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Feature extraction and engineering tool using Python and Matlab.

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About the project

Contributor: Emran Ali

Email: [email protected]

Involvement: Deakin University- Innovation in Healthcare (DIHC) (GitHub:


This library was initially developed for personal and team research applications targeting the processing and analysis of EEG signal data.

Target tasks

Feature engineering and other feature management-related tasks.

This library provides a variety of functionalities starting from feature extraction, feature selection and other feature management and engineering-related tasks. This Feature Manager project has been developed as part of feature engineering for Machine Learning models.
Main functionalities include:

  1. Data segmentation
  2. Feature extraction
  3. Feature selection (not completed yet)


  1. This is not a complete library and we are continuously adding content to it. Until now, only the signal segmentation and feature extraction part has been completed.
  2. For Fuzzy entropy, Distribution entropy and Sample entropy profile features Matlab engine needs to be installed. For more instructions, please see "Integrate_Matlab_in_Python.txt".

1. Data Segmentation

All Methods

  1. get_segments_for_data()

a. get_segments_for_data() | Segmentation

From a long signal data, it segments the signal data.
It has different parameters to control the segmentation process.

Takes- data, segment_length, segment_overlap, signal_frequency

Returns- 2D np.array

It generates controlled segments based on the criteria of window length, overlapping etc. It returns a 2D numpy array containing the data points in the inner dimension and the number of segments stacked over the outer dimension.


  • data : np.array <list like 1D array>

    The signal data in a 1D numpy array for which the features will be extracted

Arguments (Optional)

  • segment_length: None/int -(in second, default=entire signal)

    Segment length that should be used to do windowing of the signal

  • segment_overlap: int -(in %, default=0, related to=segment_length)

    Segment overlapping percentage that should be used to do windowing of the signal

  • signal_frequency: int -(in Hz, default=256)

    Sampling frequency of the signal


  • 2D np.array -(np.array, default=None)

    2D numpy array containing the data points in the inner dimension (column-wise) and the number of segments stacked over the outer dimension (row-wise).

Application (Code Examples)

##### Importing necessary modules
from DIHC_FeatureManager.DIHC_FeatureManager import *

##### Load data to an 1D np.array 
samp_data = np.array(...)

##### Set sampling frequency
sig_freq = 256

##### Create a Feature Manager object
feat_manager = DIHC_FeatureManager()

##### Call function to get 5-second non-overlapping segments
feat_df = feat_manager.get_segments_for_data(samp_data, segment_length=5, signal_frequency=sig_freq)
##### Call function to get 5-second 20% overlapping segments
feat_df = get_segments_for_data(samp_data, segment_length=5, segment_overlap=20, signal_frequency=sig_freq)
##### feat_df will have the list of features in a 2D np.array 

2. Feature Extraction


It contains the following features: Problem finding the image...

List of feature types: 'feature_names' parameters

Feature name to use Details of the feature
tdLinStt Time-domain linear statistical features
tdLin Time-domain linear features
tdNlEn Time-domain non-linear Entropy features
tdNlComFD Time-domain non-linear Complexity and Fractal dimension features
tdNlEnSamProf Time-domain non-linear Sample entropy-based secondary features features
tdNl Time-domain non-linear features
td Time-domain features
fdLinStt Frequency-domain linear statistical features
fdLinSttBnd Frequency-domain linear band-wise statistical features
fdLin Frequency-domain linear features
fdNlEn Frequency-domain non-linear entropy features
fdNlPw Frequency-domain non-linear (spectral) power features
fdNlPwBnd Frequency-domain non-linear band-wise (spectral) power features
fdNlAllPw Frequency-domain non-linear (spectral) power features including band-wise power
fdNl Frequency-domain non-linear features
fd Frequency-domain features
all All features

As mentioned in the "Features" subsection above.

All Methods

  1. extract_features_from_data()
  2. extract_features_from_segments()

a. extract_features_from_data() | Segmentation + Feature Extraction

From a long signal data, it segments the signal data first and then extracts features for all the generated segments.
It has different parameters to control the segmentation process and the type of features that the user wants to extract.

Takes- data, feature_names, segment_length, segment_overlap, signal_frequency, filtering_enabled, lowcut, highcut, manage_exceptional_data

Returns- <pandas.DataFrame>

It generates features based on the data provided and other criteria of the names of the features, window length, sampling frequency etc. It returns a pandas DataFrame containing the feature names (column-wise) and the features for the data points (row-wise).


