Author: WWM Emran (Emran Ali)
Involvement: HumachLab (HML) & Deakin- Innovation in Healthcare (DIHC)
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
This library was initially developed for personal and team's research application targetting data collection from publically available sources. Please keep in mind that this is not intended violate any privacy or data protection rules.
Nested file downloader from nested directories of a web directory
This script contains a class that allows some functions to download files from the web directory when a specific name of the web directory is provided. It automatically finds the links to the multilevel nested directories, sorts them accordingly and saves them in the corresponding nested directories.
If the download is interrupted then next time with the same parameters it will start downloading from the file it was been interrupted, if the download directory contains the already downloaded files and folder structure.
Downloader class that manages all the functionalities for downloading files
This class contains all the properties requires to customize the properties of download processes. It also contains the functions used for directory traversal and byte movement (downloading).
__ init() __
Takes- Minimum two of the parameter values from above parameter list | Returns- Object of this class | Func- Creates an object with the corresponding parameter values assigned to it
Takes- none | Returns- none | Func- Traverse thru the web directory to find the nested directories and their contents. Downloads them and sort accordingly in the local download directory.
url_to_download : str
Base URL of the web directory to download files from
download_directory : str
Download directory where the files will be stored
username: str
If the web directory needs authentication to access the contents
password: str
If the web directory needs authentication to access the contents
file_types_to_download: list(str)
List of the specific types of files to download
file_types_not_to_download: list(str)
List of the specific types of files to to be excluded to download
folder_indicator: list(str)
Special folder names containing special characters that are usually excluded but expected to be downloaded
url_not_to_consider: list(str)
Web directory may contain unnecessary links that can be considered as folders but are not and meant to be excluded during downloading
is_need_html: bool
If the web directory contains html file and instead of traversing thru the link to find folders, that html files are needed to be downloaded
##### Importing necessary modules
from DIHC_Downloader import DIHC_Downloader
##### Test parameter setup for normal web directory
### Example-1
url = ''
directory = './'
unusual_folders = ['1.0.0']
downloader = DIHC_Downloader(url, download_directory=directory, folder_indicator=unusual_folders)
##### Test parameter setup with web directory that requires authentication credentials
### Example-2
url = ''
directory = './'
unusual_folders = ['1.5.1', '../']
unusual_url = ['/?']
username = 'nedc_tuh_eeg'
password = 'nedc_tuh_eeg'
downloader = DIHC_Downloader(url, download_directory=directory, username=username, password=password, folder_indicator=unusual_folders, url_not_to_consider=unusual_url)
##### Strat downloading process
Please keep in mind that this is not intended violate any privacy or data protection rules. Please use on your own responsibility. Please feel free to point out bug and the team will try to solve it as early possible.
Version: 0.9.0
Stage: Initial beta