该怎么操作?

可以使用不同的命令来实现上标和非上标的标签, 上标标签的命令为\cite{bibtexkey},非上标标签的命令为\parencite{bibtexkey}。 当希望上标的标签也给出国标要求的页码时,则可以使用\pagescite[50-55]{bibtexkey}给出指定页码 或者\pagescite{bibtexkey}直接使用bib文件中的页码。

  • 我在引用文献时已经给出作者信息,希望引用标签仅包含年份和页码信息或者仅包含年份信息时,该怎么操作?

需要给出年份的标签是作者年制的标签,可以使用命令\yearpagescite{bibtexkey}给出包含年份和页码信息的标签, 使用命令\yearcite{bibtexkey}给出仅包含年份的标签。

  • 在使用作者年制时,我希望文献表是按作者年份标题排序,而正文某处一个cite命令引用多个参考文献,且这些文献的标签是按年份作者标题排序,该怎么操作?















  • 在使用作者年制时,我希望文献表同一位置引用同一作者的不同的文献实现作者姓名的压缩,该怎么操作?

可以通过将gb7714-2015ay.cbx 中的引用的基础样式authoryear更换成authoryear-comp。

  • 请问希望正文中作者年制的标注(引用)标签中作者数量超过国标规定的1个时,该怎么处理?



  • 请问希望正文中作者年制的标注(引用)标签中作者数量只能是1个,而不管是否存在歧义时,该怎么处理?



  • 请问希望正文中作者年制的标注(引用)标签中作者数量只能是1个,且只用其作者的姓而不管是否存在歧义时,该怎么处理?

可通过设置选项uniquelist=false, uniquename=false实现,该设置标签中的作者只会是指定的1个且只用该作者的姓:


  • 请问上标的标注(引用)标签过长导致行溢出,该怎么处理?






  • 在顺序编码制标签中,希望数字编码从两个连续编码就开始压缩,比如[1,2]压缩成[1-2],该怎么处理?


  • 在正文中的某一部分,希望取消顺序编码标签中的压缩,而其他部分保持这种压缩,该怎么处理?


    ( test {\iffieldundef{labelprefix}} and test {\ifundef\cbx@lastprefix} )
    test {\iffieldequals{labelprefix}{\cbx@lastprefix}}

5. Examples/著录和标注结果示例

  • 顺序编码制


  • 作者年制


  • 姓名的格式更改


  Title                    = {The design and experimental investigations of supersonic length shorted nozzle},
  Author                   = {Zhang, Min-li and Yi, Shi-he and Zhao, Yu-xin},
  Journal                  = {ACTA AERODYNAMICA SINICA},
  Number                   = {4},
  Pages                    = {500-503},
  Volume                   = {25},
  Year                     = {2007}

  Title                    = {Supersonic and hypersonic nozzle design},
  Address                  = {Beijing},
  Author                   = {Yi, Shi he and Zhao, Yu xin and He, Lin and Zhang, Min li},
  Publisher                = {National Defense Industry Press},
  Year                     = {2013}

  Title                    = {Electronic countermeasure techniques for missile penetration},
  Address                  = {Beijing},
  Author                   = {LIAO, ping and JIANG, qin bo},
  Publisher                = {National Defense Industry Press},
  Year                     = {2013}

  Title                    = {Introduction of Ballistic Misille Techniques},
  Address                  = {Beijing},
  Author                   = {LIU, shi Qiu},
  Publisher                = {China Astronautic Publishing House},
  Year                     = {2003}


Version history:

  • 2016/05/20 v1.0
  • 2016/10/23 v1.0a
  • 2016/11/11 v1.0b
  • 2016/11/14 v1.0c
  • 2016/11/24 v1.0d
  • 2016/12/07 v1.0e
  • 2017/02/26 v1.0g
  • 2017/04/11 v1.0h
  • 2017/11/21 v1.0i
  • 2018/01/20 v1.0j
  • 2018/04/03 v1.0k
  • 2018/06/01 v1.0l
  • 2018/08/14 v1.0m,CTAN
  • 2018/11/04 v1.0n
  • 2018/12/22 v1.0o
  • 2019/01/19 v1.0p
  • 2019/02/11 v1.0q

Update history:

update: tex

update: tex


A biblatex implementation of the GBT7714-2015 bibliography style






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  • TeX 91.0%
  • Perl 4.1%
  • Python 4.0%
  • Other 0.9%