  • data : np.array <list like 1D array>

    The signal data in a 1D numpy array for which the features will be extracted

Arguments (Optional)

  • feature_names: list(enum:FeatureType) -(list, default=all)

    List of features that are to be extracted. More about it is described in the "List of feature types"

  • segment_length: None/int -(in second, default=entire signal)

    Segment length that should be used to do windowing of the signal

  • segment_overlap: int -(in %, default=0, related to=segment_length)

    Segment overlapping percentage that should be used to do windowing of the signal

  • signal_frequency: int -(in Hz, default=256)

    Sampling frequency of the signal

  • filtering_enabled: bool -(True/False, default=False)

    If the high, low or band-pass filters should be applied for frequency domain features

  • lowcut: int (in Hz, default=1, related to=filtering_enabled)

    The low-cut frequency for filtering

  • highcut: int (in Hz, default=48, related to=filtering_enabled)

    The high-cut frequency for filtering

  • has_matlab_engine: bool -(True/False, default=True, related to=filtering_enabled)

    Has the Matlab engine for Python been set up, False if doesn't have Matlab installed and configured. As a result, Fuzzy, Distribution and Entropy Profile related features will be excluded


  • pandas.DataFrame -(pandas.DataFrame, default=None)

    List of features that are to be extracted. More about it is described in the "List of feature types"

Application (Code Examples)

##### Importing necessary modules 
from DIHC_FeatureManager.DIHC_FeatureManager import *

##### Load data to an 1D np.array 
samp_data = np.array(...)

##### Set sampling frequency 
sig_freq = 256

##### Create a Feature Manager object 
feat_manager = DIHC_FeatureManager()

##### Call function to get all features 
feat_df = feat_manager.extract_features_from_data(samp_data, segment_length=5, signal_frequency=sig_freq)

##### Call function to get all features with Matlab related features excluded
feat_df = feat_manager.extract_features_from_data(samp_data, segment_length=5, signal_frequency=sig_freq, has_matlab_engine=False)
##### Call function to get time-domain non-linear entropy features 
feat_df = feat_manager.extract_features_from_data(samp_data, feature_names=[DIHC_FeatureGroup.tdNlEn], segment_length=5, signal_frequency=sig_freq)
##### Call function to get time-domain non-linear entropy features and frequency-domain (spectral) power features 
feat_df = feat_manager.extract_features_from_data(samp_data, feature_names=[DIHC_FeatureGroup.tdNlEn, DIHC_FeatureGroup.fdNlPw], segment_length=5, signal_frequency=sig_freq)
##### feat_df will have the list of features in a DataFrame 

b. extract_features_from_segments() | Feature Extraction

It extracts features from already segmented data.
It has different parameters to control the type of features that the user wants to extract.

Takes- data, feature_names, signal_frequency, filtering_enabled, lowcut, highcut, manage_exceptional_data

Returns- <pandas.DataFrame>

Since the segmentation is done earlier, it expects the data to be matched with the signal_frequency, the exception can be in the last segment. It generates features based on the data provided and other criteria of the names of the features, sampling frequency etc. It returns a pandas DataFrame containing the feature names (column-wise) and the features for the data points (row-wise).


  • data : np.array <list like 2D array>

    The signal data is in a 2D numpy array for which the features will be extracted. The outer dimension indicates the number of segments and the inner dimension presents the data points in a particular segment.

Arguments (Optional)

  • feature_names: list(enum:FeatureType) -(list, default=all)

    List of features that are to be extracted. More about it is described in the "List of feature types"

  • signal_frequency: int -(in Hz, default=256)

    Sampling frequency of the signal

  • filtering_enabled: bool -(True/False, default=False)

    If the high, low or band-pass filters should be applied for frequency domain features

  • lowcut: int (in Hz, default=1, related to=filtering_enabled)

    The low-cut frequency for filtering

  • highcut: int (in Hz, default=48, related to=filtering_enabled)

    The high-cut frequency for filtering

  • has_matlab_engine: bool -(True/False, default=True, related to=filtering_enabled)

    Has the Matlab engine for Python been set up, False if doesn't have Matlab installed and configured. As a result, Fuzzy, Distribution and Entropy Profile related features will be excluded


  • pandas.DataFrame -(pandas.DataFrame, default=None)

    List of features that are to be extracted. More about it is described in the "List of feature types"

Application (Code Examples)

##### Importing necessary modules 
from DIHC_FeatureManager.DIHC_FeatureManager import *

##### Load data to an 2D np.array 
samp_data = np.array(...)

##### Set sampling frequency 
sig_freq = 256

##### Create a Feature Manager object 
feat_manager = DIHC_FeatureManager()

##### Call function to get all features 
feat_df = feat_manager.extract_features_from_segments(samp_data, segment_length=5, signal_frequency=sig_freq)

