- This project (TodoList Team) is a web page through which we will organize a project by dividing it into a set of tasks, adding a group of users to it, and giving each user a specific task.
- The user in this project can
Create a list and add members to it
Complete the tasks assigned to him
- Wael Alqawasmi
- Roaa Hailat
- Motasem Alkilany
- Mohammad Aladarbeh
- The First Story :
User Story sentence As an UnAuthentication user, i want the abilty just to access for home and login , signup page.
Feature Tasks
- Create new account
- login from my account
- access to the home page
Acceptance Tests
- ensure that your username and password are correct.
- ensure that your account is Authentication.
- The Secound Story :
- User Story Sentence As an Authentication user, i can to create new todo list .
- Feature Tasks
- Create todo list and name it.
- Add the users on this todo list.
- Add the task on this todo list and link it with specific users.
- Acceptance Tests
- ensure that all relevant users are find.
- ensure the todo list was create.
- ensure that his information is correct .
- The Third Story :
- User Story Sentence As an Authentication user, i can Modify on my todo list .
- Feature Tasks
- delete any users.
- delete any tasks.
- delete any todo list.
- edit the name for any todo list.
- send the requests for all users
- Acceptance Tests
- ensure that the user and task , todo list was deleted.
- The Fourth Story :
- User Story Sentence As an Authentication user, that his can to accept or deny the requests.
- Feature Tasks
- Accept the request for the task.
- Deny the request for the task.
- Mark the task you have completed.
- Acceptance Tests
- ensure that he can see the his task when he accept the requests
- ensure that the completed task moved to the done category.
- The Fifth Story :
- User Story Sentence As an Authentication user, that he can to see his tasks.
- Feature Tasks
- Check the status for his task .
- see the due date .
- he can move to the todo list for his task.
- Acceptance Tests
- ensure that he will complete all his tasks before the due date .
- after colon, you must create DB on postgresql todolist called
- set username and password of postgresql properties on src->main
- start postgresql server by this command:
pg_ctl -D /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/var/postgres start
- now start spring boot app from src->java ->TeamToDoListApplication
- now you can go to hrer to open app in local