code fellowship to hold my work in Spring Security Using the Spring Initializer to set up an app with dependencies on Web, Thymeleaf, JPA, Postgres, and Security and optionally DevTools for auto refresh of app on building
The site have:
you can access it without login at rout /
This page has links to login and signup if the user is NOT logged in. This page has a link to logout if the user IS logged in.
you can access it without signup at rout /signup
in this page you can register in site by enter your information , username and password , the password encoded by passwordEncoder.encode(password) before saving the password into the new user. and after signup you automatic login
you can access it without login at rout /login
in this page you can log in by correctly configure Spring Security and you can't pass to any page not authorize without login
you can access it without dash at rout /myprofile
The site display your information in this page after login.
you can access it without dash at rout /myprofile
you can add posts and you can see your posts
you can access it without dash at rout /users/{user_id}
or from all users button in profile
you can basic user info by this rout
you can access without dash at rout /users/{user_id} or from all userits button in profile
you can follow the user that you haven't followed yet anfer follow the user , you can see all posts in feed
you can access without dash at rout /feed or from feed button in profile
you can see your posts and the users that followed posts
- create DB in postgres called "userdata"
- chang the with your username and password in postgres
- start postgres by this command
pg_ctl -D /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/var/postgres start