##### Call function to get all features with Matlab-related features excluded
feat_df = feat_manager.extract_features_from_segments(samp_data, segment_length=5, signal_frequency=sig_freq, has_matlab_engine=False)
##### Call function to get time-domain non-linear entropy features 
feat_df = feat_manager.extract_features_from_segments(samp_data, feature_names=[DIHC_FeatureGroup.tdNlEn], segment_length=5, signal_frequency=sig_freq)
##### Call function to get time-domain non-linear entropy features and frequency-domain (spectral) power features 
feat_df = feat_manager.extract_features_from_segments(samp_data, feature_names=[DIHC_FeatureGroup.tdNlEn, DIHC_FeatureGroup.fdNlPw], segment_length=5, signal_frequency=sig_freq)
##### feat_df will have the list of features in a DataFrame 

3. Entropy Profile Data

Entropy profile of KS entropy group:

Kolmogorov-Shenai (KS) entropy group contains several entropy including Approximate and Sample entropy. A profile is a list of dynamic values for a specific entropy based on the data instead of one single value [2]. The Sample entropy profile is implemented and the entire profile for Sample entropy (SampEn) can be achieved using the functions from this section.

All Methods

  1. extract_sampEn_profile_from_data()

a. extract_sampEn_profile_from_data() | Sample Entropy Profile extraction

From a long signal data, it segments the signal data first and then extracts the Sample entropy profile for all the generated segments.
It has different parameters to control the segmentation process.

Takes- data, segment_length, segment_overlap, signal_frequency

Returns- <pandas.DataFrame>

It generates the Sample entropy profile based on the data provided and other criteria of the names of the features, window length, sampling frequency etc. It returns a pandas DataFrame containing the segment serial number (column-wise) and the Sample entropy profile values for the data points (row-wise).


  • data : np.array <list like 2D array>

    The signal data is in a 2D numpy array for which the features will be extracted. The outer dimension indicates the number of segments and the inner dimension presents the data points in a particular segment.

Arguments (Optional)

  • segment_length: None/int -(in second, default=entire signal)

    Segment length that should be used to do windowing of the signal

  • segment_overlap: int -(in %, default=0, related to=segment_length)

    Segment overlapping percentage that should be used to do windowing of the signal

  • signal_frequency: int -(in Hz, default=256)

    Sampling frequency of the signal

  • has_matlab_engine: bool -(True/False, default=True, related to=filtering_enabled)

    Has the Matlab engine for Python been set up, False if doesn't have Matlab installed and configured. As a result, the Entropy Profile cannot be extracted. Although it is optional right now, it needs to be true to get the Entropy Profile


  • pandas.DataFrame -(pandas.DataFrame, default=None)

    A DataFrame containing the list of segment serial numbers and the corresponding Sample entropy profile data for each segment

Application (Code Examples)

##### Importing necessary modules 
from DIHC_FeatureManager.DIHC_FeatureManager import *

##### Load data to an 2D np.array 
samp_data = np.array(...)

##### Set sampling frequency 
sig_freq = 256

##### Create a Feature Manager object 
feat_manager = DIHC_FeatureManager()

##### Call function to get Sample entropy profile data for a 5-second segment with a 2-second overlap 
entProf_df = feat_manager.extract_sampEn_profile_from_data(samp_data, segment_length=5, segment_overlap=2, signal_frequency=sig_freq)

##### Call function to get Sample entropy profile data for a 5-second segment with no overlap 
# entProf_df = feat_manager.extract_sampEn_profile_from_data(samp_data, segment_length=5, signal_frequency=sig_freq, has_matlab_engine=True)

##### feat_df will have the Sample entropy profile data in a DataFrame 

4. Feature Selection

(Yet to implement)


This is a simplified library initially developed for personal and limited community use. It is not bug-free and going through continuous evaluation & updates, please use it on your own responsibility. Please let us know if any bug has been spotted and don't forget to acknowledge if it is found helpful.


  1. Antropy:
  2. PyEEG:
  3. Other libraries that it is derived from: numpy, pandas, scipy, scikit-learn, numba, stochastic, antropy, mne
  4. Matlab Engine: (for some features)


Version: 0.10.0

Stage: Initial beta


If you use this library, please cite the following papers:

  1. Ali E, Angelova M, Karmakar C. Epileptic seizure detection using CHB-MIT dataset: The overlooked perspectives. Royal Society Open Science. 2024 May;11(6):230601. DOI:
  2. Ali E, Udhayakumar RK, Angelova M, Karmakar C. Performance analysis of entropy methods in detecting epileptic seizure from surface electroencephalograms. In2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) 2021 Nov 1 (pp. 1082-1085). IEEE. DOI:
  3. R. K. Udhayakumar, C. Karmakar and M. Palaniswami, "Understanding Irregularity Characteristics of Short-Term HRV Signals Using Sample Entropy Profile," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 2569-2579, Nov. 2018. DOI:


Some of the features are derived from the following sources. Let's appreciate all the authors of these libraries and papers.



Feature extraction and engineering tool using Python and Matlab.






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